

 Evelyne悦记 2023-07-26 发布于法国



这是第一部推荐给大家的英剧--Ordeal by Innocence.

Ordeal by Innocence is a three-part BBC drama that was first broadcast during April 2018. It is based on the Agatha Christie novel of the same name and is the third English-language filmed version to be broadcast. The drama stars Morven Christie, Bill Nighy, Anna Chancellor, Alice Eve and Eleanor Tomlinson amongst others.

The show was originally intended to be broadcast as part of the BBC Christmas programming but was held back due to original cast member Ed Westwick being accused of sexual assault. His scenes were later reshot with Christian Cooke taking his place.

The series attracted positive reviews despite some backlash over the changes made to the plot. The direction and styling were afforded particular praise.  (--Wikipedia)

Wealthy philanthropist Rachel Argyll is murdered at her family estate Sunny Point. Her adopted son Jack Argyll, a young delinquent, is arrested for her murder. He vehemently protests his innocence.

Eighteen months later, Dr Arthur Calgary, a mysterious scientist, walks onto the velvety lawns of Sunny Point claiming to have just returned from an expedition to the Arctic. Even more extraordinary is his claim to hold the alibi that can prove Jack’s innocence. But Jack died in prison before the case could come to trial, and the Argyll family is reluctant to dig up the secrets of the past.

Rachel’s widower Leo is about to remarry his secretary Gwenda and none of Rachel’s other adopted children Mary, Mickey, Tina or Hester, nor longstanding housekeeper Kirsten, is willing to reopen that most horrendous chapter of their lives. However, the shattering implications of Calgary’s story are too big to avoid; if he is telling the truth then the wrong person was arrested for Rachel’s murder. And if Jack is innocent, then it must have been somebody else at Sunny Point. Somebody still out there…  (--BBC)


1.based on 以..为基础,基于,改编自

eg: The whole plan is based on merely his own supposition. 整个计划只是建立在他的主观臆断上。

2.hold back 退缩,隐瞒,抑制,阻止,延误,推迟

eg:He's a hard man, nothing could hold him back to come to the club in time.他是一个古板墨守成规的家伙,什么也不会延误他准时到达俱乐部的。

3.be accused of  被指控,被控告犯有..

eg: The people of this rural community of being accused of being selfish.村庄居民被指自私自利。

4.take one's place 取代某人,置身于,就位

eg:No one can take Ray's place.没人能够接替雷的位置。

5.vehemently adv.激烈地,暴烈地,竭尽全力地

eg: He vehemently denied the accusations against him.他言辞激烈地否认对他的谴责。

6.alibi n. something that proves that someone was not where a crime happened and therefore could not have done it.不在犯罪现场的证明

eg: He had a perfect alibi and the police let him go.他有不在犯罪现场的确凿证明,警方便放了他。

7.horrendous adj. frightening and terrible 可怕的,骇人的;extremely unreasonable or unpleasant 极不像话的,极讨厌的

eg:She suffered horrendous injuries.她伤的很厉害。


第二部英剧推荐:And then three were none.

Seven guests, a newly hired personal secretary and two staff are gathered on an isolated island by an absent host and someone begins killing them off one by one. They work together to determine who is the killer?  (----IMDB)

And Then There Were None is a 2015 British-American mystery thriller television serial that was first broadcast on BBC One from 26 to 28 December 2015. The three-part programme was adapted by Sarah Phelps and directed by Craig Viveiros and is based on Agatha Christie's novel of the same name.The serial aired in the United States on Lifetime from 13 to 14 March 2016.  (--Wikipedia)


1.work together 与..共同劳动,团结一致,合作共事

eg: How do these properties work together? 这些属性如何一起工作。

2.thriller n. a book or film that tells an exciting story about murder or crime 惊险小说,电影

eg: Like a traditional thriller, this is  a novel based upon choices.如同一个传统的惊悚小说,这是一个基于各种选择的小说。

3.air v. if a broadcasting company airs a television or radio programme, they show it on television or broadcast it on the radio.播放

eg: Tonight PBS will air a documentary called " Democracy in Action". 今晚PBS电台将播放一部名为《民主进行时》的纪录片。


第三部英剧推荐:A Very English Scandal.

British Liberal Party leader Jeremy Thorpe is accused of conspiracy to murder his gay ex-lover and forced to stand trial in 1979.   (——IMDB)

A Very English Scandal is a British three-part television miniseries based on John Preston's book of the same name.The series premiered on BBC One on 20 May 2018.

The series is a dramatisation of the 1970s Jeremy Thorpe scandal in Britain, in which MP Jeremy Thorpe was tried and acquitted of conspiring to murder his former lover, Norman Scott.   (---Wikipedia)


1.dramatisation n.编剧,改编成戏剧

eg: The play was a dramatisation of a short story.那个剧本是对一个简短事故的戏剧化。

2.acquit v.to give a decision in a court of law that someone is not guilty of crime. 宣判..无罪 acauit sb of sth.

eg: All the defendants were acquitted.所有被告都判无罪。

3.conspire v.密谋,共谋,共同导致 consipre with sb to do sth.

eg: All six men admitted consipring to steal cars.这六个人全都承认一起密谋偷车。



A six-part comedy series adapted from the award-winning play about a young woman trying to cope with life in London whilst coming to terms with a recent tragedy.    (--IMDB)

Fleabag is a British comedy-drama television series set in London. It was produced by Two Brothers Pictures for digital channel BBC Three in a co-production agreement with Amazon Studios. The show premiered on 21 July 2016. Phoebe Waller-Bridge writes and stars as the main character, Fleabag, a young woman attempting to navigate modern life in London. A second series is planned for broadcast in 2019. The series was placed at #61 on a Telegraph list of the "80 Best BBC Shows of All Time".  (---Wikipedia)


1.cope with 处理,应付

eg:She feared she wouldn't be able to cope with two new babies.她担心自己无法应付两个刚出生的宝宝

2.attempt to 努力,尝试,企图(尤指困难的事) an act of trying to do something, especially something difficult.

eg: All attempts to control inflation have failed.控制通货膨胀的所有努力都失败了。



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The people you meet are either reflections of a repeated cycle or guides towards a new start. Notice the difference.








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