

 hd8082 2013-05-19






As a result of centuries of experience by successive students of planetary influence in human life, we are able to ascribe in the most positive manner certain characteristics to the various planets of the solar system. The signs of the zodiac affect nothing of themselves, and cannot be said to have any active influence in the mundane affairs. But when any sign is occupied by a planet, that body becomes a focal centre for the collection and distribution of cosmic influences. The sign occupied by it at the same time gets "coloured" or affected by the planet. The specific natures of the planets, so far as they affect the trend of market values and the stability of those securities controlled by the countries related to the signs they occupy, are briefly as follows: --




Neptune produces democratic disturbances, anarchy, chaos, confusion. It tends to schemes and plots, "rings" and rigging of the markets.



Uranus produces sudden upheavals, revolutions, strikes and insurrections. It brings about sudden fluctuations in values, and has a disturbing effect on securities.



Saturn brings famines, failure of crops, disasters of various sorts and national depression due to political reverses and general want or popular discontent. Its effect on the market is to produce a marked depression or deflation of security values.



Jupiter brings an expansion of internal resources and industries, the opening up of new industries, cheap money, general prosperity, political advantages, and tends to bring about a rise in the value of securities and shares.



Mars produces a feverish activity and much enterprise in the country, good trade and new flotations. But at the same time it incites to warlike feeling and intestine feuds and does not afford a very sound basis for operations. Its effect on the market depends on its aspects, and nature of the sign it occupies, but generally it induces to a brisk market, active buying, and a "bull" tendency. When falling in eclipse signs, i. e., with the Node, it induces a war, and thus creates an element of danger which is repeated on the markets by a fall in the value of stocks and shares.



Venus gives a peaceful condition of the country, quiet development of internal resources, plentitude of crops, and good security. Its effect on the markets is to produce a period of quiet inactivity, with few or no fluctuations.



Mercury brings a condition of nervous activity, much unrest, inconsequent talk, various rumours (according to its aspects) and a sense of instability. Quick buying and selling, scalping, and small but rapid fluctuations attend the influence of this volatile planet upon the markets.



A planet that is intrinsically evil in its effects, that is to say, one that depresses the market, may be rendered inoperative for the time being by good aspects from other planets, and also by the circumstance of it being in its own sign. But when badly aspected by any other planet, its effects will be detrimental to the financial interest of investors in such securities or shares as it may control.



We may now bring these general principles to the test by reference to published records, and for that purpose I have extracted my figures from the Stock Exchange Intelligencer, wherein they may be verified.











It has been said that Saturn produces a depression in the value of securities controlled by the sign in which that planet is placed. Let us see if this be the fact or not. It is not necessary for the purpose of this enquiry to go further back than the half circuit of Saturn, which is about 15 years. If it produces marked effects in one half of the zodiacal circle it will do so in the other half.



To go back then to the year 1898, when the planet Saturn was in the sign Sagittarius, against which we find the country of Spain indicated. The Government security on the open market is "Spanish 4% Sealed Bonds." Now, in April, 1898, Spain found herself suddenly plunged into a most unfortunate and, in fact, disastrous war with the United States of America.



We see, therefore, that Saturn gave Spain a serious time, which lasted until (in August) Senor Sagasta signed the Peace Treaty. The reconstruction of the National Debt, took place under the influence of the conjoined planets Uranus and Jupiter in Sagittarius in January following.



In effect, Saturn in Pisces brought about the unrest in that country which culminated in the assassination of the King and Crown Prince, which was immediately followed by a general revolution and the deposition and banishment of the young King.

In 1906 Portuguese Stock was at 72, and Saturn’s influence in the sign Pisces was such as to bring it down to 58 in the year 1908. Writing in anticipation of the King’s assassination, I was able to say, regarding the first week in February, that "the feature of the week will be the fall in Portuguese Stock." The tragic event took place on February 3rd. It is thus seen, not only that prediction is scientifically possible, but also that it may at times be made exceedingly profitable.

From Pisces Saturn went into the sign Aries, and the following years showed a succession of "lowest records" in the value of the prime security, Consols. Apropos of this the reader may note for himself the interview of The Daily Mail with the writer in the year 1898, when it was said that in the following year Consols would be "as much below par as they were then above it." In 1898 they stood at about 112, or 12 points above par. In 1890 they were at 88, or 12 points below par. What I have myself succeeded in doing, others by the same method have done, and even more frequently, since they have in many instances nothing but money to think about.

The entry of Saturn into Taurus gave rise to the disturbances in Ireland over the Home Rule policy, considerable rioting, an almost unparalleled amount of crime, and a depreciation of land values. Persia meanwhile was in a state of insurrection, the Monarch being deposed and exiled. Its transit through Gemini will be reflected in America, Wales, and Egypt.

It is thus seen that there is a consistent record of misfortune and loss, traceable to the direct influence of Saturn in the different zones related to the several countries said to be ruled by them.

We may trace the same expansive effects due to the transits of Jupiter, and one example will serve for all others.

During the Russo-Japanese War referred to, Japanese Stock showed no such depression as that which affected Russian securities. In 1906, the 4?% Bonds were at 97, the highest point touched since the date of issue, and when Jupiter entered Libra in 1910 they rose to 102.

Similarly, the Mexican outbreak coincided with the transit of Uranus through the sign Capricorn in opposition to Nepune in Cancer; while the latter position fomented the democratic upheaval in China.



The countries governed by Gemini are Egypt, United States of America, and Wales, in all of which the depressing influence of Saturn will be felt in industrial and financial circles.

Meanwhile, the transits of Uranus and Jupiter through the sign Aquarius should be followed by financial reforms and development of trade in Russia and other parts ruled by that sign, leading to a general expansion of business, increased confidence, and a rise in the value of securities. It is to be observed, however, that this state of affairs is not likely to last, inasmuch as the planets Saturn and Uranus form their opposition in 1918-1919 from the signs Aquarius and Leo, while the eclipses begin to fall in these signs in 1915. Nevertheless the conjunction Uranus and Jupiter in the Spring of 1914 will have time to operate before these latter influences come into play, and hence 1914 should be a year of useful expansion and financial reform for Russia.

It has already been indicated that the position of the Node is of importance in tracing the occurrence of eclipses, and as these latter have an appreciable effect upon the fortunes of the various countries ruled by the signs in which they occur, I have thought it advisable to give the place of the Node for some years to come.








Year. Ascen. Node. Descen. Node.

1913 Aries 8 Libra 8

1914 Pisces 18 Virgo 18

1915 Aquarius 29 Leo 29

1916 Aquarius 10 Leo 10

1917 Capricorn 20 Cancer 20

1918 Capricorn 1 Cancer 1

1919 Sagittarius 12 Gemini 12

1920 Scorpio 22 Taurus 22

The approximate place of the Node for any month can be found by multiplying 1o 36’ 40" by the number of months from January 1st, and subtracting the amount from the place shown in the above table. If a New Moon occurs within 18o 36’ of the place of the Node, there will be an eclipse of the Sun. If a Full Moon occurs within 12o 24’ of the Node, there will be an eclipse of the Moon, and the magnitude of the eclipse will be in inverse ratio to the distance. If within five degrees the eclipse will be total.

其他月份的NODE近似位置计算,可以用距离1月1日的月数乘以1o 36’ 40",并减去上面表格里所显示的位置数量。假如在新月时出现在NODE18o 36’内,就会出现日食。假如满月出现在NODE的12o 24’以内,就发生月食,月食的大小是距离比率的倒数。假如在5度以内就是全食。








 Except where the inherent natures of conjoined planets are mutually antagonistic, as Saturn and Mars, Neptune and Uranus, or Mars and Jupiter, we may consider the conjunction as being beneficial in its tendency.



Saturn and Uranus in conjunction produce wars and feuds, depress stocks and share values, and produce national calamities.



Saturn and Jupiter together bring about useful reforms, constitutional changes, and frequently produce the creation of funds.



Saturn and Mars bring wars, strife and upheavals, and always tend to depreciate securities.



Uranus and Jupiter bring about reforms and financial revisions, reconstruction of stocks and new share issues.



Uranus and Mars bring about insurrections and revolts, and disturb the existing order of things, thus depleting securities and deflating the markets.



Neptune and Jupiter produce unsound flotations, the creation of bogus funds, fraudulent schemes, and "rigging." Neptune in any configuration is to be mistrusted, as it tends to produce "wild-cat" schemes or downright frauds.



Mars and Jupiter bring about strong enthusiasms and demonstrations. So far as the markets are concerned, their influence is reflected in a strong "bull" tendency, highly speculative buying, and a run on stocks and shares governed by the sign they occupy.



The opposition of the planets are uniformly evil on their effects upon securities, and a fall in the share values is always to be seen when the major planets oppose one another, as witness the recent oppositions of Uranus and Neptune in connection with the stocks and industrial shares of those countries under the influence of Cancer and Capricorn.




The quadratures are, of course, evil in their effects, as the trines and sextiles are good. But we lay chief stress upon the nature of the planet occupying a sign, for if Saturn be in a sign whatsoever, the securities related to that sign will not advance, even though Saturn may be well aspected. Taking, then, the simple natures of the planets in their action on the markets, it will be seen that:



Saturnproduces depression.


Jupiter: Expansion.


Mars: Activity and enterprise, new developments and flotations.


Venus: Equable buying and selling.


Mercury: Nervousness or confidence, according to its aspect.



Eclipses, whether of the Sun or Moon in the several signs, have a detrimental effect on the value of securities governed by the sign in which the eclipsed luminary is posited. The positions of the eclipses can be traced by the longitude of the Node, for if the Moon’s Node is in Aries, the eclipses will fall in Aries and Libra during that year, unless the Node is less than 12o 24’ from either beginning or end of the sign. For an eclipse of the Moon cannot take place unless the Sun is within 12o 24’ of the Node, while an eclipse of the Sun may occur when it is within 18o 36’ of the Node.

日月食,不管太阳或者月亮在哪个符号里,都对日月食的发光体被安置的宫位所支配的股票价格有损害的影响。日月食发生的位置可以被NODE的经度追踪到,假如月亮的NODE在白羊座, 那一年期间的日月食就会落到白羊和天秤座,除非NODE距离该宫符号的起止点少于12o 24’。一个月蚀不可能发生,除非太阳距离NODE12o 24’之内,而一个日食发生的时候是在NODE18o 36’之内。


The motion of the Node is about 19o every year, and its motion is retrograde, that is, contrary to the order of the signs. Consequently the eclipses pass from Aries into Pisces, and then to Aquarius, the limit of influence being 18 months in any sign.



As eclipses have considerable effect upon the various territories denoted by the signs in which they fall, and consequently have a great deal of influence upon the price of stocks vested in those territories, I have endeavored to make the location of them as simple and clear as possible.


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