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公司法律英语(二)53.公司治理corporation governance.54.公司人格corporation personality.57.刺破公司面纱Piercing the Corporate Veil.68.法律上的公司de jure corporation.76.股东shareholder.77.小股东 minority shareholder.78.单个股东individual shareholder.79.消极股东passive shareholder.80.积极股东active shareholder.
(1)由对方法定代表人亲自签约的情况  ①对方是否有营业执照,而且是否真实,营业执照上注明的经营范围、经营期限等;(2)由对方特定的业务员签约的情况  ①业务员的身份证明材料;②业务员与委托单位的关系;③业务员与委托单位是否有合法有效的委托手续;④业务员是否得到委托单位的授权,特别要注意审查委托代理的权限、委托代理的期...
马来西亚仲裁法庭的线上仲裁工作程序。仲裁法庭中心的线上仲裁工作程序。Then, email your request to mediate to the mediation center involved.The chosen mediator will contact the parties involved by email / phone.Date and time at which the parties are free to attend the mediation session;The parties are bound by the existi...
Judgment and orders- O42.If the judgment or order has not yet been perfected then the court has absolute jurisdiction to alter, vary, modify or set aside its own judgment or order and it is to be made judiciously.The general rule is that the court could not alter, vary or set aside a perfected judgment or order due to...
14 Judgment creditor who has obtained a judgment for payment of money against a judgment debtor may apply to the court to order a third party indebted to the judgment debtor (Garnishee) to pay the debt which is due or accruing due to the judgment debtor to the judgment creditor.如果判决债务人不遵守法院的判决或命令,则...
宣告失踪、宣告死亡案件:cases concerning the declaration of disappearance and death.选民资格案件:cases concerning qualifications of voters.言词证据:verbal evidence.要求传唤证人申请书:application for subpoena.一审案件:case of trial of first instance.证据:evidence.证据保全:preserve evidence.证据保全申请书:applica...
It is a principle of law that the Defendant may submit a no case to answer at the end of the Plaintiff’s case if the Defendant is of the view that:· The Plaintiff had failed to establish a case in law; or· The evidence that was led by the Plaintiff is so unsatisfactory or unreliable.第一种情...
In writ action, witness shall give evidence-in-chief which a witness can only give evidence of facts within his own knowledge and recollection, unless the court otherwise order or the parties agree and is subject to CE, and in default of attendance, his statement is inadmissible without the leave of court.3) requires...
This is followed by the Defendant’s cross-examination (CE)of the plaintiff’s witnesses. If the plaintiff’s witnesses are cross-examined by the defendant, the plaintiff is entitled to re-examine his witnesses. Additional issues that were not raised during CE cannot be brought up.If Plaintiff who is in defence does n...
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