
Youth of China in the New Era

 小温爱怡宝 2023-07-22 发布于江西

Youth of China in the New Era

The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China

April 2022

     中华人民共和国 国务院新闻办公室(20224月)





the leaders of a movement in society, for example in politics, art, industry, etc. (政治、艺术、工业等社会活动的)领导者,先锋,先驱者

➤in (the) quest for

It's the final, and smallest, piece in the quest for the dream.



[n] a long search for sth, especially for some quality such as happiness 探索,寻找,追求(幸福等)

[v] to search for sth that is difficult to find 探索;探求

1.quest for  追求;探索,设法找到

2.in quest of  探寻,寻求;为了追求……


n. 恢复青春,恢复活力;(组织或体制)恢复活力;(河流、溪流)回春,更生


1. to give new youth,  restored vitality or youthful appearance to

2. (usually passive) geography

national rejuvenation 民族复兴

例:Realize the lofty ideal of national rejuvenation.


在这里补充一个翻译里常见的rural revitalization  乡村振兴

revitalize   (re+vital+ize)

to make sth stronger, more active or more healthy 使更强壮;使恢复生机(或健康)

To revitalize something that has lost its activity or its health means to make it active or healthy again.


reanimate   / restore  renew  /   refresh /  resurrect  / rejuvenate / breathe new life into /    bring back to life  / revivify 

We will continue to promote restructuring and revitalization in key industries  .继续推进重点产业调整振兴

be reduced to  变成;沦于

The building was reduced to a heap of rubble. 


e subjected to  经受;承受;使某人经历某事
They were jostled and subjected to a torrent of verbal abuse. 。他们被推来搡去,并受到了潮水般的辱骂

plunge into 投入;跳入;突然或仓促地开始某事

He braced himself for the icy plunge into the black water。


She was about to plunge into her story when the phone rang.


mounting    adj. 上升的,增长的

相当于 growing / increasing


 knowledge about and understanding of sth; the process of understanding sth or making sb understand it 启迪;启发;开导;开明


a light that is placed somewhere to guide vehicles and warn them of danger (指引车船等的)灯标,灯塔;立标


having a very important effect on people's lives and on history 划时代的;开创新纪元的;意义重大的

This great bridge traverses the channel, which is of epoch-making significance. 



a period of time in history, especially one during which important events or changes happen 时代;纪元;时期


n. 号角

adj. 清澈响亮的    clear and ringing; inspiring 嘹亮的

  比如   a clarion call to action


not stopping or getting less strong 不停的;持续强烈的;不减弱的

refusing to give up or be less strict or severe 不放弃的;严格的;苛刻的;无情的
His quest for perfection is relentless. 他对完美的追求是不懈的

➤waver   【v】

          to be or become weak or unsteady 减弱;动摇;颤抖

        ~ (between A and B)~ (on/over sth)to hesitate and be unable to make a decision or choice 踌躇;犹豫不决;举棋不定

          ( especially of light 尤指光 ) to move in an unsteady way 摇曳;闪烁;忽明忽暗

No trouble can waver my heart. 艰难险阻动摇不了我坚定的决心。

➤rose to the occasion  有能力对付紧急局面

He rose to the occasion and gave an excellent speech. 随机应变,发表了一段精彩的演讲➤forge aˈhead (with sth)to move forward quickly; to make a lot of progress quickly 迅速向前;进步神速;锐意进取;向前迈进;奋发进取The company is forging ahead with its plans for expansion. 公司的拓展计划正顺利进行His words will forever inspire us to forge ahead courageously.


The 18th CPC National Congress 党的十八大

其实就是  NPC  全国人民代表大会

National People's Congress


a person who is a member of the same communist or socialist political party as the person speaking (共产党或社会主义政党的)同志

依然记得第一次接触这个单词是在高中,我们的英语老师可喜欢叫我们xx同志,写到这里的时候又是满满回忆。革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力。The revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still have work to do.我们将学习也好比是革命,我们需要不断努力,接续奋斗。


【n】the most important or central part of sth 最重要的部分;核心;要点;精髓 

Concern for the environment is at the core of our policies. 对环境的关注是我们政策的核心          at the core of  在…的中心

【adj】adj. 核心的,最重要的;基础的,必修的

~ beliefs, values, principles, etc. the most important or central beliefs, etc. of a person or group 核心( 信念、价值、原则等)

比方说常常挂口边的  社会主义核心价值观  就是

core socialist values


to the core  直至核心;十足;透顶

I was shaken to the core by the news.消息使我大为震惊。


gives top priority to   优先考虑;认为优先;优先关注;放在首要位置


to the full  充分地;完全地

to the full extent of 最大程度地

to the fullest 尽情地;最充分地

What the life someone else is living; instead, we will embrace our own life

and live it to the fullest.

生活不在别处。 我们拥抱自己的生活,好人生每一天。

➤reserve force 后备力量预备队



The city might be grim at firstbut there is a vibrancy and excitement. 这个城市也许一开始沉闷,但它有一种活力和激情vibrantfull of life and energy 充满生机的;生气勃勃的;精力充沛的( of colours 颜色 ) very bright and strong 鲜艳的;醒目的( of music, sounds, etc. 音乐、声音等 ) loud and powerful 响亮的;洪亮的;强劲的Later Toru encounters Midori, a vibrant and outgoing young girl.



a person with a strong desire to achieve a position of importance or to win a competition 有抱负的人;有雄心壮志的人

➤wholeheartedly    全心全意地,全神贯注地

与它意思相近的短语 heart and soul  大家应该不陌生


to serve the people wholeheartedly

➤be bursting with    充满,满怀

to be full of large amounts of an emotion

 He was bursting with energy and vivacity


deserving praise because of its high moral quality 崇高的;高尚的

lofty ambitions/ideals/principles 崇高的抱负╱理想╱原则

➤weal and woe  福祸祸福甘苦

True friends are those who split your weal and woe with you.



of excellent quality 优秀的;杰出的

Those are sterling qualities to be admired in anyone.

Those are sterling qualities to be admired in anyone.

admirable /brillant/ distinguished/ extraordinary/ fantastic/ first-class/ A-list/ marvellous/ magnificent /incredible/remarkable /outstanding /eminent/ prominent/ splendid/ excellent/ spurb/等等


~ (to sb/sth)

)   the willingness to work hard and give your energy and time to a job or an activity (对工作或某活动)献身,奉献,投入

这里补充一个用法  ~ (of sth) (to sth)

agreeing to use money, time or people in order to achieve sth (资金、时间、人力的)花费,使用

举个例子:Achieving success at this level requires a commitment of time and energy. 取得这种水平的成就需要花费时间和精力。


 to make a formal speech to a group of people 演说;演讲


the 100th anniversary of an event 第100周年纪念

比如常见的  第一个百年奋斗目标  the First Centenary Goal

➤general secretary    总书记;秘书

➤aspire     ~ (to sth)

 to have a strong desire to achieve or to become sth 渴望(成就);有志(成为)

He aspired to be their next leader. 他渴望成为他们的下一届领导人.


  1. to get onto a ship; to put sth onto a ship 上船;装船

When someone embarks on a ship, they go on board before the start of a journey

2.to start to do sth new or difficult 从事,着手,开始(新的或艰难的事情)     embark on/ upon

The government embarked on a programme of radical economic reform.


  1. to put your arms around sb as a sign of love or friendship 抱;拥抱

At first people were sort of crying for joy and embracing each other.

2.to accept an idea, a proposal, a set of beliefs, etc., especially when it is done with enthusiasm 欣然接受,乐意采纳(思想、建议等);信奉(宗教、信仰等)

The new rules have been embraced by government watchdog organizations.

3.to include sth 包括;包含

If something embraces a group of people, things, or ideas, it includes them in a larger group or category.

even more so   更是如此

Interest is as vital to learning as the ability to understand, even more so.


strive     ~ (for/against sth) 

 to try very hard to achieve sth 努力;奋斗;力争;力求

If you strive to do something or strive for something, you make a great effort to do it or get it.


without limits; seeming to have no end 无限的;无止境的


v. 展示,展现

n. 展示(本领、优点等)的场合;(商店、博物馆等的)玻璃陈列柜

If something is showcased, it is displayed or presented to its best advantage.


以上就是   《新时代的中国青年》 白皮书的前言部分的全部内容,之后我会不定期更新白皮书后面的内容,感兴趣的话可在后面获取PDF或者Word版中英文对照,笔者大致浏览了一下各种白皮书,发现每本都有它的价值去细细阅读,可以从其中学习到很多东西,不仅仅局限于知识哦。





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