RK588 IP属地:美国

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汉语和印欧语比较的两本书。印欧语系是目前国际上研究最为透彻的一个语系,事实上“历史语言学”就是因为对印欧语系的研究而起,倒不是欧洲中心主义,而是“现代语言学”作为一门科学就发源自西方,人家自己研究自己的语言当然是“近水楼台先得月”。狗 *koo :原始印欧语词根*ku(犬)(侯部3A)枸(牛旁) **qhoog,*qhoo? (小牛):原始印...
双语 | 英语中有哪些与食物相关的习语?这里有一些他们喜欢用的习语,这些习语会为你的演讲增添趣味。So to eat like a bird is to eat very little. 一只鸟能吃多少东西?Eat like a horse 胃口大。That’s right, to eat like a horse is to eat a large amount of food. 马比鸟大得多了。就是这样,eat like a horse说明吃的东西很多。He ea...
双语 | 英语中有哪些与食物相关的习语?这里有一些他们喜欢用的习语,这些习语会为你的演讲增添趣味。下面我们开始介绍这些习语:Couch potato 电视迷。A couch potato refers to someone who spends a lot of time sitting on the couch watching TV. A couch potato指整天坐在沙发上看电视的人。To bring home the bacon means to make an in...
古典文化类英汉翻译词汇大全。住在地球晒太阳 来自沃特比尔语言工作室 00:00 02:42.告 诉 你 个 好 消 息 哦。'''''''' 你 关 注 了 一 群 很 有 趣 的 人 ''''''''因 为 我 们 是| 沃特比尔。
On some party invitations, there’s the abbreviation BYOB, which means “bring your own booze” – the guests will need to bring alcohol to the party. ''''''''Booze'''''''' 这个词在俚语就是指酒。At the bar, someone should check your ID (identification) a...
【美国俚语】我今天不在状态。Brain fart 来自美国俚语听了再说 00:00 01:02 (↑ 音频播放器已经支持暂停、快进、后退功能了)I’m having a brain fart – what was the name of that movie we saw a few days ago? 我脑子短路了——几天前我们看的那部电影叫什么名字?
【美国俚语】告诉你, 我可不是受气包!Doormat 来自美国俚语听了再说 00:00 00:42 (↑ 音频播放器已经支持暂停、快进、后退功能了)Like a literal doormat, which people walk on top of. 一个人不能为自己挺身而出,总是让别人控制他们,Ta 就是一个doormat (直译: 门垫; 寓意: 受气包) 或者 pushover (软蛋), 就像人人可踩踏...
【美国俚语】你就整天躺着看电视!If someone sits on the couch all day (especially watching TV) and is not very physically active, they are a couch potato.Some couch potatoes are also slobs – a slob doesn’t take care of his/her appearance or living space, so everything is dirty, disorganized, and unattractive. 如果一...
We''''''''re expected to just do it at the drop of a hat. 我们期待说做就做。I love to travel, I''''''''m ready to go at the drop of a hat. 我喜欢旅游,我准备马上就去。Call Tom, he can come at the drop of a hat. 给汤姆打电话吧,他召之即来。I am not satisfi...
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