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The analysis of a shaver advertisement This is a shaver advertisement which is made by Braun,a famous German brand.
The Analysis of the Movie Poster of Titanic Obviously,the poster image depictes a structure ,involving the portraits of two stars and Titanic.It indicates that story about the two stars happens in Titanic.The image in the left is given,which leads the viewers to recall the movie in 1997,while the words in the right...
My Analysis of an public Service Advertisement on Animal Protection The public service advertisement that I choose,made by World Widelife Fund,is a 40-second flash radio.The purpose of this advertisement is to raise the world`s awareness about protecting wildlife.As a focus issue,it need attract global humans.T...
My Understanding of Media Literacy As the argument about Media becomes a focus point,the media literacy for us seems to be an urgent need.There are my explanations regarding to what media literacy is.The first point is media competences which precisely contain physical acess and the ability to properly use the media.
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