

 逸蓝 2010-11-16

生活篇: 活出新意与自我

Help Yourself to Some Happiness

People are generally not very good at predicting what will make them happy. They routinely expect that certain events will have a greater impact on their lives than they actually do. And, ironically, the pursuit of materialistic goals usually hinders the pursuit of happiness.

Research has shown that the happiest people are those who surround themselves with loved ones, don’t compete with others for social standing, and become immersed in daily activities. Contented people also pursue personal growth and intimacy, and judge themselves by their own standards, rather than those of others.

However, just because researchers say that we shouldn’t live or die by other people’s opinions, doesn’t mean that our actions don’t matter. They do, just not in the way that we might have previously thought. What the experts are saying is that those who engage in activities that cause them to forget about their personal problems, lose track of time, and stop worrying, generally experience life satisfaction.

But if all else fails, consider this: experts agree that forgiveness is the one human characteristic that is most closely linked to happiness. Indeed, forgiveness has been called “the queen of all virtues”, which probably explains why it’s also the most difficult to become acquainted with.












1. 要有目标和追求
2. 经常保持微笑
3. 学会和别人一块分享喜悦
4. 乐于助人
5. 保持一颗童心
6. 学会和各种人愉快的相处
7. 保持幽默感
8. 要能处乱不惊
9. 学会宽恕他人
10. 有几个知心朋友
11. 常和别人保持合作,并从中获得乐趣
12. 享受你的天伦之乐
13. 保持高度的自信心
14. 尊重弱者
15. 偶尔放纵自己一下
16. 具备胆识和勇气
17. 不要财迷心窍

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