

 玄德玄同 2024-05-13 发布于上海

梨状肌是臀部的深部肌肉,起自第2-4骶椎侧方前面,向外下穿过坐骨大孔而将其分成梨状肌上孔与下孔,肌腱止于股骨大转子上部内侧,是髋关节的外展肌之一。梨状肌综合征是由梨状肌的解剖变异、外伤、劳损、感染等因素导致梨状肌充血、水肿、肥大、痉挛、挛缩、变性从而刺激、压迫坐骨神经及其营养血管引起的一系列症状。症状:臀部、大转子和大腿后侧疼痛、麻木,当晚上平卧,长期坐位,或由起身站立、举重物、弯腰时疼痛加重,某些患者可出现跛行,部分患者存在由大腿后外侧到踝关节的放射痛和坐骨神经分布区的感觉异常。体征 : 1、检查病人的步态和下肢休息时的位置,可提供梨状肌综合征的诊断线索,患者可存在跛行,行走时患侧下肢仿佛较短;2、在仰卧位时患者习惯性保持患肢稍抬高和外旋姿势;3、直腿抬高试验可呈阳性;4、部分患者出现臀肌萎缩5、梨状肌有触痛点并可引起沿坐骨神经的放射痛;6、梨状肌下口处Tinel征阳性;7、梨状肌紧张试验阳性(Freiberg手法)内旋患肢诱发坐骨神经痛8Pace手法外展患肢诱发坐骨神经痛症状。




目的:本研究的目的是评估梨状肌综合症患者超声引导下进行梨状肌穿刺注射的可靠性。研究设计:可行性研究: 10例梨状肌综合征患者在超声引导下穿刺注射A型肉毒毒素。然后患者被注射2毫升碘剂造影,在CT下进行骨盆和臀部成像来评估碘剂在肌肉内的分布情况。地点:西班牙的多学科疼痛管理中心。




Computer-Tomographic Verification ofUltrasound-Guided Piriformis Muscle Injection: A Feasibility Study

BACKGROUND: Approximately 6% to 8% oflumbar pain cases, whether associated with radicular pain or not, may beattributed to the presence of piriformis muscle syndrome. Available treatments,among others, include pharmacotherapy, physical therapy, and injections ofdifferent substances into the muscle. Various methods have been used to confirmcorrect needle placement during these procedures, including electromyography(EMG), fluoroscopy, computed tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging(MRI). Ultrasonography (US) has now become a widely used technique andtherefore may be an attractive alternative for needle guidance when injectingthis muscle.

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study wasto assess the reliability of US in piriformis injection of patients withpiriformis syndrome.

STUDY DESIGN: Feasibility study; 10patients with piriformis muscle syndrome were injected with botulinum toxin Ausing a US-guided procedure. Then patients were administered 2 mL iodinatedcontrast and were then transferred to the CT scanner, where they underwentpelvic and hip imaging to assess intramuscular distribution of the iodinatedcontrast.

SETTING: Multidisciplinary Pain ManagementDepartment in Spain.

RESULTS: Of all 10 study patients (8 women,2 men), 9 had intramuscular or intrafascial contrast distribution. Distributiondid not go deeper than the piriformis muscle in any of the patients. Theabsence of contrast (intravascular injection) was not observed in any case.

LIMITATIONS: The main limitation of our studyis the use of ionizing radiation as confirmation technique.

CONCLUSION: Ultrasound-guided puncture maybe a reliable and simple procedure for injection of the piriformis muscle, aslong as good education and training are provided to the operator. US has anumber of advantages over traditional approaches, including accessibility andespecially no ionizing radiation exposure for both health care providers andpatients.

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