
普洱茶加工原料puerh tea Process Materials

 云南静一号普洱 2016-06-29

普洱茶加工原料puerh tea Process Materials

The raw material adopts fresh and sun-greened big leaf species tea of Yunnan.Yunnan big leaf species is very important to the formatting of the quality of Pu’er Tea, long and fat bud, a lot of brightened silvery pekoe, big and soft leaf, the new shoots growing for a long period and very tender. The contents of tea polyphenol, catechin, caffeine, tea ammonia acid and extracts are all higher than common middle and small leaf species tea. During late Pu’er Tea ferment, under effect of enzyme, microorganism and the wet and hot effect of water, its contents occurs a series of reactions: oxidation, polymerization, dissolution, degradation and condensation etc. Tea polyphenol, catechin, free tea ammonia acid, etc decreases greatly. So, the higher stroma tea polyphenol, amino acids, etc tea contains, the more advantageous to the formation of the high-quality Pu’er tea. Yunnan big leaf species tea is best raw material for Pu’er Tea.


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