
delectable dilate parody | 经济学人记单词 (雅思/托福)

 经济学人精读社 2024-03-03 发布于上海

Delectable [dəˈlɛktəb(ə)l] adj. 美味的,使人愉快的。Delectabledeliciousdelight(使愉快)delicate(精美的)是同根词,词形上也比较类似。

TO THE SWEDES, there are few odours more delectable than the scent of surströmming, a type of fermented herring. To most non-Swedes there are probably few odours more repulsive—the fish has been described variously as smelling like rancid cat litter, vaguely faecal or even corpse-like. In determining which scents people find pleasant and which they do not, surströmming suggests culture must play a sizeable part.


Dilate [daɪˈleɪt] vi.扩大, 详述, 膨胀。vt.使扩大, 使膨胀。Di-其实是dis-,表示分离,-latelatitude(维度)latitudinous(自由的,开阔的,不褊狭的)是同根词。

Researchers have also been working on ways to slow myopia’s progression once it has started. One is to use low doses of atropine, a poisonous chemical found in deadly nightshade(龙葵)—the juice of which was once used by women to dilate their pupils, in order to make themselves look more attractive. Another is specially designed “ortho-k” contact lenses, which are intended to reshape the cornea while worn. These seem effective, though Dr Rose worries about the side-effects from giving contact lenses to children, since if misused they can cause irreversible corneal scarring.


Parody [ˈpærədi] n.模仿滑稽作品, 拙劣的模仿。vt.拙劣模仿。前面的par-其实是para-,意思是在一旁,和parallel同源......


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