

 徒步者的收藏 2016-11-19


In a world first Chinese scientists have injected a human with cells genetically modified to fight cancer.

The team used a controversial technique known as 'CRISPR-Cas9' which works like a pair of genetic scissors to cut very specific sections of DNA.

The tool allows researchers to cut out inherited genes that might cause cancer from cells and replace them with healthy DNA.

It is hoped the technique might provide a new treatment against cancer for patients who have not responded to chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

The trial at Sichuan University's West China Hospital in Chengdu received ethical approval from a hospital review board in July.

The researchers removed immune cells from the patient's blood and then disabled a gene in them using the controversial technique.


Juanhunglo worcester United Kingdom 14 hours ago
We should be pulling out all the stops in the fight against Cancer - good on yer China!

Bellabanana Near here United Kingdom 14 hours ago
This would be wonderful if it's successful. My beautiful mum died of lung cancer 8 years ago. She didn't even smoke. If anyone could have seen what she went through any good news about a cure is a huge step in the right direction.

Joe Belfast 14 hours ago
Someday cancer will be defeated and I believe it will be within the next 20 years.

SAMSUNG NOTE 7 China Town in Busan South Korea 12 hours ago
Chewy. You will see lots of breakthroughs in science and technology before you reach to elderly age. It depends on where you live though.

loonyleftie Bristol United Kingdom 3 hours ago
It's defeated every day. Survival rates are at the there highest.

Maximus Southampton United Kingdom 14 hours ago
This is brilliant news. Screw so called ethics. Curing disease and reaching the long term goal of immortality is paramount. Death is horrible. All our efforts should go into this type of research.

SunStateGuy Florida United States 11 hours ago
We will always only live at 10 or 12 decades. No more sometimes less. Make the most of it that's what I take from life

Catweazle North Yorkshire 10 hours ago
'Screw so called ethics.' --- Absolutely. Mostly they are a mechanism used by drug companies to protect their products from competitors.

Georgina - Sheffield Away_from_Brussels_Influence United Kingdom 14 hours ago
Nothing ventured nothing gained. Looking forward to the results.

The Myth Of The News Devon United Kingdom 14 hours ago
But did the treatment work??? That is the question

Tails1 Ajax Canada 14 hours ago
This is a slippery slope I predict a time where one can buy modifications to the human code for any number of 'corrections' to human DNA people will be able to have designer children and the human species will fork into two different races. Interesting times we live in indeed.

YaaBooSucks Genuinely British United Kingdom 10 hours ago
Why aren't we doing this. Are our scientists too 'hands tied'?

Catweazle North Yorkshire 10 hours ago
Yes. Amongst other dodgy tricks Big Pharma misuses 'ethics' to protect the profitability of their products. Remember the two scientists who discovered that colonic ulcers could be cured by a simple course of antibiotics thus depriving the pharmaceutical and surgical industries of billions of dollars per annum? They were rewarded by becoming practically unemployable and received death threats.

jondoeuk cardiff United Kingdom 8 hours ago
@Catweazle At the University of Western Australia with his colleague Dr Barry Marshall Dr Robin Warren proved that the bacterium H. pylori is the infectious cause of stomach ulcers. They helped develop a convenient diagnostic test for patients too. In 2005 they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine. So I don't know what you are on about?
@Catweazle 我记得西澳大利亚大学两位教授:Dr Barry Marshall和Dr Robin Warren证明了胃溃疡是幽门螺杆菌簇感染造成的。他们发展了一套便于对患者进行诊断的测试疗程。2005年他们还被授予诺贝尔医学奖。所以我不知道你说的是什么情况。

SAMSUNG NOTE 7 China Town in Busan South Korea 14 hours ago
Maybe China soon the first country with full of surprising technologies in cures.

LarryGlasgow Scotland United States Minor Outlying Islands 13 hours ago
Thanks to the DM for getting readers interested in new genetic developments.Your articles are easy to understand.

AtlantaRN Atlanta GA United States 2 hours ago
They make it sound simple but the key sentence here is 'It's not very scalable.' Read it's massively expensive and we don't know what might happen to these people who will otherwise die.
他们让它听起来很简答, 但是关键是“它是不可升级的”,感觉要大规模做而且非常昂贵(应该是指从血液中移除免疫细胞的量级和手术费用?),而且我们不知道接受治疗的人会发生什么,他们是否会死。

THE MAN WITH NO NAME CITY Vatican 10 hours ago
Not so long ago i would have too yelled 'playing God' but Let's see what gonna come out of all this !

EU Fanatic Eurozone United Kingdom 13 hours ago
those Chinese always copying us this time they're following us with world firsts!

Clint West Midlands United Kingdom 13 hours ago
Use prisoners first.

dmcaca Sao Paulo Brazil 8 hours ago
cold smart guy

Opinionatedbrummie Leicester United Kingdom 14 hours ago
Brilliant. Genetically modified food will give it to you and genetically modified cells will take it away.

peter eastleigh United Kingdom 14 hours ago
A viable Male contraceptive pill would make them billions.

cuesnowy Neath United Kingdom 13 hours ago
If it's like their stuff you buy it worries me what we could end up with.

SAMSUNG NOTE 7 China Town in Busan South Korea 12 hours ago
End up with a world we don't suffer or no more disease.

Juggernaut73 Somerset United Kingdom 12 hours ago
Or the opposite where messing around with things like this cause problems

RB Essex United Kingdom 12 hours ago
Has anyone seen I Am Legend? This could be how the zombie apocalypse starts. Be prepared watch The Walking Dead people it could save your life!!!
看过《我是传奇》吗?(2007年上映电影,威尔史密斯主演,医学家发明了一种新的可以治愈疾病的病毒,不料病毒变异后将受感染的人类变成活僵尸) 这可能是僵尸大灾变的开始。准备看《行尸走肉》,它可能会救你的命!!!

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