

 JEFFWUYG 2016-06-10

        在美国已经有九个州通过法律规范清真食品标签和或出售。这些法律是干什么以及它们是如何影响清真食品的生产,分配和销售的?他们如何保护穆斯林消费者的? HTO编制了这个名单,让您有所了解。







       新泽西州:新泽西州第一批颁布清真法律的州,拥有一些最严格的规定。除了处罚非清真食品清真假标签和非清真食品作为清真销售,清真食品销售场所必须提供“岗位信息,列明清真食品购买,处理和准备的相关程序”。欺诈销售清真食品如在首次违者$ 10,000,再犯罚款$ 20,000。




https://halaltransactions.wordpr ... al-laws-in-the-usa/
Halal Laws in the USA
by halaltransactions

Nine states in the US have passed laws regulating the labeling and or sale of Halal food. What are these laws and how do they effect the production, distribution, and sale of Halal food? How do they protect Muslim consumers? HTO has compiled this list to help you stay informed.

Find a summary of state Halal laws below. Click the state for a link to more information.


It is illegal to sell non-Halal products as Halal. It also mandates that Halal restaurants indicate if they also serve food which is not Halal. Passed in 2002.


A business which offers both Halal and non-Halal items must clearly label the items accordingly. It is illegal to sell food as Halal which the seller knows is not Halal or which the seller did not adequately ensure was Halal, however, the seller is not responsible for non-Halal items being sold as Halal if the seller was deceived into believing those items were Halal by the producer, manufacturer, etc.

Additionally it is a misdemeanor to: mislead a person to believe a non-Halal food product is Halal, remove or destroy identifying documents or markers on Halal food unless that food is to be sold as non-Halal, resell food as Halal with fraudulent labels and falsely label food as Halal, sell Halal items as Halal in the same location as non-Halal items without clearly posting that the establishment sells both Halal and non-Halal items, sell an item as Halal which has not been marked as Halal by the producer, and allow for cross contamination between Halal goods for sale and non-Halal goods.


An establishment selling Halal food must clearly display a “disclosure statement”. If the establishment sells Halal and non-Halal items it must clearly display a sign stating such. It is illegal to falsely represent non-Halal food for sale as Halal. An establishment which advertises itself as “Halal Only” but also offers for sale non-Halal food is considered fraudulent.


In Michigan it is a misdemeanor to: falsely label non-Halal food as Halal, sell non-Halal and Halal food in the same location without clearly labelling the two, and possess non-Halal items in an establishment which claims to sell only Halal items.


It is illegal to package, label, and sell food as Halal which has not been “prepared and maintained in accordance to the laws and customs of the Islamic religion”. It is similarly illegal to sell food as Halal which is not marked with the original identifying Halal label.

New Jersey:

New Jersey, one of the first states to enact Halal laws, has some of the most stringent. In addition to penalizing the false labelling and sale of non-Halal as Halal, those establishments selling Halal food must “post information setting forth the procedures they follow in their purchase, handling, and preparation of the Halal food”. Fraudulently selling non-Halal as Halal results in a fine of $10,000 for first time offenders and $20,000  thereafter.

New York:

Manufacturers, producers, and packers of Halal food must register with the state and identify their certifying organization. Establishments selling Halal food, including food carts, must display their Halal certificate in a prominent location. Companies selling Halal and non-Halal items must clearly display a sign that reads non-Halal and Halal items are sold in that location.


It is illegal to sell food as Halal which the seller knows is not Halal or which the seller did not adequately ensure was Halal. Companies selling Halal and non-Halal items must clearly display a sign that reads non-Halal and Halal items are sold at that establishment.


In Virginia it is illegal to sell food as Halal without indicating the certifier of the product.

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