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My analysis of a movie poster This picture is a poster of an horror movie.The upper section is the slogan of the movie and the middle section is the image which is ideal while the lower section is the title of the film which is real.When we see the poster from the whole ,the skull appeals us most.
Don''t treat others the way you don''t want to be treated In the picture,there is a man kneeling on the floor with his head stuck on a table.The whole image depicts an action,for the two monkeys are eating the man''s brain.Just like the advertisement,if the rich man who has eaten monkey'...
My Analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal Protection Today I saw a vedio which aims to persuade the rich young people not to eat shark''s fin soup.This public service advertisement is produced by WildAid,a non-profit international environmental organization whose aim is to arouse people'...
My Understanding of Media Literacy When I heard the term ''Media Literacy'' from Miss Han for the first time,I thought that it was a profound subject and had nothing to do with me.As far as I am concerned, there are three benefits to learn Media Literacy.First,we can learn mor...
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