

 昵称10274400 2012-06-24




1.  安提瓜和巴布达 Antigua and Barbuda   

2.  阿根廷 Argentina

3.  澳大利亚 Australia

4.  巴西 Brazil

5.  加拿大 Canada

6.  中国 China

7.  哥伦比亚 Colombia

8.  古巴 Cuba

9.  丹麦 Denmark

10.芬兰 Finland

11.法国 France

12.德国 Germany

13.希腊 Greece

14.香港 HongKong

15.印度 India

16.印度尼西亚 Indonesia

17.爱尔兰 Ireland

18.意大利 Italy

19.日本 Japan

20.韩国 Korea

21.利比里亚 Liberia

22.澳门 Macao

23.马来西亚 Malaysia

24. 马绍尔群岛Marshall Islands

25.墨西哥 Mexico

26.马耳他 Malta

27.蒙古 Mongolia

28.荷兰 Netherlands

29.新西兰 New Zealand

30.巴拿马 Panama

31.菲律宾 Philippines

32.葡萄牙 Portugal

33.俄罗斯 Russia

34.新加坡 Singapore

35.西班牙 Spain

36.圣文森特 St. Vincent

37.瑞典 Sweden

38.台湾省 Taiwan

39.泰国 Thailand

40.土耳其 Turkey

41.英国 United Kingdom=UK

42.美国 United States of America=USA




Zero       one           two          three          four         five 

 six         seven         eight         nine           ten

eleven 十一   twelve 十二     thirteen 十三    fourteen 十四     fifteen 十五

sixteen 十六   seventeen 十七  eighteen 十八    nineteen 十九

twenty 二十   thirty 三十      forty 四十      fifty 五十        sixty  六十

seventy 七十  eighty 八十      ninety  九十

hundred     thousand      ten thousand   million 百万

first 第一     second  第二    third 第三

. point 小数点   0.1  nought point one 零点一

double 双的,双倍的      triple  三倍的


2009   two thousand and nine

2010   two thousand and ten    or    twenty  ten



January(Jan.) 一月    February(Feb.) 二月      March(Mar.)  三月

April(Apr.) 四月      May(May.) 五月         June(Jun.)  六月  

July(Jul.) 七月       August(Aug.) 八月       September(Sep.)  九月

October(Oct.) 十月   November(Nov.) 十一月   December(Dec.) 十二月

4、 星期

Sunday  星期天      Monday 星期一      Tuesday 星期二      Wednesday 星期三

Thursday 星期四     Friday 星期五        Saturday 星期六


   I ---1 II---2III---3IIII(IV)---4V---5VI---6VII---7VIII---8




1.       tally-tallyman-checker 理货员

2.       ship-vessle-bay贝位-deck甲板-hatch舱口-

3.       captain船长-chief officer-the first mate大副-duty officer值班副-seaman船员

4.       inward进口-outward出口-import进口-export出口-sail航行-sailing time开航时间

5.       port港口-wharf码头-yard堆场-dock堆场-terminal码头-container集装箱-seal签封

6.       paper文件-document文件-list单证-report报告

7.       stevedore码头工人-docker堆场员-foreman工班,作业指导员

signal man指挥手-stevedore office现场作业调度室

8.       load-discharge-unload

9.       damage残损-front前面、前部-rear后部


original damage原残-stevedores’ damage工残

10.   crane岸吊-gantry龙门吊-forklift叉车

11.   warehouse仓库-cargo货物-warehouse keeper仓库管理员

12.   agent代理-planer策划-

13.   mark标志-lot票号

14.   tractor拖车-trailer拖头

15.   seaside海侧-shoreside陆侧

16.   stowage积载-stowage plan积载图-cargo plan船图、货物积载图

17.   reefer冷藏-reefer cargo冷藏货-engine发动机

18.   draft水尺

19.   dock receipt场站收据

20.   bulk cargo件杂货-ballast water压舱水-fresh water淡水

21.   original原始的-responsible负责-responsibility职责、责任



1.  打招呼


Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening.------上午好/下午好/晚上好

Nice to meet you/I’m glad to see you.------见到你真高兴/我很高兴见到你

How are you?/Fine, thank you./I’m OK.------你好吗?/很好,谢谢/我不错。

2.  介绍

This is……这是…….


3.  打扰别人

Excuse me.------对不起。

I’m afraid I’ll bother you.------恐怕我要打扰您了。

4.  表示赞许

Well done.------干的漂亮。

Good job.------工作不错。


5.  感谢与致谢

Thanks a lot.------非常感谢。

Thank you very much.------太感谢你了。

It’s very nice of you.------你真是太好了。

All right./That’s all right. ------/没关系。

You’re welcome.------没关系。不用谢。

6.  商量、征求意见

Could you please tell me how to deal with damage?------请您告诉我如何处理残损?

I’d like to discuss damage with you.------我想与您讨论残损问题。

7.  道别

See you next voyage.------下一航次见。

See you.------再见。

Goodbye/ bye.------拜拜/再会。

8.  请求帮助

Could you do me a favor?------您能帮帮我吗?

Please give your hand to me.------请帮我一下。

9.  求救

Help me!------救命!

Save me.------救救我。

10.   讨论时间

What time to be finished?------什么时间会完货(结束)?

What time sailing?-------何时开航?

About  six.------大约六点。

At ten o’clock.------在十点钟。



1Excuse me, are you a seaman on the ship? 请问你是船上的海员吗?

2Excuse me, are you a tallyman? 劳驾,你是理货员吗?

3Will you please tell me something about their packing? 请告诉我一些关于它们包装的情况。

4Where are you going to stow all these cargoes? 你们要把这些货装在哪里?

5In short, we mustn’t stow heavy cargoes over light cargoes. 总之,我们不能把重货放在轻货上面。

6How heavy is the forklift? 这叉车有多重?

7What’s the weight of the crane? 起重机的重量是多少?

      granite 方石  stone product  石制品

8How are you going to load the general cargo, with ship’s derricks or with shore cranes? 要如何装这些杂货,用船吊还是岸吊?

9Usually we use ship’s derricks to lift the cargo. 通常我们用船吊吊。

10Where’s the Chief Officer’s cabin? 大副的房间在哪里?

11When will you start working? 什么时候开始作业?

12How many gangs? 开几路?

13Please tell the Bosun to open all the hatches and swing the derricks of Hatch No.2 and No.4 to the seaside and the rest to the shoreside.


14What’s the safe working load of each derrick? 每根吊杠的安全工作负荷是多少?

15What’s the lifting capacity of the derricks in union purchase? 双杠联吊的负荷量是多少?

16The port boom at Hatch No.2 is too low. Please top it a little bit. 2舱的左舷吊杠太低,请向上升一点。

17The gangway is too high. Will you please lower it a little bit? 舷梯太高了,请放低些。

18 (Is) The winch in trouble? 起货机发生故障了吗?

What’s wrong the matter the trouble with it?  出了什么问题?


19It’s getting dark. Will you please fix up all the cargo light? 天渐渐暗了,请把货灯装上,好吗?

20What can I do for you? 我可以帮助你吗?/你有什么事吗?

21I’d like to talk with you about loading. 我想跟你谈谈装船的事。

22I’d like to check the rotation of the discharging ports first. 我要先核对卸货港顺序。

23T: Chief, can you tell me something about dunnaging? 大副,你能告诉我一些关于衬垫的情况吗?

24O: Yes, please put double dunnage in the lower holds and single in the tweendecks. And lay mats where necessary. 好的,请在底舱放两层垫舱板,二层舱放一层垫板。在必要的地方铺上席子。

25T: What about separation? 隔票怎么样?

26O: The cargoes for different ports must be separated with nets. And the big lots for the same port must be separated with coloured tapes. 不同港口的货必须用网隔开,同时同港口的大票货必须用彩色胶带分隔。

27Is it necessary to separate the transshipment cargo lot by lot? 转口货需要每票都分隔开吗?

28Please pay more attention to it.请多加注意。

29Will you please tell your Duty Officer to be present during loading? 装船时请通知值班副到场,好吗?

30Anything else? 还有其他什么事吗?

31All the cargoes for the same port must be stowed in one block. 同一港口货必须装成一堆。

32Chief, are there any special requirements for loading the reefer cargo? 大副,对于装冷藏货还有其他特殊要求吗?

33As there may not be enough space, you have to stow the reefer cargo as close as possible. 由于舱容可能不够,我们必须尽可能把冷藏货装得紧些。

34Shall we stow it up to the deckhead? 我们要一直装到舱顶吗?

35As for the cartons, please put one layer of egg sticks every five tiers high. 至于纸箱,请每隔5个高放一层小木棒。

36Here is the cargo plan! 积载图来了!

37There comes the Bosun! 水手长来了!

38Will you please show me the rotation of the discharging ports?请指示我卸货港顺序好吗?

39Have you got the bay plan ready? 你把贝位图准备好吗?

40How many empty vans shall we carry this time? 这次要装多少个空箱?

41How many gangs are you going to work with this afternoon? 今天下午打算开几路作业?

42Did you examine the vans before loading? 装船前你有检查箱子吗?

43Please examine the apparent condition, check the container number and the seal condition and jot down its actual stowage. In case there’s any problem, we’ll contact the parties concerned and ask them to solve it. 检查箱外表状况,核对箱号,检查铅封状况,记录箱子的实际积载位置。万一有什么问题,我们会跟有关方联系,要求他们解决问题。

44Chief, it’s shown on the loading list that there are two excavators to load. Now the question is how we can take them on board. 大副,装货清单上表明有两台掘土机要装船。现在,问题是我们如何把它们吊上船。

45How many tons each unit? 每件多少吨?

46According to the cargo plan, they’re to be stowed in Hatch No.3 tweendeck. 根据配载图,要装在3号舱的二层舱。

47I don’t think there is enough space in the chamber for the reefer cargo. 我想冷藏室舱容可能不够装冷藏货。

48How many tons of coal are you to take this time?这次要装多少吨煤?

49 Will you please let me have a copy of      请给我一份

                                    your ship’s deadweigtht scale? 载重标尺图好吗?

*                                    the loading list?请给我一份装货单好吗?

*                                    the bay plan?请给我一份贝位图好吗?

50Here’s the additional cargo list. Could you arrange some space for them? 这是添载清单。你能安排舱容吗?

51We’re going to load them as soon as we finish loading the general cargo. 一装完杂货我们就去装它们。

52Please inform me when you start loading them. 开始装船时请通知我。

53I’ll keep in touch with you then. 我会和你保持联系。

54 Leave these broken cases as they are because the Duty Officer will inspect them. 请把破损箱留在原位,因为值班副要检查。

55TAre the holds ready for loading now? 所有舱口都准备好装船了吗?

56ONot yet. We’ve cleaned the holds and have been waiting for the surveyor’s inspection. 还没有,我们已打扫干净,正等检查员来检查。

57How about the ventilation? 通风口怎么样?

58In order to prevent sweating, all the steel structures must be covered with plastic paper. 为了防止水渍,所有的钢架都必须用塑料纸覆盖。

59You have to fill up the lower hold first, then I can tell you how much space can be used in the tweendeck. 你要先把底层舱装满,然后我才能告诉你二层舱还有多少舱容可以用。

60In hatch No.1 lower hold we found many bags stained by sweat. 1舱底层我们发现很多袋被水汽污染。

61Put them on both sides of deck No.5, leaving a passage between the hatch coaming and the cargo. 把它们放在5号甲板的两边,在舱口围板和货物之间留一条通道。

62It will cause damage to the ship if any accident happens. 如果发生意外将会导致船受损。

63What’s the number of shipping order? 装货单号是多少?

64It’s not suitable to stow it on deck. 把它装在甲板上不适合。

65Is there any problem with the poisonous cargo? 关于有毒货还有什么问题吗?

66You’d better shift some cargo away. 你最好移开一些货。

67It’s not suitable to stow the hardware on top of the general cargo. 把五金器皿装在杂货上面,是不适合的。

68Chief checker, are you free now? 理货长,你现在有空吗?

69Please tell the stevedores to block up the light packages inside and put the heavy ones outside, because were going to load some other cargo on top at the next port.请告诉装卸工将轻泡货装在里面,将重件货放在外面,因为在下个港口还要装其它货在上面。

70You can use more section in the hatchway, but leave a small margin.可多用些舱口位,但要留下一小段边缘。

71Can we stow it all over the lower hold? 要将底舱装满吗?

72The stevedored will make it level. 装卸工会弄平的。

73Please stow the cargo as close as possible and right to the deckhead. 请装得尽可能紧,直到到舱顶。

74We’ll have to make a change. 我们不得不改变。

75There’s a lot of cargo left. So it’s hard to say whether there is enough space. 还剩下很多货,很难说舱容到底够不够。

76Furthermore, it’s very difficult to block them up to the deckhead. 并且,很难把货堆到舱顶。

77How many tons do you want to shift? 要移多少吨货?

78The ship will be down by the stern. 船会向后倾。

79The ship is listing too much, you have to trim the cargo better. 船倾斜得太历害了,你们必需把货物平整好。

80Since Hatch No.2 is the key hold, you’d better shift some cargo away. 因为2号舱是重点舱,你最好移走一些货。

81Dont shift too much cargo to Hatch No.1, otherwise, itll cause the ship to be down by head. 不要移太多货到1号舱,否则,会导致船前倾。

82O: How many tons have been loaded on board so far? 到目前为止已装了多少吨?

83T: Up to now, 3,000 tons have been loaded. 到目前为止已装了3000吨。

84O: That is to say, there’re still 200 tons to load. 那就是说,还有200吨要装。

85The space there is nearly full up. We can stow only 10 more tons at best. 舱容已快装满了,我们最多只能再装10吨。

86At the close of this shift you have to tell me the balance of each hold immediately. 在这个工班结束之前你必须及时告诉我每个舱口的余数。

87The load is now over. Here are the Mate’s Receipts for you to sign and the Shipping Orders for your reference.装船结束。这是收货单给你签字,装货单供你参考。

88Is there any cargo short shipped? 有没有货物漏装?

89There’re 150 packages of toys shut out. 150袋玩具退关。

90I was on the spot then. But I told the stevedores to replace them by new ones. And before I was off duty, they had changed the torn bags already. 我当时在现场,但我曾告诉工人要把它们换成新的,并且在我下班前,所有的破包都已更换。

91I’ll sign it without any remarks. 我签字,不加任何批注。

92Here are the Shipping Orders for your reference.

*       You may keep it for your reference.这个留给你参考。

*       This is only for your reference.这个仅供参考。

93Is there any cargo    short shipped?有没有货物漏装?

*       Is there any cargo    cancelled?有没有货物取消?

*       Is there any cargo    shut out?有没有货物退关?

94That’s due to     an insufficiency of space.这是由于舱容不够。

                   winch trouble.由于起货机出了故障。

                   careless handling.由于野蛮(粗心)操作。

95Would you like any (soft) drinks?  来点饮料(好吗)?

96How about the cargo condition during loading? 装船过程中货物的状况如何?

97Are there any disputes over the tally figures at the loading port? 装货港的理货数字有争议吗?

98Will you show me the tally room? 请问理货室在哪里?

99What time do you want it? 几时要?

100Are you going to tick slings with me? 你要跟我一起记吊吗?

101They always make slings in fixed form and fixed quantity. 通常他们做关是定型定量的。

102They’ll make up for it in the next sling. 他们会在下一吊补上。

103How many slings have you ticked up to now? 到现在为止你已记了多少吊?

104By the end of last shift, we’d unloaded 6,000 bags of urea. 上一工班结束时,我们已卸了6000袋尿素。

105Please write down on the paper. 请记在单证上。

106Let’s count and see how many wet bags there are in it. 让我们一起数一数,看看有多少湿袋?

107What’s the stevedores’ meal time? 工人的用餐时间是什么时候?

108OWhen will this shift end? 这班几点结束?

109TAt 3 p.m.下午3点。

110Do the stevedores work night and day? 工人白天和晚上都有作业吗?

111They work round the clock in three shifts.他们实行三班倒制。

112We’re off shift now. 我们现在收工了。

113Shall we check up the figures? 核对一下数字好吗?

114How many slings have you ticked altogether? 你总共记了多少吊?

115What’s the total amount of the damaged bags? 残损包共有多少?

116I found many bags with covers torn and contents exposed in the hold. Will you go and inspect them? 我发现舱内有许多包外表破损,内货外露。你能去检查一下吗?

117Still in good order and condition?仍然状况良好吗?

118In case we find any damaged cargo during discharging, shall we discharge it ashore or  leave it on board for your inspection? 万一在卸船过程中发现残损货,是要将货物卸到岸上还是留在甲板上让你检查?

119O: Be sure to make a clear distinction between the damage originally existing and that caused by the stevedores here. 务必要把原残和工残分清楚。

120T: Don’t worry about it. We’ll surely distinguish the original damage from the stevedores’. 不用担心,我们一定会把原残和工残分开。

121Who’s going to sign damage records? 谁签残损记录?

122  How to deal with the leaking drum in Hold No.1? 一号舱口的漏桶该如何处理?

123I think the case was damaged by the stevedores’ rough handling. 我想这个箱是由于工人的野蛮操作导致残损。

124If you find any slightly damaged cargo you can discharge it ashore without inspection. 如发现轻微残损货可以卸到岸上,不用检查。

125I found many drums on the aft deck. Are they for this port? 在甲板后部我发现很多桶,都是这个港口的货吗?

126The drums are very rusty and the marks are rather indistinct. 这些桶生锈得非常历害并且标志很不清。

127We’ll discharge them direct into trucks sometime tomorrow afternoon. 明天下午我们会把货直接卸入卡车。

128Pile them up in the godown or on the wharf yards for the time being. 暂时把货堆放在仓库或码头的堆场。

129I’d like to make a record for you to sign. 我要做个记录让你签字。

130I’m not responsible for the damage. 我对这个残损不负责。

131Please sign the record to certify the fact. 请在记录上签字以证明这个事实。

132Some bags are torn owing to weak packing. 由于包装不良导致一些袋破损。

133I don’t think so. 我不这么认为

134According to the Port Regulations, the inflammable cargo is not permitted to be stowed in the dock. 根据港规,易燃货物不能装在码头上。

135Will you please let me have all the relevant papers? 请给我所有有关的单证好吗?

136Chief, are all the containers on board for this port? 大副,甲板上所有的箱子都是这个港口的吗?

137What’s the efficiency of your portainers? 装卸桥的工作效率怎么样?

138In accordance with the bay plan, there should be 15 Shanghai vans in Bay No.17. But we’ve found only 14 there. 根据贝位图,在17贝应有15个到上海的箱子,但我们只发现14个。

139Did you find any van with a number beyond the container list? 是否发现有箱号不在集装箱清单上?

140We found two vans with their seals missing and one van badly bruised. 我们发现2个箱铅封丢失,一个箱子严重擦伤。

141In accordance with the bay plan   根据贝位图

142In accordance  the manifest   根据舱单

143In accordance the numerical container list   根据集装箱装载清单

144The bruise was found before discharging. Obviously it is an original damage. 这个擦伤是在卸船前发现的,很明显这是原残。

145Please tell the stevedores to operate the winches steadily and move the controller handles step by step. Whats more, don’t bang against the hatch coaming. 请叫工人平稳地操作绞车,逐步地移控制把手,此外,不要碰撞舱口围板。

146If anything happens, I’ll tell you in time. 如果发生什么事,我会及时通知你。

147At such a speed, I expect the ship will sail the day after tomorrow. 按照这速度,我想船后天就可以离港了。

148Where are the spare bags as stated in the manifest? 舱单注明的备用袋在哪里?

149Here’s the Record on the Spot for you to sign. 这是现场记录请你签字。

150Let’s not argue about it any more. 我们不要再争论这个问题了。

151Can you cut down the figure? 你能把数字减少吗?

152You know the slightly wet bags are not included in the figure. 轻微的湿袋并不包括在数字中,这个你是知道的。

153In my opinion we can’t help leaving them to be decided by the surveyor tomorrow. 在我看来只能留待明天由商检来决定。

154Two cases with hoops missing, six cases renailed with contents unknown, and five cartons broken with contents rattling.两只箱子顶盖(箍)遗失,六只箱子重钉,内容不明,五只盒子破损,并发出响声。

155It’s nothing    serious.        这并不严重。

                  dangerous.     这并不危险。

                  difficult       这并不困难。

                  marvelous     这并不困难。

156I’m informed to shift my ship to the anchorage and wait for a free berth. 我接到通知,要把船移到锚地等候空泊位。

157I must be on the spot while you are discharging the heavy lifts. Don’t forget to let me know beforehand. 卸重件时我必须在场,不要忘记事先通知我。

158It depends (on) when you apply for it.        取决于你什么时候申请。

         It depends (on) who agrees to do so.     取决于谁同意这么做。

         It depends (on) where you shift it.       取决于你把货移到哪里。

159We’re going to take off the lashings beforehand so as to facilitate discharging. 我们要事先拿掉捆绑,以便卸货。

160Do you know when the stevedores resumed their work? 你知道工人什么时候重新开始的?

161They went on working as soon as the rain stopped. 雨一停他们就继续工作了。

162It’s an original damage. If you don’t believe it, you can ask your Second Officer. It was he who examined the cases on the spot last night. 这是原残。如果你不相信,可以问二副。昨天晚上就是他现场检查这些箱子。

163O: The damage is too much. If I sign, I’ll get into trouble.残损太多了,如果我签了,我将自找麻烦。

164T: You have my sympathies. But business is business. If I were you I’d sign, because the damage record is based on the actual facts. 我同情你,但公事公办。如果我是你,我会签,因为残损记录是以客观事实为根据的。

165I have to put some remarks on the papers. 我必须加些批注。

*       I don’t agree to such remarks. 我不同意这样的批注。

166Don’t mix stevedores damage with original. Otherwise I won’t sign the Damaged Cargo List. 不要将原残和工残混淆,否则,我不会在残损单上签字。

167This is the actual figure that we’ve tallied. We’ve checked it several times. 这是我们理出的实际数字,我们已核对过好几次了。

168The tallymanstandson behalf of the ship and the lighter-man or the warehouse keeper on behalf of the receiver. 理货员代表船方,驳船工人或仓库员代表收货人。

169It’s not acceptable to me if I don’t put any remarks on it 如果不加任何批注,我不会接受它。

170Your remarks are not well grounded. 你的批注根据不足。

171I don’t think it proper to put such remarks. 我认为这样的批注不恰当。

172Figure in dispute. 数字有争议。

173Since there’s no error, you have no reason to deny the facts. 既然没有差错,你就没有理由否认事实。

174Thanks for your good cooperation. 谢谢你的良好合作。

175I explained to him that the stevedores did make some    damage during discharging, but it’d already been noted in another list.  我已向他解释卸船过程工人造成了一些残损,但我已另外做了记录。

176What’s the efficiency of your portainer?桥吊的效率是多少?

40 vans per hour.每小时40个箱子。

177We usually use container trucks to transfer containers to the ship’s side. 通常用集卡把集装箱运到船边。

178A tallyman works at the ship’s side, examining the apparent condition and checking the container number and

seal number. 理货员在船边工作,检查箱外表状况,核对箱号、铅封号。

179A tallyman works on deck, inspecting the container’s top and jotting down its actual stowage. 理货员在甲板上工作,检查箱顶,记录箱子的实际积载位置。

180In case there is any problem during loading, the tallyman will contact the parties concerned and ask them to solve it. 装货过程中如果发生什么问题,理货员将联系有关方进行处理。

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