似曾相识2017 IP属地:山东

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最近在美国很火的一首小诗。有人25岁就当上CEO, Someone became a CEO at 25,也有人迟到50岁才当上CEO, While another became a CEO at 50,世上每个人本来就有自己的发展时区。但其实每个人在自己的时区有自己的步程。他们都在自己的时区里,你也是!在命运为你安排的属于自己的时区里,一切都准时。You are very much ON TIME, and in your ...
对手。You are my adversary, but you are not my enemy.For your resistance gives me strength.You will give me courage.Your spirit ennobles me.And though I aim to defeat you, should I succeed, I will not humiliate you.Instead, I will honor you.For without you, I am a lesser man.对手你是我的对手,但不是我的敌人。
献给妈妈的祝福熙熙攘攘之中,你若感觉孤独when you think no one can understand you,没人能了解你心中的痛苦when your love is rejected by others,当你付出的爱得不到回应and when you hate your life,当你憎恨生活just close your eyes, and see, her face who loves you闭上双眼,你会看到那爱你之人的容颜more than any one else,她爱你...
snow song 雪之歌snow song 雪之歌 sara teasdale 莎拉.迪斯德尔fairy snow, fairy snow,blowing, blowing everywhere,would that Itoo, could flylightly,lightly through the air.雪精灵,雪精灵, 到处翩翩起舞, 是否我 也能飞, 轻盈地飞到天上。like a wee, crystal star,I should drift, i should blownear, more near,to my dearwhere ...
RAINRAIN雨The rain is raining all around,天下雨,处处雨,It falls on field and tree,落在绿树上,撒在田野里,It rains on the umbrelllas here,它在行人伞上跳,And on the ship at sea.也落在海上的航船里。
时钟的话WHAT THE CLOCK SAYS时钟的话“Tick,,” the clock says, “tick, tick, tick!”时钟“滴答”响不停,What you have to do, do quick;办事件件要抓紧;
My Soul is Dark 我灵魂阴郁。My soul is dark—Oh! quickly string我灵魂阴郁——快调好琴弦,The harp I yet can brook to hear;趁我还受得住聆听乐曲;
To Spring 咏春O thou with dewy locks, who lookest down哦,披着露湿的鬈发,你探首Through the clear windows of the morning, turn露出早晨的明窗,往下凝视,Thine angel eyes upon our western isle,把你天使的目光投向我们吧,Which in full choir hails thy approach, O Spring!这西方的岛屿在欢呼你,春天!让我们尝到Thy morn and ev...
实现最好的自己 Promise yourself to dream more and hesitate less. 努力让自己多一点如心所愿,少一些己所不愿。Promise yourself to accept life as it comes and truly make each day special. 努力让自己接受生活的本来面目,让生命的每一天变得意义非凡。To fill your life with special times, and make your dreams come true.
苏轼《江城子·乙卯正月二十日夜记梦》原文:十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘。千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。纵使相逢应不识,尘满面,鬓如霜。夜来幽梦忽还乡,小轩窗,正梳妆。相顾无言,唯有泪千行。料得年年肠断处,明月夜,短松冈。Burton Watson的译文:Ten years, dead and living dim and draw apart.Year after year will it break my h...
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