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睡前听绘本丨Are you ready to play outside? 你准备好去外面玩了吗?▲It is starting to rain.▲It is raining.▲I have never seen so much rain in my life.▲I DO NOT LIKE RAIN!▲But, it is still raining!▲HOW CAN ANYONE PLAY OUTSIDE WITH ALL THIS RAIN?!▲ Splash! Splish!Splash! Splish! Splash! Splish!▲I love rain!▲I hope...
睡前听绘本丨Dream Friends 梦里的朋友。从前有个女孩叫Melody,她有一个很特别的朋友……Melody很想她的朋友可以在现实世界出现,跟她一起玩。Melody闭上眼镜,So Melody taught her the dance she learned from her friend.于是Melody就教那个女孩,跳和她朋友一起跳的舞。▲Melody''snew friend wanted to meet Melody''s d...
睡前听绘本丨A Picnic In The Rain 雨中的野餐。《A Picnic In The Rain》▲A Picnic In The Rain.▲Rabbit wanted to have a picnic.▲Rabbit saw Mouse.Mouse wanted to have a picnic with Rabbit.老鼠想要和兔子一起野餐。''We don''t like the rain,''said Rabbit.Skunk wanted to have a picnic.鼬想和兔子、老...
睡前听绘本丨A Cat in the Tree 树上的猫。Wilma climbed on the wall.▲Wilma climbed up the tree.▲Wilma couldn''t get down.Wilma''s dad was cross.Wilma climbed down.Wilma顺着梯子爬了下来。▲Wilma''s dad climbed the tree.Wilma的爸爸也爬上了树。▲Wilma''s dad was stuck.Wilma''s dad ...
睡前听绘本 | Frog and the Birdsong 青蛙与鸟儿的歌。睡前绘本有助于提高孩子的理解力、想象力和逻辑思维能力,对大脑的发育很有帮助,对于英文睡前故事,家长们不必纠结孩子能否听懂单词或者大段的句子,优秀的语言环境能够帮助孩子建立英文语感,提高对英文的反应速度,减少对中文解释的依赖。《 Frog and the Birdsong》▲青蛙与鸟儿的歌。...
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