

 退休工程师 2011-08-19
How to Preserve Beef With Saltthumbnail
Use coarse salt to preserve beef.使用粗盐,以保持牛肉。

Salt-preserved beef is a technique that has been used for centuries to store beef.盐,腌制的牛肉是已使用了几百年存储牛肉的技术。 The salt used on the beef dries the meat by absorbing the water and kills microbes in the meat, keeping it safe to eat.肉牛肉干燥吸收水和盐杀死肉中的微生物,保持安全食用。 Preserving beef with salt became less common after refrigeration and freezing techniques were invented, but it is still possible to do on your own.维护与咸牛肉变得不太常见的制冷和冷冻技术被发明之后,但它仍然是可以自己做。 Because the meat has to stay at a cooler temperature to prevent rotting, it is important to have a temperature-controlled room available.由于肉留在凉爽的温度,以防止腐烂,重要的是有一个温度控制的房间。


Instructions 说明

Things You'll Need 这就是你需要

  • Beef 牛肉
  • Coarse salt 粗盐
  • Towel 毛巾
  • Temperature controlled room 温度控制的房间
  • Thick string 厚字符串
  • Hook
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      Rinse the meat and dry it with a towel before salting.肉洗净,用干毛巾前盐腌。

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      Rub a thick layer of coarse salt all over the meat.各地肉擦了一层厚厚的粗盐。 You want to make sure the beef is fully covered with the salt and that it has been rubbed into any cracks or crannies in the meat.你要确保牛肉完全覆盖的盐,它已被擦到肉的任何裂缝或缝隙。

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      Use the string and hook to hang the meat in the temperature controlled room.使用字符串和温度控制的房间,挂在肉钩。 The room should be set between 55-60 degrees Fahrenheit.房间应设置华氏55-60度之间。

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      Dry the meat for 2 ½ to 3 weeks, checking daily to make sure the room is staying at the temperature and the meat is not going bad.干肉的2岁半至3周,日常检查,以确保房间是住在温度和肉是不会坏。

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      Rinse the salt from the meat once it is preserved and store or cook as desired.冲洗干净的肉,盐,一旦它被保留,并存放或烹调需要。

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