

 联想派 2016-07-17

她是英国保守党这片“男人天地”里的第一位女领袖;她是英国历史上第一位女首相,蝉联三届,任期长达11年之久;她是英国历史上第一个因推行一套政策而得以在“主义”和“革命”的字眼前加上自己名字的首相。她意志刚强,作风果断,不屈不挠,对前苏联实施强硬政策,因此而获得“铁娘子”之称。但在导演Phyllida Lloyd看来,这只是英国女首相的简介,而不是全部的Margaret Thatcher,于是她力邀Meryl Streep倾情演绎了一位更为真实的铁娘子。

一部演绎英国前首相Margaret Thatcher的传记影片似乎和美国好莱坞影星Meryl Streep没有什么直接联系。然而,正如《每日邮报》所评论的:“只有像Meryl Streep这么杰出的演员才能在大银幕上如此有说服力地扮演好这么一个复杂的银幕形象。”在影片《铁娘子》(The Iron Lady)中,导演并没有创作过多宏大的政治场景来演绎这位以“铁血政治”闻名于世的铁娘子,而是将更多的戏份放在了那个1990年以后Margaret Thatcher所住的家宅之内,用一个老妇人触景生情的方式刻画了其生命中的诸多传奇:一张被撕掉的错误签名页让她回忆起少女时期和家人在二战空袭中经营小杂货铺的生活,想起了忠于信仰的父亲是她毅然从政的动力;电视上播放的恐怖分子新闻让她想起了当年和丈夫下榻的布莱顿饭店被炸的情景,在那场炸弹袭击中,她和丈夫大难不死;一张老照片让她想起了曾与自己并肩作战的亲密幕僚,他曾为自己竞选首相出谋划策,后来却在一次恐怖袭击中被炸身亡;一件微型摆件让她想起了那场让她的“铁血”闻名于世的马岛战争,想起了她在灯下写给那些阵亡将士家人的慰问信:“As the only prime minister in the history of our country who is also a mother with a son of my own, I can imagine your agony, and your grief.”

影片依次为观众呈现了铁血女人Margaret Thatcher人生的几大节点:青年时期勤奋好学、政治青涩期竞选议员失败、恋爱嫁人、当选保守党议员、出任教育部大臣、议会上舌战群雄、竞选保守党党魁、当选英国首相、发动马岛战争、被迫下野等。为了舒缓情节的平淡,导演巧妙地将Margaret Thatcher的个人生活细节穿插其中,让其相对枯燥的政治生涯充满了生活气息,让每一位观众在唏嘘感叹之中豁然省悟:铁血,原来源于柔情!


在一个普通的超市里,一位已逾古稀之年的老妇人平静地选了一瓶牛奶,走到收银台询价结账。如果你不是英国人,不是因为倾慕铁娘子才坐在电影院里的人,你不会知道她就是Margaret Thatcher。然而,她是Margaret Thatcher,从她听到牛奶涨价后的惆怅、看到恐怖分子袭击事件新闻时的愤怒,还有那雍容的气质,你会发现她的确是。她曾经是这个国家最有权势的女人,只不过这已是她走出唐宁街10号十几年之后。她是背着保安、秘书独自出来购物的,尽管如今的她看上去只是个平凡的老妇人,但她这普通的一天依然可以成为《泰晤士报》头条新闻,因为她曾经是显赫整个欧洲的伟大人物。

此时的Margaret Thatcher罹患老年痴呆症,意识时常在幻觉和回忆中切换。她感觉自己深爱的丈夫一直在身边陪伴,其实后者早已亡故。随着Margaret Thatcher的片段记忆,影片把我们带到了久远的过去——二战期间伦敦遭受纳粹空袭的那个夜晚。彼时,年轻的Margaret在惊天动地的爆炸声中勇敢地冲出去盖上第二天还要出售的黄油,其胆量令家人佩服。她的出身可谓平凡,父亲Alfred Roberts只是一名小杂货商(后来成为格兰瑟姆市市长),无权无势。她没有华丽的衣裙,但勤奋刻苦。为了学习,她放弃了参加各种娱乐活动的机会。她的特立独行成为同龄女孩的笑柄,但她永远记住父亲让她不要随波逐流的教诲:“Never run with the crowd, Margaret. Go your own way.”

她没有让父亲失望,顺利考取了牛津大学。她热心政治,依靠自己打工赚的钱参加保守党的各种活动。然而,平凡的出身还是给她的政治生涯带来了诸多挫折,24岁的她在一次议员选举中落败。但她同时又是幸运的,在最沮丧的时刻收获了真挚的爱情——Denis Thatcher的求婚。Denis是个成功的商人,他让Margaret有了实现更高政治梦想的资本,也坚定了她从政的人生道路。

Denis: You shaved thousands off their majority. You did splendidly.
Margaret: Not splendidly enough.
Denis: I see. Self-pity. No one is saying you don’t need a safe seat. You deserve a safe seat. But it does not come unless you learn to play the game a little.
Margaret: What game?
Denis: You are a grocer’s daughter …
Margaret: And proud of being.
Denis: In their eyes, a single grocer’s daughter. But if you were to become the wife of a moderately successful businessman, you’d get to parliament, and I’d get to be the happiest man in ... in wherever they select you. Margaret, will you marry me?

Margaret: Yes. Yes!


Margaret: I love you so much but ... I will never be one of those women, Denis, who stays silent and pretty on the arm of her husband, or remote and alone in the kitchen doing the washing up for that matter.
Denis: We’ll get a help for that.
Margaret: No, one’s life must matter, Denis. Beyond the cooking and the cleaning and the children, one’s life must mean more than that—I cannot die washing up a teacup. I mean it, Denis. say you understand.

Denis: That’s why I want to marry you, my dear.



为了在这个衰落的老帝国的政坛上占有一席之地,Margaret选择了与男人为伍,并努力过滤掉自己身上的女人印迹。经过不断努力,1959年Margaret在议员选举中获胜,成为保守党议员,也是英国历史上第一位女议员。1970年,她被任命为内阁教育部大臣。作为教育部大臣的她,一身亮蓝色裙装,独自站在演讲台前,在诸多男人挑衅的目光中为自己坚持的真理而战。她是一个一直在思索的女人,面对英国社会混乱的现状以及时任首相Edward Heath领导下的政府所采取的不力举措,她觉得自己要行动起来。她想按照自己的意愿改造那个以保守为荣的政党,决定竞选保守党党魁。虽然为此她和家人发生了争执,被丈夫斥责为参选完全是为了政治野心,但这并未改变她的决定。为了竞选英国保守党党魁,她听从了手下幕僚Reece和Airey的建议,同意摘去自己喜爱的帽子,努力尝试塑造政治所需要的庄重与美丽。同时,在幕僚的鼓励下,她也有了竞选首相的决心,决意按照自己的信仰改变这个被历史荣耀拖垮的帝国。

Reece: For a start, that hat has got to go. And the pearls. In fact I think all hats may have to go. You look and sound like a privileged Conservative wife and we’ve already got her vote. You’ve got lovely hair, but we need to do something with it to make it more …
Airey: Important.
Reece: Yes. Give it more impact. But the main thing is your voice. It’s too high. It has no authority.
Airey: Me thinks the lady doth screech too much.
Reece: People don’t want to be harangued (大声斥责) by a woman or hectored (威吓) …
Margaret: It’s all very well to talk about changing my voice, Mr. Reece. But for some of my colleagues to Imagine me as their leader would be like imagining, I don’t know, being led into battle by their chambermaid (女仆). It’s my background, and my sex. No matter how I’ve tried, and I have tried to fit in, I will never be truly one of them.
Reece: If I may say so—I think that’s your trump card (王牌). You’re flying in the face of (公然违抗) everything the Tories (保守党人) have been thus far. It’s really very exciting. One simply has to maximize your appeal, bring out all your qualities, and make you look and sound like the leader that you could be.
Airey: You’ve got it in you to go the whole distance.
Reece: Absolutely.
Margaret: Prime Minister?! Oh no. Oh no no no. In Britain? There will be no female prime minister here, Not in my lifetime. No. And I told Airey I don’t expect to win the leadership, but I am going to run—just to shake up the party.
Airey: Respectfully, Margaret, I disagree. If you want to change this party, lead it. If you want to change the country, lead it. What we’re talking about here today is surface. What’s crucial is that you hold your course and stay true to who you are. Never be anything other than yourself.
Reece: Leave us to do the rest.

Margaret: Gentlemen, I am in your hands. I may be persuaded to surrender the hat. But the pearls were a gift from my husband on the birth of our twins, and they are absolutely nonnegotiable.


1975年2月,Margaret成功当选为保守党党魁。1979年5月,保守党在英国大选中获胜,Margaret如愿以偿地出任首相,成为英国历史上第一位女首相。当众人列队欢迎新首相上任并入主唐宁街时,坐在汽车中的Margaret并没有竞选时的那份意气风发,更多的是一个女人的忐忑。但走出汽车的铁娘子恢复了慷慨激昂,她的每一句话都掷地有声:“I should just like to say that I take very seriously the trust the British people placed in me today, and I will work hard every day to live up to that responsibility. And now, I should like to share with you a prayer of St Francis of Assisi (亚西西的圣方济各,是天主教方济各会和方济女修会的创始人): Where there is discord may we bring harmony; Where there is error may we bring truth; Where there is doubt may we bring faith; Where there is despair may we bring hope.”镜头拉开,一个坚毅的背影,一扇庄重的权力之门——1分45秒的镜头拉开了一段新的历史。身为首相的Margaret组建了自己的内阁政府,并进行了大刀阔斧的改革。激进的改革政策激活了经济,但也导致失业率增加,引发了工人罢工等问题。但她用过人的智慧和超强的忍耐力面对这一切,不但拯救了英国经济,也捍卫了领土主权。其中,她为了捍卫主权不惜一切去赢得马岛战争胜利这一事件对她的政治生涯产生了重大影响。


Admiral Fieldhouse: She’s been changing course continually. There’s a strong possibility that they’re attempting a pincer movement (钳形攻势) on our carrier group. I advise that we engage them: Hit the Belgrano as a warning to the others. Send them all back to port.
Francis Pym: It’ll play badly internationally. We’ll be seen as aggressors.
John Nott: This will be an escalation, Prime Minister.
Leach: If there is to be an escalation, it’s better that we start it.

Margaret: Sink it.


Margaret: We congratulate the men and women of the armed forces for their skill, bravery and loyalty to this country. We were faced with an act of unprovoked aggression and we responded as we have responded in times past: With unity, strength and courage, sure in the knowledge that though much is sacrificed, in the end, right will prevail over wrong. And I put it to the Honourable Member (尊敬的议员) opposite that this is not a day for him to carp (吹毛求疵), find fault, demand inquiries—they will happen. I can assure him of that for we have nothing to hide. This is a day to put difference aside, hold one’s head high and take pride in being British.

1987年英国大选,Margaret赢得了前所未有的第三个任期,但富有争议的人头税政策遭到强烈反对,同时其反对深化欧洲一体化进程的立场也使保守党内部产生分裂,从而使她失去了党内同僚的支持。1990年,Margaret同意辞去首相职位,首相一职由John Major接任。唐宁街10号的门厅里出现了一条红玫瑰之路,零落的花瓣与依然优雅的信步形成巨大的反差,于是我们在铁娘子的泪水中见证了一个时代的结束:“I offer my resignation, after eleven and a half extraordinary years—proud to have left Britain in a much better state than when we took office.”



她是一个女儿。她记得收到牛津大学通知书时父亲赞许的眼神,也记得走出杂货铺的父亲慷慨激昂的演讲:“What is the life blood of any community? It’s business ... not just big business but small businesses, like mine. We on this island are strong. We’re self-reliant. Sometimes we’re plain bloody minded. But we also believe in helping each other. And I don’t mean by state handouts (施舍物) ...”


她是一位母亲。她会带着儿女在海边嬉戏,微笑地看着他们跑来跑去。她会陪着女儿Carol在马路上学车,并不失时机地对她进行教育:“One must be brave if one is to take the wheel.”她会要求女儿帮她戴上首饰,并像一个普通母亲一样与女儿谈心。她无时无刻不在挂念远行的儿子mark,会在半夜等待儿子的越洋电话。

她会在不同的场合展现女人脆弱的一面。她会展现母爱,在自己国家的士兵牺牲后潸然泪下,并坚定地说:“I am going to tell them that no british soldier will die in vain ...”她会在巨大的压力下失控,公开斥责自己的亲密下属。她会多疑,有意无意去旁听别人的谈话,担心自己会成为别人议论的焦点。


那栋可以被定义成名人故居的老宅是Meryl Streep与Margaret Thatcher逐渐相溶的舞台。与之相比,议会大厅、国际机场、阅兵场、国宾接待室都成了作为布景的点缀,因为这栋老宅里有Margaret传奇之外的爱情、亲情、友情、人情所有的记忆。Meryl Streep用“20世纪美国最佳女演员”的精湛演技,把英国历史上首位女首相的暮年生活演绎得惟妙惟肖。暮年的Margaret依然睿智、犀利。在与医生谈论自己的病情时,她毫不客气地指出,在她看来医生错误地使用了两个词——feel和think,其语言的犀利和逻辑的清晰可见一斑。

Doctor: Still it must be a bit disorientating (迷茫的). You are bound to (肯定) be feeling.
Margaret: What? What am I “bound to be feeling?” People don’t “think” any more. They “feel.” “How are you feeling?” “Oh, I don’t feel comfortable with that.” “Oh, I’m so sorry but we, the group, were feeling ...” Do you know one of the great problems of our age is that we are governed by people who care more about feelings than thoughts and ideas. Now thoughts and ideas—that interests me. Ask me what I am thinking.
Doctor: What are you thinking, Margaret?

Margaret: Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. What we think, we become. My father always said that. And I think I am fine. But I do so appreciate your kind concern.

看完医生,Margaret回到老宅内。面对幻觉中不断出现的丈夫和丈夫的声音,她打开所有有声响的东西,尝试将丈夫的逝去确认为事实:“If I can’t hear you, then I can’t see you. And if I can’t see you, then you are not here. And if you are not here, I am not going mad. I will not go mad. I will not ... I will not go mad.”影片最后,她把房间里所有丈夫的东西分档整理,然后忍痛目送幻觉中的丈夫缓慢离开。对于一个年近八旬的老人来说,这是何等的艰难!Denis穿越般地离去,Margaret百般不舍。而我们知道,对于Margaret来说,其实他离她更近了,因为放下就意味着永恒。




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