

 文山书院 2017-03-30



The Ming Dynasty is an important stage of development of China ceramic history, imperial wares mainly in Jingdezhen has been greatly developed, the Ming Dynasty daily-use ceramics, building ceramics and other types of ceramic manufacturing more than before in the past, showing the development of ceramic industry situation. The Ming Dynasty blue and white porcelain, colorful, color is the mainstream of porcelain production. Identification of Ming Dynasty porcelain, can proceed from five aspects.

成化 斗彩鸡缸杯


LOT号: 0001

估价: 咨询价

成交价: 28,124.00

拍卖公司: 香港蘇富比(香港)

拍卖日期: 2014-04-08


明代胎体迎光透视,都显肉红色而清代及民国仿品则为青白色。如以洁白细润著称于世的成化胎体,迎光透视显出颜色深浅不同的牙白或粉白色,具有如 脂似乳的莹润光泽。如著名的永宣细砂底器,露胎处均可见到金属自然氧化形成的黑褐色星点或火石红色。明代早期和晚期的圆器足底,常有塌底,沾砂,放射状刮 削跳刀痕,到末期更为明显。器足形状有直圈足,内敛圈足,卧足,台阶式圈足,外倾内斜削式圈足,直切圈足,壁形足,平削圈足,深圈足,浅圈足,刮削平足 等,民窑略显粗糙,容易辨认。

1, fetal glaze

In the Ming Dynasty, the body was exposed to light, and the flesh was red, while the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China were white. As of the carcass to white delicate known to the world, Ying ray shows the color of different shades of white or white powder, such as milk with fat like shiny. Such as the famous Xuan Xuan fine sand bottom, can be seen at the tire metal natural oxidation of the formation of black brown or red diamond. Circle foot early and late Ming Dynasty, often collapse at the end, with sand, the radial jump scraping knife, to the end is more obvious. Is the foot shape of straight foot restrained foot lying foot, stepped foot inside extroversion cut type ring foot, straight cut foot, foot wall shape, flat cut foot deep shallow foot foot scraping flatfoot, 'slightly rough, easily recognizable.

永乐 青花如意垂肩折枝花果纹梅瓶


LOT号: 0011

估价: 8,000.00-12,000.00万 

成交价: 16,866.00

拍卖公司: 香港蘇富比(香港)

拍卖日期: 2011-10-05


明代瓷器的造型,是鉴别真伪的重要依据。这是因为各类器型多能确切表现本时代的生活习惯、审美标准、风俗面貌和技术成就。若能熟练并善于识别其 形状和神态,就掌握了一种比较可靠的鉴定方法。明代造型总的特点是丰满,浑厚,古朴,器型线条柔和,圆润,给人以质朴,庄重之感。

2, modeling

The shape of the Ming Dynasty porcelain is an important basis for the identification of authenticity. This is because the various types of equipment can accurately show the living habits of this era, aesthetic standards, customs and technical achievements. If you are skilled and good at identifying the shape and expression, you can grasp a more reliable identification method. The main features of the Ming Dynasty is plump, thick, simple, soft and mellow style, giving a simple, solemn sense.

宣德 青花五爪云龙纹大罐


LOT号: 3012

估价: 6,000.00-8,000.00万

成交价: 15,804.00

拍卖公司: 佳士得(香港) 

拍卖日期: 2016-05-30

永乐、宣德年间瓷器,史称“永宣瓷”。它的主要特点是:在掌握各时代瓷器品种的特征及时代风貌的同时,应侧重对器型的古拙、敦厚、粗笨、秀美、 玲珑、华丽等不同风格进行研究,详加分析对比,摸清其演变规律。明代永乐年间的器型古拙秀美,宣德时期造型种类明显增多,并且制作精细,独出心裁,有些是 空前绝后之作,若不具备很高的技术水平,难以仿制成功。至于成化时期,宫庭喜好首先选用纤巧,精致的器型,碗、把杯、罐等,大的器型宫廷较少选用。余下的 和大多数大的器型推向民间市场。但大多都出色地代表了当时轻盈秀致的风格,并为仿品所望尘莫及。弘治、正德时期虽器型品种不多,但却端庄秀逸。嘉靖、万历 以后,器型渐趋复杂,又有许多创新之作,风格上厚重古拙与轻盈华丽兼而有之,只是比起永宣时期的作品未免粗糙。

Wing Lok, Xuan de porcelain, known as 'Yong Xuan porcelain'. Its main features are: in the era of varieties of porcelain master characteristics and style of the times at the same time, should focus on the type of simple, honest, clumsy, elegant, exquisite, gorgeous and different style of study, detailed analysis and comparison, find out the rule of evolution. The Ming Dynasty Yongle type Guzhuo beautiful, Xuande period other species increased significantly, and the production of fine, create new styles, some is unprecedented for, if do not have a high level of technology, it is difficult to imitate the success. As for the Chenghua period, house Tingxi good first choose slim, delicate type, bowl, cup, the tank, the type selection of small palace. The remaining and most of the major models to the private market. But most of them are well represented at the light show by style, and imitation goods exceed. Although the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty, although not many varieties of equipment, but dignified show yi. Jiajing, Wanli, is becoming increasingly complex, and there are many innovative work style, heavy and light Guzhuo magnificence, but compared to the Yongxuan period work is rough.

永乐 青花双系扁壶


LOT号: 0347

估价: 28,000.00-28,000.00万 

成交价: 13,800.00

拍卖公司: 澳门中信(澳门) 

拍卖日期: 2016-06-12

明代瓷器的造型除继承前朝的(特别是日用器)之外,产生了压手杯,鸡心杯,倭角瓶,卧足杯,斗,水注,镂空瓷器等。例如成化时期则以斗彩鸡缸 杯、“天”字盖碗等为典型器物。对于造型,要从以下几点去观察:器口、颈、耳、柄、腹、底、足、流、系、以至器里。若能经常测量器体部位,体重厚薄,熟记 大小,对于鉴定工作更为有利。

The Ming Dynasty porcelain shape except for the succession of former (especially for daily), produced a press hand cup, heart-shaped cup, horn bonobos bottle, lying foot cup, bucket, water, hollow porcelain etc.. For example, in the Chenghua period doucai chicken cylinder Cup 'days', as the typical artifacts of tureen. For modeling, to observe from the following points: the mouth, neck, ears, handle, abdomen, bottom, foot, flow, system, as well as the device. If you can often measure the body parts, weight, thickness, remember the size of the identification work is more favorable.


明初洪武时期的青花瓷色泽暗黑,这主要是元末明初战争频繁,苏青料进口中断,使用国产青料造成的。明代青花瓷器,在元代基础上,又不断创新,无 论从数量和质量上都有很大提高,成为当时瓷业生产的主流。明代青花瓷器的一大特点是青花料有很大变化。一般可分为三个时期,早期以永乐、宣德为代表,使用 进口苏青料,色浓重、绚丽、鲜艳;中期以成化为代表,使用国产平等青料,色泽谈雅幽静,晚期以嘉靖、万历为代表,使用是回青料、色彩兰中泛紫。除青花外、 还有甜白、鲜红、宝石红、孔雀绿、孔雀兰、浅黄等单色釉(也叫一道釉)都很成功。到中期前后,彩瓷有了发展,出现了斗彩、五彩等釉上彩与釉下彩相结合的瓷 器。

3, color

In the early Ming and Qing Dynasties, the color of the blue and white porcelain was dark, which was mainly caused by the frequent wars in the late Yuan and early Ming dynasty. The blue and white porcelain in Ming Dynasty, on the basis of the Yuan Dynasty, and constantly innovation, both in terms of quantity and quality are greatly improved, becoming the mainstream of porcelain production. Blue and white porcelain in the Ming Dynasty is a major feature of blue and white material changes. General can be divided into three stages, in the early stage of Yongle and Xuande as the representative, the use of imported Su Qing material, color rich, gorgeous, bright; mid Chenghua as the representative, the use of domestic equal green material, the color of elegant quiet, in late Jiajing and Wanli as the representative, is the use of material, the color blue Huiqing in the pan purple. In addition, there are blue and white sweet white, red, red, blue, yellow, malachite green, Peacock (also called a monochrome glaze) are very successful. In the middle of before and after, with the development of porcelain, the glaze color and colorful color, and color combination of porcelain glaze.

洪武 釉里红云龙纹双龙耳瓶


LOT号: 0212

估价: 10,800.00-10,800.00万 

成交价: 11,880.00

拍卖公司: 澳门中信(澳门) 

拍卖日期: 2013-06-23


明代瓷器纹饰装饰主要以绘画为主,也有刻花、划花、印花、镂雕等方法。从绘画风格上看,无论人物、花鸟、飞禽走兽都极为生动豪放、富于画意,线条舒展流畅;加之釉色纯朴浑厚、丰富多彩,就更增加了画面的美感。官窑瓷器的纹饰比较工整、细致,民窑器物的纹饰笔法潇洒、自由奔放,生动地表现了对现实美好生活的愿望。画面题材很丰富,人物、花鸟、飞禽走兽 无所不有,有些画面取材于锦缎上的纹饰,或受小说木刻插图影响,或取材于戏剧、民间故事传说等。有些内容尤其是在官窑器物上,反映了当时封建统治者的思想 意识,有些则带有封建迷信色彩。明代所画的人物比较挺拔,小孩儿头比较肥大,不合比例,前额及后脑凸出,明代早期龙鳞画得比较精细,晚期有的龙鳞画得草 率,龙爪画得比清代简单,但龙爪雄壮有力。画龙比较窄瘦、龙咀较长,一般都称为猪咀龙。此时八宝纹的排列多为轮、螺、伞、盖、花、鱼、罐、肠。后仿品有时 忽略此点,在鉴定时应注意观察。明代瓷器上有以文字作为纹饰装饰内容,如梵文、阿拉伯文、寿字、福字等。纹饰多为云龙、云凤、缠枝花卉,后来出现人物、飞 禽走兽、八仙、人物故事等。官窑瓷器比较工整细致,民窑比较粗放、生动。

3, color

In the early Ming and Qing Dynasties, the color of the blue and white porcelain was dark, which was mainly caused by the frequent wars in the late Yuan and early Ming dynasty. The blue and white porcelain in Ming Dynasty, on the basis of the Yuan Dynasty, and constantly innovation, both in terms of quantity and quality are greatly improved, becoming the mainstream of porcelain production. Blue and white porcelain in the Ming Dynasty is a major feature of blue and white material changes. General can be divided into three stages, in the early stage of Yongle and Xuande as the representative, the use of imported Su Qing material, color rich, gorgeous, bright; mid Chenghua as the representative, the use of domestic equal green material, the color of elegant quiet, in late Jiajing and Wanli as the representative, is the use of material, the color blue Huiqing in the pan purple. In addition, there are blue and white sweet white, red, red, blue, yellow, malachite green, Peacock (also called a monochrome glaze) are very successful. In the middle of before and after, with the development of porcelain, the glaze color and colorful color, and color combination of porcelain glaze.

宣德 青花矾红彩「海兽图」高足杯


LOT号: 3029

估价: 2,500.00-3,500.00万

成交价: 7,964.00

拍卖公司: 香港蘇富比(香港)

拍卖日期: 2013-10-08

5, Kuanshi

The Ming Dynasty porcelain inscriptions written in general, there are very few engraved. The inscription of the Ming Dynasty porcelain is a summary of the previous paragraph: Yongle, Xuande section, a section of fertilizer, koji models show, Masanori paragraph Gong, Jiajing style and miscellaneous. On behalf of the Ming Dynasty porcelain inscription inscription dating to vary widely, with characteristic and distinguishing is quite important. Experience different styles of each generation of knowledge, we should start the research technique, and then the true physical knowledge, in comparison with the kind, structure, arrangement, repeatedly inscribed to its site in the font, and color shades such as a word.

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