
《恋恋笔记本》(The Notebook)中英文剧本(1)

 昵称37731601 2016-10-29
Excuse me. 抱歉?
Come on, honey, let's get you ready for bed.
I am no one special, just a common man with common thoughts.
I've led a common life.
There are no monuments dedicated to me.
And my name will soon be forgotten.
But in one respect, I've succeeded as gloriously as anyone who ever lived.
(- Looking good, Duke. 你气色真好
- Feeling good. 感觉不错)
I've loved another with all my heart and soul and for me that has always been enough.
How's it hanging, Harry?
I keep trying to die, but they won't let me.
Well, you can't have everything.
Big day today. 今天可忙了
You say that every day, you old devil.
It's a lovely day outside. Let's take a walk.
I don't think so.
Well, we've got to get
you out of this room.
Come on now, honey. Some fresh air would do you good.
- Hello. 你好?
I'm sorry, it's not a good day.
I don't think she's up for anything.
Hello? 你好?
This is Duke, he's come to read to you.
- Read? 念故事?
- Mm-hmm.
No. I don't know.
Oh, come on, you'll like him, he's very funny.
Ahh... All right now, where did we leave off?
Oh, yeah, yeah, it was the night of the carnival.
Noah, was there with his friends, Fin and Sarah.
- Noah? 诺亚?
- That's where they met-- 他们就是在那里相遇的
June 6th, 1940. Allie was 17 years old.
- Little man wins a prize. 小家伙赢得大奖了
- Damn!
- Thank you for playing. 谢谢光临
- Ha, you're real funny. 你真可爱
Man, I clobbered that thing. I'm telling you these games are fixed.
- Hello.
- How are you?
Hi, what's your name?
- Who's this girl with Sara? 莎拉旁边那个女生是谁?
- Her name's Allie Hamilton. She's here for the summer with her family.
Dad's got more money than God.
- Hi, Fin!
- Hi, honey. Look, I won you a prize.
亲爱的… 你看,我帮你赢了奖品
Oh, Fin, thank you!
Hey Allie, you want some cotton candy?
- Umm, okay.
- That would be so much fun.
- You want to dance with me? 要不要跟我跳舞?
- No.
- Why not? 为什么?
-Because I don't want to. 因为我不想
Noah, she's with us. 诺亚,她是跟我们一起的
Hey Allie, you want to ride the Ferris wheel?
- I'd love to. -好啊
- All right. -好
- Noah Calhoun. -诺亚卡宏
- What? -什么?
Works down at the lumber yard with Fin.
Did you see he was standing like two inches away from my face?
Yeah, I saw. That's Noah, though. 我看到了,诺亚就是那样。
You know I’m surprised he even came over. I think he likes you.
Hey what-- jerk-- Get off me. Don't touch me.
我靠……你…… 走开,别碰我。
- Hey!
- What are you doing? 你干嘛?
- Hey, you can't do that! 你不能这样
I'll pay you when I get down, Tommy. 我下去再付你钱,汤米
I'm Noah Calhoun. 我是诺亚卡宏
- So?! 那又怎么样?
- So, it's really nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你
- Allie, who is this guy? 艾莉,这家伙是谁?
- I don't know, Noah Calhoun. 我不知道,诺亚卡宏
- I would really like to take you out. 我真的想跟你约会
- Friend! Do you mind? 哥们儿,你脑子有毛病吧!
You can't sit more than two people in a chair, Noah.
Okay, Tommy, all right. 好啦,汤米
Get down, Noah, you're gonna kill yourself!
Noah, cut it out. 诺亚,别闹了/别再犯傻了。
Now, will you go out with me? 你愿意跟我约会吗?
What? 什么?
- No. - No?
- No. - No?
Hey pal, she just told you. –哥们儿,她说的很清楚了
Why not? 为什么?
I don't know, because I don't want to. 我不知道,因为我不想
What? Well, you leave me no other choice then.
Oh my God. 我的天哪
I'm not kidding. 我没在开玩笑。
- Noah, stop fooling around. - 诺亚,别再做蠢事了
- What are you doing?
- Noah, grab the bar. 诺亚,抓住横杆
- I'm gonna ask you one more time. 我再问你一次
Will you... 你到底是愿意
or will you not go out with me? 还是不愿意跟我约会?
- Noah, you best come on. - 诺亚,抓住杆子
- God damn, my hand's slipping. 天哪,我的手在滑了
- Then grab the bar, you idiot. 那就抓牢啊,笨蛋
- Not until she agrees. 除非她点头答应
- Ah, go on out with him, honey. 啊,跟他约会吧,亲爱的
- Okay, okay, fine, I'll go out with you. -好,好,好 我跟你约会
- What? -什么?
- No, don't do me any favors. 我可不要你可怜我
No, no. I want to. 不,不,是我想去的。
- You want to? You want to? -你想去? 你真的想去?
- Yes! -对
- Say it. I want to go out with you. -说清楚 我愿意跟你约会
- Say it again. 再说一次
- I want to go out with you. 我愿意跟你约会
All right, all right,we'll go out. 好吧,好吧,那我们就出去吧
You think you're so smart, don't you? 你自以为很行,对吧?
That wasn't funny, Noah, you idiot! 这一点都不好玩,诺亚,你个笨蛋。
No, it's okay, I'll take care of this. 不,没关系,看我的
What are you doing? 你干嘛?
Please don't do that. 求你别这么做
Please don't do that, Allie. –求你了,艾丽
I can't believe... –难以置信……
Oh God. 老天
You're not so cocky now, are ya? 这下你蔫儿了吧?
I'm gonna get you for that. 我一定会把你弄到手
Ah, maybe you will, maybe you won't. 那可不一定
- Did he say anything to you?
- Oh, yeah, will you look at that?
It's that girl from the Carnival, right? 这不是嘉年华会上的那个女生?
Do you remember me? 记得我吗?
Yeah, sure, Mr. Underwear, was it? 当然,内裤猛男
- Well, I...
- How could I forget? 我怎么可能会忘记?
Yeah, I wanted to clear that up with you, because I'm really sorry about that. It was a really stupid thing to do--crawl up a Ferris wheel to talk to somebody. But I had to be next to you. I was being drawn to you.
Oh-- oh, jeez, what a line! You use that on all the girls?
哦……哦,老天 瞧你这一套一套的!你都这样把妹的?
- No. 不是的
- Right. I saw you the other night with little Miss Ribbons.
可是有一天晚上 我看见你和另一个女孩在一起
- What are you doing tonight? -你今晚要有事吗?
- What? -干嘛?
Or tomorrow night, or this weekend, whatever. 不然就明晚,或这个周末
- Why? -干嘛?
- Why? Our date. -我们的约会啊
What date? -什么约会?
- The date that you agreed to. -你答应过的
- No... 我可没有……
Yes, you did. You promised and you swore it. 你答应过,还发过誓的
Well, I guess I changed my mind. 好吧,我想我改变主意了
Look, I know you get some dirty guy coming up to you on the street-- you don't know him.
听着,我知道你不想在街上 碰到一个你不认识的脏兮兮的人上来和你搭话
You don't know me, but I know me. And when I see something that I like, I gotta ha-- I love it. I go-- I mean, I go crazy for it.
Okay, what are you talking about? 你在说什么?
Well, you. 我说的就是你
Oh, you're good. -你真行
- What? -什么?
- You're good. -你真行
- No. No, you're getting me wrong. -不,你误会了
- You're good. You are. You're fantastic. 你真行,真的。你很有一套
- I'm not. - 不是的
You really are. I'm impressed. 真的,你给我留下了深刻的印象
- I'm not usually like this, I'm sorry. 我通常不会这样,对不起
- Oh, yes, you are. 才怪
I can be fun, if you want... pensive, uh, smart, uh, superstitious, brave. And uh... I can be light on my feet. I could be whatever you want. You just tell me what you want and I'll be that for you.
如果你希望的话,我可以很风趣..忧郁..聪明..迷信..勇敢。我也很会跳踢踏舞. 你想要我变成什么样 我就可以变成什么样。只要你一句话。
You're dumb. 你真笨
I could be that. 我也可以那样

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