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My analysis of cars'' advertisements.A line of car lines up in the following to the signature.In this picture, a row of car seems going forward, just corresponding to the title, "Diving Forward With YOU ".It makes the customers feel more closed to the cars, and the feeling to buy arising.If you are a...
An Analysis of An Advertisement.On the first photo, the woman is talking on the phone with the water running sostenuto, while a squat woman on the left part of the same picture staring at the hydrovalve, eagerring for water.Meanwhile, a line of words, "If we pay attention to saving water, can we bring vitality to...
My Analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal Protection After viewing the advertisement which WWF shoots to appeal people to protect animals,I am lost in deep thought.In the advertisement,it compares people with animals,and at the same time,it tells us that the house is to human as homeland is to the an...
My Understanding of Media Literacy Recently,people around the world pay more attention to Media Literacy Education.Nevertheless,what is Media Literacy and what can we benefit from the education?As far as I am concerned,media literacy refers to the ability of people to select the media information that they need,as...
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