

 何理0618 2016-05-04



在一项新的研究中,来自美国布莱根妇女医院和波士顿儿童医院等机构的研究人员报道了不同细菌物种之间存在的一种罕见的合作。相关研究结果于2016年4月25日在线发表在Nature期刊上,论文标题为“The evolution of cooperation within the gut microbiota”。

研究人员发现一种被称作卵形拟杆菌(Bacteroides ovatus)的细菌消化膳食中的多糖---一种复杂的糖类物质,而且是以自身付出的代价,让其他细菌物种获益。通过利用体外实验和模式小鼠开展研究,研究人员发现卵形拟杆菌接受来自其他的肠道细菌物种的互惠利益作为回报。

论文第一作者兼论文通信作者、波士顿儿童医院传染病科科学家Seth Rakoff-Nahoum博士说,“发现我们肠道中的一种主要的细菌消化膳食中的多糖并不是为了自己使用,如此做的目的似乎为给其他的细菌物种提供食物,这确实非常令人吃惊。”

论文共同作者、布莱根妇女医院传染病科科学家Laurie Comstock博士说,“这种不同细菌物种间的合作性互动很少被人们描述过,特别是在我们肠道中的大量细菌之间。”

来自英国牛津大学的Kevin Foster也是这篇论文的作者。

The evolution of cooperation within the gut microbiota


Gang Zhou, Shu Meng, Yanhui Li, Yohannes T. Ghebre, John P. Cooke

Cooperative phenotypes are considered central to the functioning of microbial communities in many contexts, including communication via quorum sensing, biofilm formation, antibiotic resistance, and pathogenesis1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The human intestine houses a dense and diverse microbial community critical to health1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, yet we know little about cooperation within this important ecosystem. Here we test experimentally for evolved cooperation within the Bacteroidales, the dominant Gram-negative bacteria of the human intestine. We show that during growth on certain dietary polysaccharides, the model member Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron exhibits only limited cooperation. Although this organism digests these polysaccharides extracellularly, mutants lacking this ability are outcompeted. In contrast, we discovered a dedicated cross-feeding enzyme system in the prominent gut symbiont Bacteroides ovatus, which digests polysaccharide at a cost to itself but at a benefit to another species. Using in vitro systems and gnotobiotic mouse colonization models, we find that extracellular digestion of inulin increases the fitness of B. ovatus owing to reciprocal benefits when it feeds other gut species such as Bacteroides vulgatus. This is a rare example of naturally-evolved cooperation between microbial species. Our study reveals both the complexity and importance of cooperative phenotypes within the mammalian intestinal microbiota.


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