
读英文杂刊07 | Judgement Detox

 Evelyne悦记 2024-03-27 发布于法国


Happiful 杂志上看到一篇很吸睛的文章标题:How to go on a judgement detox. 和大家分享下文章的精华内容。

标题里的judgement detox,意思是摆脱对他人的评判或批判,以及对自己的过度苛求或自我批评的过程。detox,有脱瘾治疗、(身体)解毒等意思。这个词我在油管上看视频时,经常看到有些博主提到digital detox, social media detox, 指的就是暂时远离电子设备,远离社交媒体平台。

全文主要内容是关于judgement detox(评判戒除)的三个关键步骤及其随之而来的好处。

1.Increase your self-awareness 提高自我意识

2.Cultivate open-mindedness 培养开放心态

3.Practise gratitude and positive self-talk 练习感恩和积极的自我对话



最后,学会感恩和积极自我谈话,能重塑大脑注意力,让大脑专注积极性,减少消极和评判。感恩帮助我们欣赏当下,聚焦生活的积极方面,有利于从不同角度看待事物。'When you actively appreciate the good things in your life, you’re less likely to dwell on the negative aspects, or harshly judge others.’





1.foster a positive mindset 培养积极心态 Engaging in daily affirmations can help foster a positive mindset, boosting one's overall well-being.

2.cultivate empathy 培养同理心 Reading literature from diverse perspectives can help cultivate empathy and understanding towards others.

3.experience a range of benefits  获得各种好处 Regular exercise not only improves physical health but also helps individuals experience a range of benefits, including reduced stress and enhanced mood.

4.embark on 开始,着手 He decided to embark on a new career path after completing his education.

5.be attuned to ...敏感,对...留心 It's important to be attuned to changes in market trends when making investment decisions.

6.dwell on 专注于,沉湎于 Instead of dwelling on past mistakes, it's better to focus on learning from them and moving forward.

7.internal dialogue 内心对话 Engaging in positive internal dialogue can help improve self-esteem and self-awareness.

8.pave the way for ...铺平道路 Early childhood education paves the way for future academic success.


1.In a world where we are surrounded by constant comparisons, societal expectations, and the allure of social media, it’s easy to fall into the trap of passing inaccurate judgements on ourselves or others. 

2.These judgements can lead to negativity, stress, and strained relationships, and hinder both personal and professional growth.

3.This mindset shift will open doors to opportunities, bringing you greater joy.

4. Gratitude helps you appreciate the present rather than judging situations through the lens of past experiences.

5. Ultimately, a judgement detox paves the way for a more fulfilling and positive life.

延伸雅思口语话题:Judging people

1.Do you often judge people? 

2.Do you judge people by how they look? 

3.How do you feel if someone hates you?


参考资料:How to go on a judgement detox (Happiful)




小红书 |小静读吧 & Evelyne悦记


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