
法律英语与文化(6): the jus commune(欧洲共同法)

 白鹤云轩 2023-07-18 发布于广东


上一篇:法律英语与文化(5): the revival of Roman law (罗马法复兴)
Those who had studied in Bologna returned to their nations and established universities where they also taught and studied the law of the Corpus Juris Civilis according to the style of the Glossators and Commentators. In this way, the Roman civil law and the works of the Glossators and the Commentators became the basis of a common law of Europe, which is actually called the jus commune by legal historians. ——John Henry Merryman and Rogelio Pérez-Perdomo, The Civil Law Tradition (4th edition), 2018, Stanford University Press p10.
在博洛尼亚学习了法律的人们重回故里后,建立了本国的大学,他们按照注释法学家的方法,也来讲授和研究《国法大全》。就这样,罗马私法和注释法学派的著作成了一种欧洲共同的法律基础,法制史学家将之称为“共同法”(Jus commune)。——(美)约翰·亨利·梅利曼 (委)罗格里奥·佩雷斯·佩尔多莫 著,《大陆法系》(第四版),第10页。
Jus commune 是拉丁文,就字面意义而言,等同于英语的“common law”,但不能将之与我们常说的英美普通法相混淆。Jus commune指的是罗马法复兴运动中发展起来的欧洲大陆普遍接受的共同法律原则和法律规范,我们称为“欧洲共同法”。
There was a common body of law and of writing about law, a common legal language, and a common method of teaching and scholarship.
'Jus commune' is heavily influenced by Roman law, particularly the Corpus Juris Civilis. Roman law provided a rich and complex set of legal concepts and principles that were adapted and interpreted by medieval scholars.
'Jus commune' was viewed as a universal legal system that could be applied across different regions and countries. It was seen as a common legal heritage of Europe, in contrast to local customs and laws.
In England, the Corpus Juris Civilis was taught at Oxford and Cambridge, and the lawyers educated there were called civil lawyers. They had the exclusive privilege of litigation in the Court of Chancery (or court of equity), which had the mission of correcting the rigidity and limitation of the English common law. In this way, the common law received the influence of Roman law.
在法律的实际运作中,西欧多数国家都正式或非正式地继受了共同法,各种法院(皇家法院、教会法院、领主法院等)都将之作为裁判依据,是广泛适用的带有强制性的法律。在19世纪各民族国家制定各自的民法典以前,这种Jus commune 起到了事实上的民法的作用。
The rise of nation-states and the growing power of kings provided a significant opportunity for university-educated jurists. They were the intellectuals who staffed the royal bureaucracies that were the kings’ instruments of power. To those officials, the true law resided in the ancient texts that they had studied in the universities. They did not consider royal legislation constitutive of law but treated it rather as a kind of interpretation. Thus, ironically, Roman law and the jus commune grew and thrived during the rise of the nation-state.
In some parts of Europe (e.g., Germany), the Roman civil law and the writings of the Bolognese scholars were formally “received ” as binding law. (Civil lawyers use the term “reception” to sum up the process by which the nation-states of the civil law world came to include the jus commune in their national legal systems.) In other parts of Europe the reception was less formal; the Corpus Juris Civilis and the works of the Glossators and Commentators were recognized as authoritative because of their appeal as an intellectually superior system. But, by one means or another, the Roman civil law was received throughout a large part of Western Europe, in the nations that are now the home of the civil law tradition.
Canon law influenced the jus commune mainly in the areas of family law and succession (both parts of the Roman civil law), criminal law and the law of procedure.
最后,我们如果从自发秩序角度来看jus commune, 会发现一个有趣的现象。欧洲共同法的发展固然是自发秩序的产物,但其基础《国法大全》却是罗马皇帝的有意识行动的成果。如本系列文章之4 “the Corpus Juris Civilis”中谈到的,《国法大全》最突出的意义在于查士丁尼将法律由实践中的习惯转变成为了由政治权力批准的书面规则,由此改变了罗马人对法律的观念。这显然与自发秩序背道而驰,也为大陆法系后期理性建构的立法产生了深远的影响。

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