

 旷野的兔子 2015-10-09


昨天晚上7点,瑞典文学院常任秘书萨拉·达尼乌斯(Sara Danius)瑞典文学院(The Swedish Academy)会议厅宣布了2015年诺贝尔文学奖获得者为白俄罗斯女作家、记者:斯韦特兰娜·阿列克西耶维奇



For the past 30 or 40 years she’s been busy mapping the Soviet and post soviet individual, but it’s not really about a history of events. It’s a history of emotions – what she’s offering us is really an emotional world, so these historical events she’s covering in her various books, for example the Chernobyl disaster, the Soviet war in Afghanistan, these are in a way just pretexts for exploring the Soviet individual and the post-Soviet individual.

She’s conducted thousands and thousands of interviews with children, with women and with men, and in this way she’s offering us a history of human beings about whom we didn’t know that much ... and at the same time she’s offering us a history of emotions, a history of the soul.


On the one hand, it’s such a fantastic feeling, but it’s also a bit disturbing.


It takes me a long time to write my books, from five to 10 years. I have two ideas for new books so I’m pleased that I will now have the freedom to work on them.

前面说到,她是白俄罗斯女作家,做过很多年的记者,最为人熟知的作品是《战争的非女性面孔(War’s Unwomanly Face)》、《锌皮娃娃兵(Zinky Boys: The Record of a Lost Soviet Generation)》、《切尔诺贝利的回忆:核灾难口述史(Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster)》,文中都是她走访战争和灾难亲历者的口述故事,在文学化的诺贝尔文学奖里,又一次见证了纪实(nonfiction)文学的胜利~

其中《切尔诺贝利的回忆》经过编译,中译本《我不知道该说什么,关于死亡还是爱情》已为国人熟知。今天小编选了一段跟大家分享,希望透过文字,可以感受到“她的复调书写,是对我们时代的苦难和勇气的纪念(for her polyphonic writings, describing them as a “monument to suffering and courage in our time)。”


We are air, we are not earth . . .

—M. Mamardashvili

I don't know what I should talk about—about death or about love? Or are they the same? Which one should I talk about?

We were newlyweds. We still walked around holding hands, even if we were just going to the store. I would say to him, 'I love you.' But I didn't know then how much. I had no idea . . . We lived in the dormitory of the fire station where he worked. On the second floor. There were three other young couples, we all shared a kitchen. On the first floor they kept the trucks. The red fire trucks. That was his job. I always knew what was happening—where he was, how he was.

One night I heard a noise. I looked out the window. He saw me. 'Close the window and go back to sleep. There's a fire at the reactor. I'll be back soon.'

I didn't see the explosion itself. Just the flames. Everything was radiant. The whole sky. A tall flame. And smoke. The heat was awful. And he's still not back.

The smoke was from the burning bitumen, which had covered the roof. He said later it was like walking on tar. They tried to beat down the flames. They kicked at the burning graphite with their feet. . . . They weren't wearing their canvas gear. They went off just as they were, in their shirt sleeves. No one told them. They had been called for a fire, that was it.

Four o'clock. Five. Six. At six we were supposed to go to his parents' house. To plant potatoes. It's forty kilometers from Pripyat to Sperizhye, where his parents live. Sowing, plowing—he loved to do that. His mother always told me how they didn't want him to move to the city, they'd even built a new house for him. He was drafted into the army. He served in the fire brigade in Moscow and when he came out, he wanted to be a fireman. And nothing else! [Silence.]

Sometimes it's as though I hear his voice. Alive. Even photographs don't have the same effect on me as that voice. But he never calls to me . . . not even in my dreams. I'm the one who calls to him.

Seven o'clock. At seven I was told he was in the hospital. I ran there, but the police had already encircled it, and they weren't letting anyone through. Only ambulances.

The policemen shouted: The ambulances are radioactive, stay away!

I wasn't the only one there, all the wives whose husbands were at the reactor that night had come.

I started looking for a friend, she was a doctor at that hospital. I grabbed her white coat when she came out of an ambulance. 'Get me inside!'

'I can't. He's bad. They all are.'

I held on to her. 'Just to see him!'

'All right,' she said. 'Come with me. Just for fifteen or twenty minutes.'

I saw him. He was all swollen and puffed up. You could barely see his eyes.

'He needs milk. Lots of milk,' my friend said. 'They should drink at least three liters each.'

'But he doesn't like milk.'

'He'll drink it now.'

Many of the doctors and nurses in that hospital, and especially the orderlies, would get sick themselves and die.

But we didn't know that then.

























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