

 笑熬浆糊糊 2013-03-30

BBC One announced this morning that actress Amanda Abbington has joined Sherlock series 3, which is currently filming its trio of episodes.BBC1台在3月27日宣布,英国女演员阿曼达·艾宾顿正式加盟《神探夏洛克》第三季,这部热门英剧目前正在拍摄第三季。

While her character remains a mystery at present, her role is described as someone 'that significantly impacts upon the lives of John Watson and Sherlock Holmes.'阿曼达·艾宾顿饰演的角色目前还未知,不过艾宾顿将扮演一个对“华生和福尔摩斯生活产生重要影响” 的角色。

Amanda's character features in S3E1: The Empty Hearse, which is currently filming. There is no word if the character will recur in any other episodes.艾宾顿饰演的角色出现在第三季第一集《空棺》中,日前第一集正在拍摄中。目前还没有消息确认该角色会出现在其他几集中。

Since Abbington is the long time romantic partner of Freeman, the early speculation is that she will play one of Watson’s wives on “Sherlock.”阿曼达·艾宾顿是剧中华生的扮演者马丁·弗里曼的多年伴侣,所以关于她的角色最初的猜想也是她将扮演《神探夏洛克》华生妻子中的一位。

In Arthur Conan Doyle’s original Sherlock Holmes stories, Watson was engaged to a woman named Mary Morstan who had died by the time that Holmes revealed his survival at Reichenbach Falls in “The Adventure Of The Empty House.” Conan Doyle also mentioned Watson’s second wife in two later stories, but that woman wasn’t named. 在阿瑟·柯南道尔的福尔摩斯原著中,华生与一个叫玛丽·摩斯坦的女子订婚,不过在故事《空屋历险记》福尔摩斯揭露自己在莱辛巴赫瀑布假死之谜时,玛丽·摩斯坦已经去世。柯南道尔还在后来的两个故事中提到华生的第二位妻子,但未提及起名字。

Amanda Abbington and Martin Freeman have been together for 11 years, live in Hertfordshire and have two children, Joe, six, and four-year-old Grace.阿曼达·艾宾顿和马丁·弗里曼在一起11年,他们住在英国赫特福德郡,共同育有两个孩子——6岁的乔和4岁的格瑞丝。

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