
My Understanding of a Poster about Animal Protection

 昵称22777440 2015-05-12

Today,I saw an expressive poster.So I want to share with my opinion about it.
Firstly,aparently,in the upper right corner of the image,we can see a logo of WWF,which indicates the major purpose of the ad's designer.There is no denying that what this picture long to show is  animal protection.
What's more,the elephant and the ivory,which are the uppermost part in the ad,are placed on the  center because viewers'attention should be paid to them.They are principle.
In addition,so as to attract all the viewers'eyesight the designer chooses to make use of a close   shot. When illumination focusing on the small elephant and the ivory,this vision shock could urge  people to fall into  contemplation.The text note,"When we call it collections,she calls it mom.",has played an indispensable role in the aspect of highlighting the theme.
Finally,as far as I am concerned,through different ways of expression,the ad wants to tells us that we ought to stop to hunt elephants for their ivories.Otherwise,there will be more young elephants losing their mom.  It is very cruel!

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