
奥巴马女儿去过Gap Year了,你还不知其为何物吗?(一)

 toer9126 2016-12-25




Harvard College encourages admitted students to defer enrollment for one year to travel, pursue a special project or activity, work, or spend time in another meaningful way.


Gap year是什么?

A gap year is a year before going to college or university and after finishing high school or taking a year off before going into graduate school .


During this time students may engage in advanced academic courses and non-academic courses, such as yearlong pre-college math courses, language studies, learning a trade, art studies, volunteer work, travel, internships, sports and more.


早在20世纪60年代,间隔年的做法就在英国兴起了,并逐渐成为欧洲,澳大利亚,新西兰等各地青年的普遍选择。像雷励国际(Raleigh International)、纬度全球志愿(Lattitude Global Volunteering)都是间隔年海外活动的知名组织。(想过间隔年,知道去哪儿找组织了吧,不用谢~)


据《大西洋报》(The Atlantic)报道,

While there are no official statistics that track participation in gap year programs, the Associated Press reports that 30,000 to 40,000 students take advantage of the break each year, and the year 2015 showed a 22 percent increase in students taking gap years over the previous year, according to surveys taken by the American Gap Association. 




After completing his studies at the prestigious Eton College, The Duke of Cambridge's gap year included: training with the Welsh Guards in Belize, working in English dairy farms, visiting several charities in Africa and taking part in a ten week volunteering programme in southern Chile where he helped to construct a school and taught English as a foreign language. 


Before changing the face of music forever, the Beatles were a band of five young lads from Liverpool covering songs of other artists and trying to make it in the industry. Although technically more of a musical 'apprenticeship' rather than an official 'gap year', the Beatles had left the UK to pursue their interest in music in Hamburg,Germany, shortly after completing high school. The early days in Hamburg proved to be vital as it was here that the Beatles refined their musical skills and adopted that iconic mop-top hairstyle. John Lennon once famously said of his Hamburg days with the eternal line:'I was born in Liverpool but grew up in Hamburg.'

J.K 罗琳

In 1991 J.K Rowling was experiencing a difficult time with her mother passing away. Hoping to escape the pain, she relocated to Porto, Portugal, bringing along with her an uncompleted manuscript about a boy wizard named Harry Potter. While in Porto, J.K Rowling would teach English at night while spending her days slaving away on her novel.


“The manuscript had changed a lot since my mother had died. Now, Harry's feelings about his dead parents had become much deeper; much stronger; much more real, somehow.”

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