

 hercules028 2023-10-11 发布于广西

1.Scott noted many of the 343 organizations she donated to are funds, meaning they “pooldonations and spread them across a diverse group of smaller organizations working toward a common cause.”


v. 集中(资源、钱财等)以备共用;积水成洼;(血液)在静脉中淤积

n. 游泳池;池塘;后备人员,备用物品;共用的资源(或资金);(有相同职业或共同从事某项活动的)人群;赌球(或其他体育比赛),赌注

例:Tom pooled his money to buy his parents a wedding anniversary gift.

相似表达:centralize/concentrate/direct resources to do sth


pool resources:集中资源

gene pool:基因池;基因库

talent pool:人才库

pool table:(有六个落袋的)台球台;桌球台

dirty pool:[英国俚语]欺诈(或不正当、不道德)行为,欺骗的手法,不公平的竞技

labor pool:劳动力储备

patent pool:专利联营;专利权共享互用的一组企业

2.But the scope and speed of her philanthropy has raised eyebrows. Additionally, a report from the Center for Effective Philanthropy that details Scott’s givings noted it has come with criticisms.

raise an eyebrow:皱眉头,不满;惊讶或不同意;引人侧目;使……怀疑

例:The scandal raised eyebrows all over town.

相似表达:be amazed/surprised/ astonished at;be dissatisfied/ discontent with;have a grudge against;gripe about;be in high dudgeon over



eyebrow pencil:眉笔

an eye for an eye:以眼还眼

have an eye for:对……有很深的爱好;对……有敏锐的洞察力(或鉴赏力)

all eyes:目不转睛;众目睽睽;聚精会神地看

keep an eye on:照看;留意;密切注视

see eye to eye:看法一致

3.Bezos urged people to put off expenditures for big-ticketitems such as new cars, televisions and appliances, noting that delaying big purchases is the surest way to keep some “dry powder” in the event of a prolonged economic downturn.


例:Not many people can afford buying big ticket items when the economy is bad.



big-ticket item:大件商品;昂贵物品

ticket office:售票厅

admission ticket:门票;准考证;入场券

one-way ticket:单程票

4.Last month, Bezos tweeted a warning to his followers on Twitter, recommending that they “batten down the hatches.” The advice was meant for business owners and consumers alike, Bezos said in the interview.

batten down the hatches:(喻)未雨绸缪;做好准备



例:The tornado is coming, so we had better batten down the hatches here and get to the cellar.

相似表达:take precautions;in reserve for a rainy day;prepare for a rainy day


batten down:封舱;采取果断行动以迎接困难

batten on:靠……养肥;靠……而兴旺

hatch out:孵出;策划

Don’t count your chicken before they’re hatched. 鸡蛋未孵出,先别数小鸡。(不要过早乐观。)

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