

 星星情景英语 2023-02-18 发布于上海


Answer:我们今天学习其他动词结构的最后一个部分。其他动词结构(7动词+直接宾语/间接宾语The radio gave me my direction

动词+直接宾语/间接宾语The radio gave me my direction.


“Child choking!” I had just begun my working day in San Diego, California, when these dreaded words came through the radio of the police car I was driving. I turned on the red lights and siren and sped off as the radio gave me my direction. “ Just my luck !” I thought. I did not know this area well and my first call of the day was a life-and-death emergency several miles away.

I raced to the address I had been given, siren screaming.

As I burst through the door, a terrified mother handed me her baby, his face already blue. Was I too late ? God help me .

I did what I had been taught to do in cases like this. A small object flew out of the baby’s throat on to the floor. It was a button. Fortunately the holes in it had let a little air through.

A fireman rushed into the room. He passed an oxygen bag to me.

The child screamed, turned red and began to cry. He was angry but very much alive.


1 有些动词有两个宾语,一个间接宾语,一个直接宾语。通常情况下,间接宾语指人,在前。


1. Li Zhi/ his brother/ wanted/ him/ to lend/ some money.

2.He/ a letter/ him/ sent

II.动词直接宾语+ to +间接宾语

1.有时to 和间接宾语连用,放置直接宾语之后。


当两个宾语都是代词时(it , him, you , them,)

I can lend it to you.

( 在非正式英语中可以说I can lend you it I can lend it you.)


He gave it to his wife.

3.和动词explain, mention, report, suggest(非双宾语动词) 连用时必须用to

He explained the problem to him.

( 不能说He explained him the problem.)

小练习II. to 完成下列句子:

1.Li Zhi wrote the letter and (send/ his brother/ it)

2.(He/ the letter/ his wife/ showed) when he’d finished it.

3.(He/her/ it/ read)


1.下述动词为双宾语动词(常用间接宾语或to+间接宾语  bring, give, hand, lend, offer, pass, owe, pay, read, recommend, sell, send, show, teach, tell, throw, write

to +间接宾语表示某事物从一个人传给另一个人。

The fire man passed an oxygen bag to me.= The fire man passed me an oxygen bag to me.

2.而用for +间接宾语时则表示所做的事对另一个人有价值,或一个人代替另一个人做某事。

The mother bought a new pram for the baby.= The mother bought the baby a new pram.

3. for + 间接宾语通常和下述动词连用:book, bring, build, buy, choose, cook, cut, do ,fetch,  find, get, keep, leave,  make, order, play, prepare, reserve, save, sing, take

4.有些动词(allow, cause, charge, cost, fine, promise, refuse, wish ) 必须直接用间接宾语,不用to for

A pram will cost you a bit more than that !

They promised him an official apology .

小练习III:加上to for完成句子:

A: I bought something (1) ___ you in town this mornig.

B: What is it ? Show it (2) ____ me. I like the wrapping paper !

A: Yes, it’s nice, isn’t it ? Save it (3)  ____ me. Then I can use it again.

B: OK. I’ll open it carefully. I need some scissors.

A: Can you fetch them (4) __ me ?

B: Here you are. Well , what do you think ?

A: It’s a blue envelope.

B: Well, blue’s your favourite colour. That’s why I chose it (5) ____ you ! Go on, open it.


I 1 Jim needs to hire a car when he’s in the States. 

2 Does he need an international licence? 

3 He doesn’t need to buy a gun. Or  He needn’t buy a gun.

II 1 doesn’t need 2 needs  3 Does he need to

III 1 mending   2. to be mended     3. to buy

IV 1  He needn’t have taken $1,000(or so much money).

2 He needn’t have taken two credit cards.

3 He didn’t need to have a visa.

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