

 渐近故乡时 2016-08-13




FIGURE 1. Aggrecan, produced by chondrocytes, carries a strong negative charge. The resulting repulsion (electrical and osmotic, represented by the small red arrows) gives cartilage a tendency to swell. The collagen network within the cartilage (anchored to the underlying bone) provides cartilage with tensile strength and constrains the swelling and release of aggrecan to the join space. The collagen is therefore normally under tension (large red arrows). Illustration not to scale.

图1 显示由软骨细胞生成的蛋白聚糖携带强负电荷。由此产生的斥力(电荷和渗透,小红箭头所示)使软骨呈现膨胀趋势。软骨胶原网络(固定于底层骨)使软骨具有抗张强度和膨胀约束力,并能释放蛋白聚糖至关节间隙。因此,胶原蛋白通常处在拉伸状态(大红色箭头所示)。图片显示的并非尺寸上的拉伸。






FIGURE 2. Illustration of two potential mechanically initiated failure pathways to OA. Note other pathways (not shown), either mechanical or non-mechanical, may also initiate OA. (a) Normal healthy cartilage may experience (b) long-term overuse or repetitive small loads, which causes wear at the cartilage surface and exposes chondrocytes to high strains by the resulting consolidation under cyclic loading. (c) Alternatively, healthy cartilage may experience a high impact (short-term) load leading to splits, chondrocyte death, cytokine release with protease-mediated ECM degradation, and damage to the subchondral bone. (d) Ultimately, both routes result in failure as the cartilage repair capacity is exceeded.

图2. 说明了两种潜在的骨性关节炎力学损伤路径。值得注意的是,其他力学或非力学路径(图中未显示)也可引发骨性关节炎。(a) 正常健康的软骨可能经历(b)长期过度活动或承受重复性微负荷,这会导致软骨表面磨损,同时循环性载荷给软骨细胞造成了较高压力。(c) 另外,健康软骨可能因承受高负荷(短期)出现裂缝、软骨细胞死亡、细胞因子释放伴随蛋白酶介导的细胞外基质退化和软骨下骨受损。(d) 最终,当超过软骨修复能力时,这两种路径均会使软骨受损。













FIGURE 3. Conceptualizing cartilage mechanical environment metrics that incorporate more known factors.

图3. 概括了与更多已知因素合并的软骨力学环境参数。   


FIGURE 4. Workflow for integrating imaging, gait and cartilage quality data into a multiscale subject-specific model of human knee cartilage. For further discussion on each component, see host-mesh fitting, EMG-informed muscle forces in gait, knee cartilage stress–strain, and poroelastic models of cartilage. We argue that tissue-level metrics of cartilage consolidation and fluid exudation will have a stronger association with cartilage loss and defect enlargement than risk factors used in previous studies.

图4. 整合成像、步态和软骨质量数据到人膝关节软骨多项个体特异性模型。针对每个部分的进一步讨论,请参见主网格拟合,肌电图-提供步态肌力信息,膝软骨应力-应变和软骨多孔弹性模型。我们认为与已有研究中应用的风险因素相比,软骨实变和液体渗出相关的组织水平参数与软骨损伤和缺陷的扩大具有更强的相关性。



The ECM of cartilage includes dozens of collagens, proteoglycans, and glycoproteins, all enmeshed within intratissue water, called the interstitial fluid (Fig. 1). Arguably the two most structurally important macromolecules that regulate the tissue’s biomechanical functional properties are type II collagen and the proteoglycan aggrecan (as aggregate). The stiffness of cartilage under compression comes from both the repulsion between negatively charged aggrecans and the difficulty that the fluid has in squeezing out of the tissue. The interstitial fluid leaving the tissue then helps to give cartilage its famously low frictional properties via so-called mixed-mode lubrication. In addition, collagen helps resist shear loads and the loss of aggrecan itself, which otherwise would swell apart and be rapidly lost from cartilage.


In the clinical literature there is some discussion as to whether to define OA by clinical symptoms, like pain and disability, or by structural changes inferred through radiology or MRI. We take a more function-oriented approach and consider OA as an inability of cartilage to maintain its functional mechanical properties: the tissue has failed when fundamental mechanical variables, such as deformational resilience and interstitial fluid pressure, fall below levels required to maintain tissue integrity. Note that the root cause of this failure may be internal or external to the cartilage tissue; indeed, OA is commonly regarded as a disease of the whole joint. Our functional definition of OA is consistent with that advocated by the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) for early identification of OA risk and progression.


Although chondrocytes are known to adjust the ECM in response to chemical and environmental signals, substantial and/or long-term changes in these signals make the tissue more vulnerable to failure. This can occur through various mechanisms (exemplified in Fig. 2). Excessive tissue deformation, from either abnormally large sustained loads or abnormally weak tissue, can cause chondrocyte apoptosis. Insufficient lubrication between contacting cartilage surfaces or excessive activity will lead to excessive cartilage wear (as experienced by plumbers or cross-country skiers, for example). On the other hand, too low activity or static loads are known to inhibit ECM repair by retarding chondrocyte synthesis of aggrecan and collagen.


If we are to understand the biomechanical factors contributing to tissue failure, or OA, we need to start by understanding how observable differences in joint loads and geometry translate to changes in the mechanical environment experienced by the cartilage itself. More generally, since OA is rarely-if ever-the result of mechanics alone, a so-called mechanistic model of cartilage homeostasis is needed.




A mechanistic model is one pertaining to the underlying physical, chemical and biological mechanisms, describing how these processes interact and evolve in time. Far from being limited to mechanical loading alone, such a model could also involve cell signaling pathways, metabolic effects, ECM synthesis and proteolysis, and so on. Unlike a purely statistical approach, an appropriate mechanistic model allows experimental data to be placed in its proper context. For example, the interaction of the insulin-like growth factor IGF-1 with the binding proteins and proteases found in serum, synovial fluid and cartilage only makes sense when it is placed in the context of diffusive transport into the tissue and the ability of the tissue to regulate its exposure. BMI furnishes a simpler example: we know it is statistically connected to OA risk, but whether or not this is due to mechanical reasons can only be ascertained in a subject-specific model of cartilage mechanics incorporating knee geometry and the equations of mass and momentum balance. Furthermore, a mechanistic model enables ‘in silico’ experiments to investigate disease processes or reveal treatment strategies based on an individual’s combination of ‘parameters’.


The above somewhat rosy view of mechanistic modeling is undermined by imperfect knowledge of model structure and parameter values. The art of modeling is intuiting a model structure that can give insight into the question being asked. For example, we have argued above that focusing on turnover of the ECM is an appropriate conceptual starting point for questions related to OA prediction. Others might choose a different model structure (e.g., focus on joint forces). There is no single right way to model OA mechanistically, and model structure will vary with the modelers and the specific question being addressed.


It is useful here to treat model uncertainty as belonging to two main types. Imagine a model for a generic person. Many of the model parameters and even the core structure of the model, such as the phenomena it includes, will be only known to within a range; we call this population uncertainty. In contrast to population uncertainty, we refer to individual uncertainty as how a particular individual may vary from this generic person. Whenever uncertainty arises, stochastic approaches need to be coupled to mechanistic models.


Nevertheless, it may be possible to remove some of the unexplained population variability weakening the association between, for example, current biomechanical risk factors and OA outcomes. Indirect mechanical measures of loading of the medial compartment of the knee, such as knee adduction moments, provide a much better prediction for OA progression than body weight or frontal plane knee alignment, either alone or in combination. Extrapolating, we would expect that if even more relevant biomechanical factors were to be evaluated, such as the duration of lubrication and tissue consolidation, unexplained population variability may be reduced and so our predictive ability would increase. These subject-specific tissue mechanical conditions are likely to be a stronger metric to associate with OA risk than, say, BMI or knee adduction moments (Fig. 3). A multiscale subject-specific modeling approach, as depicted in Fig. 4, may be able to provide these stronger metrics.

由MediCool医库软件 王露黔 编译

原文来自:Predicting Knee Osteoarthritis

Ann Biomed Eng. 2016 Jan;44(1):222-33.

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