
各类慢性疾病背后的真凶(五)- 链球菌

 鉴益堂 2023-03-08 发布于福建
Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2019-10-26 06:10

English Text is further down.



对于大多数人来说,链球菌始于孩童期,可能是从父母、另一个孩子,或者诸如公共洗手间之类的地方传染到的。许多人从小就被诊断出患有链球菌性喉炎,或经历未被诊断出的喉咙痛,这通常是体内存在链球菌的迹象。幼儿链球菌感染也可能表现为慢性耳部感染(诸如中耳炎等)和扁桃体炎。耳鸣、耳朵嗡嗡声或失去听力(或听力下降)是由EB病毒引起的(更多关于EB病毒的信息请见“各类慢性疾病背后的真凶(一)(二)- EB病毒”),但慢性耳部感染通常是由链球菌引起的。要知道,链球菌是EB病毒最好的共生伙伴,通常一起出现。












二. 抗药性背后的原因




1. 避免喂养链球菌的食物

从饮食去除会喂养和增强链球菌的食物对于疗愈非常重要。请尽可能从饮食中去除各种乳制品小麦制品和其他含麸质谷物芥花油(canola oil)鱼油玉米及其制品(请直接点击各项链接阅读更多详细信息)。有些人被错误地告知要蛋奶有利于健康,许多人不一定在摄入蛋奶时有感觉,但这一直在喂养各种病原体,导致各类甲状腺疾病、结节囊肿和肿瘤、女性健康问题等各种慢性疾病,蛋奶和小麦制品都会造成病症进一步的恶化,请务必避免。

2. 疗愈食品



-  野生蓝莓和所有莓果(樱桃、黑莓、草莓、树莓、小红莓等等):可以杀死身体任何地方的链球菌,将链球菌从身体各个系统内彻底排除。

-  洋葱可帮助对抗膀胱、生殖系统、肠道和结肠中的链球菌,还可以帮助疗愈麦粒肿;同时洋葱不仅能够杀死链球菌,还能杀死幽门螺旋杆菌(有些类型的链球菌与幽门螺旋杆菌共生)。当鼻塞不通时,将一杯热水里面放入切碎的洋葱,盖上毛巾遮住眼睛闻洋葱水热气,很快就能通鼻子。

-  绿叶蔬菜:菠菜、羽衣甘蓝、生菜、芝麻菜(arugula)等对杀死链球菌特别有帮助。同时不管有没有链球菌,绿叶蔬菜是非常重要提高免疫系统的食物,对抗链球菌也是一样。生菠菜特别能帮助青春痘的疗愈。

-  西芹汁:强大对抗链球菌的武器,一进入体内就开始杀死链球菌。

-  黄瓜:最快能让身体碱性化的食物之一,从而加速排毒。

-  香蕉香蕉的抗菌和抗病毒特性对于将链球菌排出体外有不可思议的功效,特别对于肠道系统内的链球菌特别有效。

-  生大蒜:对抗链球菌的神药。在喉咙炎症等情况下,生吃一瓣大蒜立马就可以缓解喉咙症状。

-  生蜂蜜(raw honey)(和早晨空腹柠檬水一起绝佳组合):生蜂蜜含有杀死所有不同类型链球菌的植物化学物质。

-  甘草(Licorice root)和牛至油( oregano oil)对于对抗链球菌非常有效。

-  柠檬香蜂草(lemon balm)、胡椒薄荷茶(peppermint)、洋甘菊茶(chamomile)、牛至(oregano)、百里香(thyme)、鼠尾草(sage)、迷迭香(rosemary)、姜黄turmeric(可以加入黄瓜汁或者西芹汁)、肉桂(cinnamon):经常饮用这些茶或者食用新鲜植物(加入菜或者泡茶)都是对抗链球菌的强大武器。

-  番茄、红椒、南瓜、红薯、西葫芦,地瓜,羽衣甘蓝以及椰子水都是很好的对抗链球菌食物


3.  关键的营养元素


体内充足的维生素C是另一对抗链球菌的强大武器。虽然现在富含维生素C的水果随时都可以买的到,其实很多人体内都非常缺乏维生素C。最好的办法就是通过新鲜的水果和蔬菜补充。如果一定选择维生素片,请选择无添加剂(例如无柠檬酸、玉米淀粉、防腐剂等添加剂的)高纯度维生素,现在几乎所有的脂质性维他命C(Liposomal Vitamin C)都含有玉米成分,这些添加剂会导致许多健康问题,可能最好的选择还是大量富含维生素C的新鲜食物。



现在许多孩子从幼儿期体内就有链球菌感染,导致扁桃体炎、肺炎、尿路感染、中耳炎等各种病症,如果想要要帮助孩子从各种链球菌症状中恢复,最重要的便是减少或者完全去除链球菌最爱的食物诸如蛋奶和小麦制品,同时大量给孩子富含维生素C的东西(新鲜水果蔬菜等),补充足够的锌以及含甲基钴胺素和腺苷钴胺素的维生素b12和接骨木浆果糖浆(elderberry syrup))来增强孩子的免疫系统,以避免经常使用抗生素。




Streptococcus Revealed

Streptococcus is a bacteria that grows stronger with each decade. It’s starting to become like a superbug in its strength and pervasiveness. There are hundreds of strep strains, some stronger than others, which can be passed between people and picked up in different environments.

The symptoms of strep are varied and numerous. They include sinus pain and congestion, otitis media, UTIs, intestinal disorders, SIBO, sore throats, styes, cystic acne, and more. Strep can cause a multitude of seemingly unrelated issues that all stem from one or more of the many strains. Headaches, fatigue, confusion, and low-grade fevers are some other side effects of strep in the body. The activity level of strep in the body ebbs and flows depending on the state of a person’s immune system and current life circumstances.

For most people, streptococcus first appears when they are young. It might be passed on from a mother, father, another child, or even a place, such as a public restroom. You might’ve been diagnosed with strep throat as a child, or experienced sore throats that were signs of often undiagnosed strep in the system. Strep in young children can also manifest as chronic ear infections and tonsilitis. While buzzing, ringing, popping in the ears or hearing loss are symptoms of Epstein-Barr virus, chronic ear infections typically indicate strep. It is also important to note that strep is a favored cofactor of Epstein-Barr.

For many people, strep has been with them for most of their lives, and as people age, it tends to grow stronger and wreak greater havoc in the body. In relationships, people share their bacteria, and it’s not uncommon for a person to pick up multiple strains of strep from different partners they are with. All of the strains are growing increasingly antibiotic resistant and if you think you have one or more strains of strep in your system, it’s very important you begin to implement the food and supplement protocol outlined below. Streptococcus is tricky to eliminate, but liberating yourself from this bacteria is possible.  

Symptoms of Strep

Acne is often caused by streptococcus in the system. When it comes to acne, the strep resides in the lymphatic system. Some usual areas strep can be found include the cheeks, face, behind the ears, and around the neck. Someone who suffers from acne typically received multiple rounds of antibiotics as a child. It might take a bit of time for someone to fully heal from acne because any prior antibiotic use has ultimately played a role in strengthening the strep. Fortunately, by cleaning up the diet, adopting a proper supplementation protocol, and building up the immune system, you can free yourself from acne and the underlying strep. People who have battled with acne for fifteen, even twenty years, have been able to find freedom from it.

Cystitis is scar tissue on the bladder lining that stems from streptococcus being in the bladder for an extended period of time. Some people have had past UTIs signaling strep, while others never experience UTIs, but notice different problems that might indicate cystitis and the underlying strep strain. Once scar tissue forms on the bladder lining, inflammation and swelling might occur. This area can grow sensitive to certain foods you consume and the amount of uric acid in your system. A host of complications may arise that will only cease once the strep is destroyed. I’ve worked with women who have experienced such terrible cystitis they could no longer function and had lost their desire to live. But, these same women have found the real truth behind their cystitis and healed through adding in the correct foods and supplements, and trusting in the body’s inherent ability to heal.  

SIBO stems from an overgrowth of strep in the gut. Doctors today might know you have a bacterial issue, but will not be able to tell you that SIBO indicates a system overrun with strep. Someone diagnosed with SIBO most likely has numerous other symptoms caused by strep. Similar to acne, SIBO can arise following the frequent use of antibiotics as a young child or in adulthood. Replacing the perpetual use of antibiotics, which are laced with virus and bacteria-feeding eggs and petroleum, with healing foods and supplements will actually serve to permanently destroy the strep strain. Antibiotics can be necessary and valuable in certain cases, for example a UTI that is severe and out of control. However, many times, antibiotics are overused or used for inappropriate reasons.

Strep can invade the colon and cause irritable bowel syndrome or trigger other intestinal conditions. Although colitis is a variety of the shingles virus, it can worsen when high levels of strep in the body cause inflammation. The aggravation of any chronic condition is compounded by the presence of strep in the system.

Many styes people develop are strep related. Some styes stem from viral issues, but not all styes are the same, and many correspond with strep in the body.

In 90% of cases involving pelvic inflammation, strep is the culprit. Another common condition, bacterial vaginosis, is connected to strep as well.

Any strep symptoms will most likely worsen during or around a woman’s menstrual cycle when her reproductive system needs additional energy or during ovulation when hormones are shifting. It’s not menstruation or the hormones themselves that cause the worsening of symptoms, but that underlying health issues like strep can take a stronger hold during this time. A severe UTI, an increase in acne, additional sinus issues, a flair up of endometriosis symptoms— all of these issues tend to grow worse during these particular time periods.

Streptococcus in Children

Parents are rarely given the information they need on how best to support their childrens’ health, primarily because there is so much misinformation competing for our attention today. Besides practicing the information found in my books, radio shows, and online content, finding a practitioner who supports what you are discovering here and can help you to navigate your child’s health issues is invaluable.  

For children, it is critical to build up their immune systems with healing foods and appropriate amounts of supplements such as
 zinc sulfateB-12 with adenosylcobalamin, vitamin C, and elderberry syrup. If you notice any strep symptoms, adding a little goldenseal to the child’s protocol can be highly beneficial. It’s important to stay on top of any signs of strep a child exhibits so proper supplementation can help support the child’s health and antibiotics may not have to be used as frequently.

Foods to Avoid

Eggs feed strep and should be avoided while you heal. Some people are wrongfully told to consume eggs when healing from SIBO, but this is damaging misinformation. Unfortunately, eggs will continue to feed the bacteria in your body. Someone suffering from cystitis might not feel any irritation when consuming eggs, but they are still feeding the problem and creating further problems for their health. From PCOS, to breast cancer, calcifications, nodules, tumors on the thyroid, and more, eggs can exacerbate many issues, and it is best to avoid them. You can read more about eggs in my book 
Life-Changing Foods

Like eggs, dairy products feed strep as well. Avoid milk, cheese, butter, or ghee if you are battling any strain of strep. Try to stay away from corn, wheat, barley, rye, and canola oil. Do not be concerned about 
barley grass juice, these are both anti-strep foods and exceptional to include for your health. When the grass is juiced, the change in structure contains a phytochemical that wards off strep.

Healing Foods

As you begin to clean out the strep in your system, building up the immune system is a critical piece. Your SIBO, cystitis and all the other symptoms related to strep can permanently go away, but this healing can only begin once you add in the correct foods and supplements. When you’re fighting strep, adopting a plant-based diet for a period of time can be very beneficial. You might want to consider trying the 28-day cleanse laid out in my first book, 
Medical Medium.

The antibacterial and antiviral properties found in bananas are incredible for collecting strep and pulling it out of the system. Bananas are especially good for someone with SIBO. Berries are great for defeating strep anywhere in the body system. Spinach, especially for acne sufferers, is a wonderful addition to one’s diet. Onion helps fight strep in the bladder, reproductive system, intestinal tract, colon, and can also help in healing styes. Juicing tumeric with cucumber or celery creates a very healing drink. Celery juice is another powerful drink that instantly starts eradicating strep. Cayenne pepper can be great, but be careful not to overdo it if you’re sensitive. 
Raw honey contains phytochemicals that destroy all the different strep bacterias. Arugula, ginger, garlic, winter squash, sweet potatoes, kale, and the meat and water of coconuts are all supportive foods to incorporate. Including fresh oregano and other herbs like thyme, rosemary, and sage is very healing as well. You can read about the powerful healing benefits of all of these foods in my book Life-Changing Foods.

Healing Supplements

A sizable dose of 
vitamin C is a powerful weapon against streptococcus. Zinc sulfate is a critical strep-fighting supplement. One reason strep has become so rampant is because most people suffer from a zinc deficiency, and it is therefore critical to replenish your body with this vital mineral. Oregano oil capsules are great for fighting strep, especially SIBO and acne symptoms. Cat’s clawlemon balmgoldenseal, and monolaurin from coconut are four other very helpful supplements.

Moving Forward

If doctors tell patients cystic acne is just hormonal pimples, then people will remain sick and grossly misinformed. If people continue to believe the faulty idea that sinus infections are attributable to pollen in the air, people will remain unwell. If people just assume vaginal discharge is yeast, and are not correctly informed that it’s a strain of strep, people will continue to suffer. Together we must clear up the misinformation and spread the truths that will bring genuine healing.

Healing foods and supplements can overcome even the most powerful strains of strep in today’s world and with time, patience, and determination, you can defeat strep and experience the freedom of vibrant health. Be gentle with 

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