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甲子周期与江恩周期甲子周期与江恩周期  一)周期测量的计算公式   甲子周期的测量公式可以同时运用于江恩的周期理论、螺旋历法周期以及其它的时间周期,关键在于周期频率的确立。我们可以把干支的空间角度与属性化成频率:   相冲周期,相克周期,相合周期,三合周期,相害周期。旋进周期是在甲子周期的基础上重建的周期体系,它完善了甲...
价格和时间图表-0度到360圆周循环。This means when these prices are reached that they are on the 24th hour in longitude and have completed the circle of 360 degrees.这个价格靠近45度原生角位置在2月5日,位于日期轮上315度位置,你将在这里观察到一个趋势的变化,因为它正好符合年度时间周期,并且在24圆周周期上,价格位置比360度高...
另外,当我们构筑小一点的方形时,我们发现它是存在大方形内部的25%和75%的时间点上,因此3月21日到3月21日可以看成是上述大方形的1/4点。Getting back to the inner squares, a 90-degree square (1/2 of our 180-degree Summer Solstice to Winter Solstice and winter back to summer circle) would begin and end 45-degrees after the Sum...
After the 2nd of August the planet venus meets the conjunction with Mars in Virgo on the 5th, and then goes to the square of Saturn, the change of Decan taking place on August 2nd and changing the good influence of Mercury to that of Mars (war).在8月2日以后,金星在处女座5度与火星重合,之后与土星成直角,10分度的转变发...
The Sun’s MOTION IS 59 minutes and eight second per day. The measure of TIME IS ONE DAY FOR A YEAR. Thus the influences arising out of the movement of the bodies in relation to the Sun will influence successive years of the Company, the indications arising in the second day affecting the second year, those forming on...
Saturn was then in Gemini 9o, the midheaven of London!A complete system of polarizations can be deduced, and the student of planetary influence will find that the great commercial centers of the world are influenced by the transit of major planets through the degrees occupying the midheaven and ascendant of the horosc...
江恩论述六边形的手稿江恩论述六边形的手稿4 [, |3 [" {5 @ ^3 }& ;r6 Q! u& v'' w ^'' l* L; s" M. f5 M4 u( t7 a; o0 l0 `1 W'' N! I( J8 E, N2 R& p% i8 w因为任何事物都是循环运动,没有什么东西是直线运动的,所以这个图是想展示给您角度是怎么在比较高和比较低的价格水平时影响股票价格...
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