

 繁星泳歌 2007-11-13




金 陵中学前身为1888年由美国美以美(methodism)会创建的汇文书院。汇文书院是南京的第一所高等学府,英文名为Nanking University。1910年汇文书院与益智书院、基督书院合并,创建金陵大学。汇文书院的中学部博学馆,遂更名为金陵大学附属中学。

民国时期,金陵中学始终与金陵大学保持密切关系,乃至于共同使用一首校歌。这首歌名为 "Annable Lee",为19世纪美国诗人H. S. Thompson创作,不久为康奈尔大学用为校歌。1930年代,金陵大学也采用这首歌曲为校歌,并由国学大师胡小石作词。这首歌曲,不仅旋律简洁而不失 端庄气势,又有大师填词,可谓气势不凡。1988年南京十中恢复校名和校歌,其中第三句歌词改作:钟楼嵯峨,教育之宫,桃李坐春风。虽更切合金陵中学实 际,但毕竟不是大师原作了。胡先生所以言“三院嵯峨,艺术之宫,文理与林农”,是因为金大由文理农三院组成,而林农学科尤为突出,后来的南京农业大学、林 业大学都源自金大。国内生物和农林学界的开创性学者,很多都是金陵中学和金陵大学的校友。故而,胡先生文理与林农自有其道理。

在1949年以前,金陵中学的小礼堂,曾经是每周都要进行礼拜唱诗的礼拜堂,学校庆典也在此齐唱校 歌。图书馆则称作琥珀厅,曾经是青年会和金大图书馆的所在地。这洋溢着贵族气息的校歌,只有与钟楼的钟声、小礼堂的钢琴,图书馆与东课楼的红屋顶相伴,才 显得它历史的沧桑和气质的高贵。



曲:H. S. Thompson







英文版(Campus Song)

1. Neath the storied Purple Mountain, with its changeful hue,

Stands our cherished Alma Mater, sturdy, young and true.

Raise the chorus, speed it onward, loud her praises ring;

Here’s to thee, our Alma mater, hail all hail, Nanking.


2. Clustered in this ancient city, gint with age-flecked walls,

  Shrined within our loyal Bosoms, stand our college halls.

Raise the chorus, speed it onward, loud her praises ring;

Here’s to thee, our Alma mater, hail all hail, Nanking.


3. Loudly clashed the Drum Tower warning, in the days of old;

  Softly now calls Alma Mater, Summons to her fold.

Raise the chorus, speed it onward, loud her praises ring;

Here’s to thee, our Alma mater, hail all hail, Nanking.


4. Gathered on the spreading campus, home of college days,

  Old and young we would together, Lift our song of praise.

Raise the chorus, speed it onward, loud her praises ring;

Here’s to thee, our Alma mater, hail all hail, Nanking.



Far above Cayuga‘s waters, with its waves of blue,

Stands our noble alma mater, glorious to view.

Lift the chorus, speed it onward, loud her praises tell;

Hail to thee, our alma mater! Hail, all hail, Cornell!


Far above the busy humming of the bustling town,

Reared against the arch of heaven, looks she proudly down..

Lift the chorus, speed it onward, loud her praises tell;

Hail to thee, our alma mater! Hail, all hail, Cornell!



The lyrics to Cornell‘s Alma Mater were written by Archibald C. Weeks ‘72 and his roommate, Wilmot M. Smith ‘74 to the tune of ‘Annie Lisle,‘ a ballad of the period recounting the gradual decline and death of the tuberculous heroine. (‘Wave, willows; murmur, waters; Golden sunbeams, smile; Earthly music cannot waken Lovely Annie Lisle.‘) Although the Alma Mater actually consists of six verses, in keeping up with the increasing pace of the world, it is usually abreviated to only the first two. The Alma Mater is played by the Big Red Band at all Cornell football games.


巧合的是东吴大学与金陵大学校歌均选用了美国民谣"Annie Lisle"。金陵大学的档案并没有显示这支歌曲的来历,倒是台湾东吴大学记载了它的来历。

台湾东吴大学如此记述这首校歌:本校校歌之乐曲源至一首美国民谣"Annie Lisle", 由一位住在美国波士顿麻萨诸塞州名叫H. S. Thompson的诗人音乐家于1857年所写,描写一位年轻贞洁的妇人的命运。 而"Annie Lisle"是一首类似于Edgar Allan Poe 的 "Annable Lee" 和 "Lenore" 的歌。当时,报纸社论也曾评论"Annie Lisle"和一首相近的"swept the country like a prairie fire"。而"Annie Lisle"经谱曲后,大受美国各大专院校的喜爱,连康乃尔大学至今亦用此曲作为校歌。


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