
【双语】peppa pig/小猪佩奇第一季第四集

 一帆风顺G3 2017-01-11

双语早教版块之《peppa pig》



Peppa最好的朋友Suzy小羊来找Peppa玩,她们一起在Peppa的宿舍玩游戏。George也想跟她们一起玩,但是Peppa不同意,说游戏是big girls之间玩耍的,Peppa让George去玩自己的玩具,这让George感到有点孤单失落。这时妈妈喊George过去帮忙,虽然George很乐意帮忙,但是心里更想跟Peppa一起玩游戏。这时候Peppa和Suzy扮演护士和医生的游戏,没有人扮演病人。于是Peppa就让George当病人,George非常高兴。George躺在床上,Peppa和Suzy像模像样的给他看病。

peppa pig





I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my little brother, George.
 This is Mummy Pig.
 I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my little brother, George.
 This is Mummy Pig.
 And this is Daddy Pig.
 Peppa pig. ??

Best Friend
Peppa is Waiting for her best friend, Suzy Sheep.
Hello, Suzy!
Baaaa! Hello, Peppa.
Suzy Sheep has come to play with Peppa.
Peppa loves Suzy.
Suzy loves Peppa.
They are best friends.

Peppa, Why don't you and Suzy go and play in your bedroom?
Yes, Mummy!
George wants to play, too.
Peppa and Suzy love playing in Peppa's bedroom.
So does George.
No, George.
This game is just for big girls.
Go and play with your own toys.
Peppa and Suzy want to play on their own.
I'm a tiny little fairy princess!
I'm going to wave my magic wand...and turn you into a frog!
George doesn't like playing on his own.
George wants to play, too.
No, George!
I'm playing With Suzy...You'll have to play somewhere else.
George wants to play with Peppa.
He feels a bit lonely.
George, I need some help!!
I'm making chocolate chip cookies!!
Someone needs to lick out the bowl.
George likes helping Mummy make cookies.
But he likes playing with Peppa more.
Baaaa! I want to be a nurse!
I want to be a doctor.
But who's gonna be the sick person?
Peppa and Suzy love playing doctors and nurses.
So does George.
Peppa listens to George's chest.
Now, George, take a big breath in...then cough.
Mm, I think your heart's a bit loose......I'll put a plaster on it.
Baa! Open wide, please.
Suzy takes George's temperature.
Oh, dear, you're very, very hot.
I think you have to stay in bed for three years.
Daddy Pig has come to find George.
Oh, no! What's wrong with George?

Don't worry, Daddy.
It's only a game.
George is our patient.
Oh, I see.
Can the patient have a visitor?
Just for a little while.
He might get tired.
Yes, they're for George.
They're his medicine to make him feel better.
Um, excuse me, doctor,
Can you help me?
I have a sore tummy.
That tickles!
I can hear it rumbling.
I think you're hungry, Daddy.
Then I think I need
lots of cookies to make me better.
And me!

And me!
And me! Baa


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