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【和Emily一起练口语】I totally forgot about that!I totally 来自英语主播Emily 00:00 03:22.I totally forgot about that.So see you tonight.我们社区需要更好的安全措施。我的宠物走丢了,我们能张贴些广告吗?很多社区对于抽烟,宠物,噪音都有特殊的规定。有的社区是禁止养宠物的,因为很多住户反映宠物给社区造成了环境污染...
【和Emily一起练口语】Is that fine with you?A:I''m sorry I arrived a day late,is my room still available?A:Are there any other double rooms available from tonight until Saturday?B:I''m sorry,but there won''t be a double room open until next Monday.I''m sorry,we don''t have any ro...
【和Emily一起练口语】Those are symptoms of an infection.Any other symptoms?bacterial infection.an ear infection.B:I have some new symptoms.A:People get infections all the time,don''t worry.A:I need to check your blood for infections.Are you feeling ok?Do you feel alright?My throat''s sore.I have a sore...
We have an opening today!We have an opening today.We don''t have any openings now.Do you have an opening for secretary?Oh,she has an opening tomorrow at eleven.B:She said she would like a manicure and cleansing mask.她说她想修指甲和做清洁面部的护理。How much for the manicure and mask?修指甲和面部护理需要多少钱...
Could you weigh it for me?She weighs 60 kilos.How much do you weigh?B:It depends on how much your package weighs and where you want to send it.那得取决于您的包裹的重量和您要寄的地点。Your package weighs about five pounds.您的包裹重量差不多5磅。您的包裹里有什么易碎品吗?包裹将要发往纽约州纽约市情人巷110号。Can you weig...
We would like to offer you a promotion to assistant manager.I was given a promotion after one year''s working in this company.经理助理。This job comes with more hours,more responsibility,and of course,a pay raise.You would like to work about 20 hours a week,but we can be flexible with the schedule so that you ...
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