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English 看图[单词篇]1.
English 看图[单词篇]2.
English 看图[目录篇] 英语教学。
9. Please remain seated until the plane comes to a complete standstill.11. Could you put your seat up please?对话练习 Dialogue 1. A flight attendant is dealing with a passenger. 一位空服员正在和一位旅客交谈 Passenger: Excuse me. May I have some water please? 旅 客︰ 不好意思。Attendant: There''s a bla...
English 看图[工作篇]看图学英语-Office Desk.22. desk 桌子;1. Is anybody using this desk?4. Which desk is yours?5. I have to tidy my desk.6. My desk is a mess.9. Whose desk is this?June: Yeah, this is my first day on the job!Troy: My name''s Troy Jenkins.特洛伊︰ 我叫做特洛伊简金思。June: I''m J...
Dialogue 2.成语Idioms.Dialogue one。成語 Idioms flying by the seat of one''s pants  想到什么就做什么 这句成语原来是用在形容一个飞机驾驶员,在驾驶飞机时不参考前人的经验或遵照指示,反而凭着自己个人的感觉去驾驶。对话练习 Dialogue 1. A flight attendant is dealing with a passenger. 一位空服员正在和一位旅客交谈 ...
9. turkey 火鸡。相关用语 1. white meat (火鸡)胸肉 2. dark meat (火鸡)腿肉 3. What''s for dessert? 点心是什么?10. Stop stuffing your face -- eat slowly!会话练习 Dialogue 1. Sam: Oh, mom. I just love your turkey dinners! This meal is delicious!Sam: No thanks.Kim : Sandy, what kind of meat do you wan...
English 看图[家庭篇]看图学单词:家庭类。
English 看图学英文[身体篇]英语词汇总动员:看图学英文身体篇。
英语语法顺口溜英语语法顺口溜,让孩子学习英语不再愁(转)“I Drop Caps”在某些表示请求命令建议等动词后面的宾语从句中,谓语动词要用动词原形或should+动词原形 i-----insist, d-----demand, r------request/require/recommend, o------order, p------propose, c------command,a-------advise, p------preqersic, s------s...
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