

 王老轨的资料 2015-12-02

1) General Alarm通用报警警报: 通用警报由7长1短构成。一般是向船上的乘客或船员表示有紧急情况的发生。The general alarm on the ship is recognized by 7 short ringing of bell followed by a long ring or 7 short blasts on the ship’s horn followed by one long blast. The general alarm is sounded to make aware the crew on board that an emergency has occurred.

2) Fire Alarm火警: 连续铃声或喇叭表示A fire alarm is sounded as continuous ringing of ship’s electrical bell or continuous sounding of ship’s horn.

3) Man Overboard Alarm人员落水警报: 当有人员落水时,船上需响铃3声以及汽笛3声以便通知全船人员以及周围船只有人员落水。When a man falls overboard, the ship internal alarm bell sounds 3 long rings and ship whistle will blow 3 long blasts to notify the crew on board and the other ships in nearby vicinity.

4) Navigational Alarm航行报警: 大多数的航行仪器以及航行灯都有故障报警。当某部分或是某个部位出现故障后,都会有相应的蜂鸣报警和指示灯闪烁等指明哪个部位已经发生了故障。In the navigation bridge, most of the navigational equipments and navigation lights are fitted with failure alarm. If any of these malfunctions, an alarm will be sounded in an alarm panel displaying which system is malfunctioning.

5) Machinery space Alarm机器故障报警: 机舱里面有很多为了安全操作的报警设备或装置。当某个机器的某项指标超出了相应的安全范围,就会在集控室和机舱发出相应的声音或闪灯报警以引起轮机员的注意。The machinery in the engine room has various safety devices and alarms fitted for safe operation. If any one of these malfunctions, a common engine room alarm is operated and the problem can be seen in the engine control room control panel which will display the alarm.

6) Machinery Space CO2 Alarm(机舱二氧化碳释放报警): The machinery space is fitted with CO2 fixed with fire extinguishing system whose audible and visual alarm is entirely different from machinery space alarm and other alarm for easy reorganization.

7) Cargo Space CO2 Alarm(货舱释放二氧化碳报警): The cargo spaces of the ship are also fitted with fixed fire fighting system which has a different alarm when operated.

8) Abandon Ship Alarm弃船警报: 当船舶出现了紧急情况,迫不得已必须弃船的时候,必须由船长再鸣通用警报着急全体乘客和船员到紧急集合点集合后口头下达弃船命令。When the emergency situation on board ship goes out of hands and ship is no longer safe for crew on board ship. The master of the ship can give a verbal Abandon ship order, but this alarm is never given in ship’s bell or whistle. The general alarm is sounded and every body comes to the emergency muster station where the master or his substitute (chief Officer) gives a verbal order to abandon ship.

9) Ship Security Alarm System船舶保安报警系统( 简称SSAS):大多数的远洋船舶都安装有此项报警系统,此种报警系统主要是通过卫星系统向沿岸当局和管理公司等发送海盗遇险警报,以便及时寻求到帮助。 Most of the ocean going vessels are fitted with security alert alarm system, which is a silent alarm system sounded in a pirate attack emergency. This signal is connected with different coastal authorities all over the world via a global satellite system to inform about the piracy.

Different Alarm signals of the vessel are clearly described in the muster list along with the action to be carried out so that all the crew member can perform there duties within no time in actual emergency.


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