

 Anna惠子 2023-09-11 发布于美国







Anna-惠子 是一位独立的探索型诗人和作家,居住上海。她曾就读于上海华东政法大学。ACC上海惠风国际文学社的创始人和主编,西班牙ITHACA文化协会的理事,中国代表。意大利 "意象与诗歌 "的合作伙伴。 "亚欧美文学协会 "的创始人。加拿大古巴文学联盟协会的国际会员、纽约“跨文化”诗歌协会的国际会员、《国际作家杂志》的特约诗人、海外版人民日报顾问、中国青年文学家理事。2023年五月她成功举办了《首届中外诗歌交流会》。

她的诗歌已被翻译成30多种语言,并在40多个国家的500多家杂志、报纸、国际期刊上发表。她曾应邀参加多个国际诗歌节,并连续三年应邀参加耶鲁大学诗歌交流研讨会。因为疫情无法成行。2021年和2022年,她应印度驻智利大使馆的邀请,参加了 "国庆节 "在线活动。2020年,她被邀请参加在美国纽约举行的 "跨文化 "50周年在线庆典会议。

20224月,应邀参加"2022年首届悉尼国际诗歌节 "并获得 "诗歌杰出贡献奖"

2022117日,她在意大利获得第28 "乌贼骨 "蒙塔莱国际诗歌奖(最佳外国女作家奖)。2021527日,她在意大利获得COVID-19国际诗歌大赛 "最佳外国作家金奖"64个国家中唯一获此殊荣的亚洲诗人)。2021715日,她获得 "黎巴嫩第19届纳吉-阿曼文学奖"2020108日,她从72个国家的诗人中脱颖而出,获得了第九届圣雷莫国际诗歌奖的“最佳外国诗人金奖”。2020912日,她被授予意大利第八届吉多-戈扎诺文学奖。2019年,在罗马尼亚第七届国际诗歌节上,她被授予米哈伊-埃米内斯库艺术与文学学院的奖章和荣誉证书。2019年,她在罗马尼亚阿尔热什斯举行的第九届国际诗歌节和诗歌会议上,被授予巴沙伯-尼戈国王奖章和罗马尼亚作家协会奖章。2019年,智利圣地亚哥第七届国际诗歌组委会授予她"诗歌杰出贡献奖和证书"2018年,她被希腊第二届 "Chalkida "国际诗歌大会授予"荣誉证书"2019年中国当代文学艺术奖和2019年中国诗歌年度名人榜奖。以及香港左龙右虎杯国际诗歌比赛铜奖。她曾三次获得上海市民诗歌节等奖项。她已出版七本诗集和几十本汇编诗集。《深睡的语言》上海文艺出版社出版《深睡的语言》《缪期花园》意大利语由意大利浮动世界文化协会出版社出版、《血液里的孤独》由上海文艺出版社出版。《深睡的语和其它诗》英语版由西班牙出版。《荒诞的高贵》由智利文化研究所出版,2023《日出之光》由印度国际出版社出版。2021年她的诗集《血液里的孤独》来自五个国家著名国际诗人和著名作家作序。她也是诗歌评论、散文、杂文和剧本的作者。2020年她被推荐为诺贝尔文学奖提名。

Brief Bio 
Anna Keiko (Shanghai, China) a worldwide known poet, essayist, graduate with Bachelor's Degree of law at the School of Political Science and Law, Shanghai East China University.   Founder and Chief Editor of ACC Shanghai Huifeng Literature Association; Chinese representative and director of the international cultural foundation ITHACA; partner of Immagine & Poesia in Italy; international member of the Canadian-Cuban Literary Union; specially invited poet of the International Writers Magazine; member of the Board of Directors of the Young Writers Magazine.   Her poems have been translated into more than 30 languages, and over 2,000 poems have been published in more than 500 poetry journals, magazines, newspapers and self-media in over 40 countries. In 2023, her latest poetry collection "Absurd Language" was published in Chile and sold on Amazon.  Anna Keiko has been invited to participate in dozens of international poetry festivals and poetry exchange conferences. She has been awarded a range of awards and honours. On November 17, 2022, she again won the 10th Grand Jury Prize of the Color of the Italian Soul. On April 2, 2022, she won the "Outstanding Contribution Award" at the First International Poetry Festival in Sydney. On January 18, 2022, she won the "Best Foreign Female Writer Award" of the 28th International Poetry Festival "Squid Bone" in Italy.    On 27 May 2021, she won the "Best Writer in A Foreign Language" award at the COVID-19 International Poetry Competition in Italy. On July 15, 2021, she won Naji Naaman Literary Prizes 2021. On October 8, 2020, she won the "Best Foreign Writer" Category A prize in the eighth "Color of Soul" International Poetry Competition held in SAN Remo, Italy. In 2020, she was awarded IL Meleto di Guido Gozzano(Italy)Prize for Literature. In 2019 she was granted the Mihai Eminescu College Medal(Romania)and received a certificate of honor at the poetry, painting and music event in Curtea de Arges, and also received the King Bashab Nigo medal. In 2019, on the International Poetry Festival in Santiago de Chile she was granted the outstanding contribution award and a certificate to poetry. In addition, she got the honorary certificate of the 2nd Chalkida International Poetry Festival in Greece;    "Chinese Contemporary Literature and Art Award" and the Chinese Poetry Annual Celebrity List and many other awards.   Anna Keiko has published six collections of her poems and co-authored dozens of literary books as well. In 2021, a new collection of poems entitled "Lonely in the Blood" came out with a couple of prefaces written by prestigious poets and writers from five countries. The preface of the collection "Language of Deep Sleep" was broadcast by Shanghai People's Broadcasting Station, and the collection's Chinese version was published by Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House with great readerships both at home and abroad.   Anna Keiko has made remarkable contributions and achievements in the prose, essays, lyrics, drama to sketch comedy in addition to her poetry. She was nominated for the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature.  

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