

 悟空MrLi 2017-05-21
ATA33 灯

明              bright
暗              dim
烧坏            burn out
灯亮            on 或 illuminate
灯灭            off 或 turn off
不亮            does not come on
不灭            does not go off
闪亮            flash
保持明亮         stay on bright
不能恰当地点亮  does not come on correctly
灯              light
灯泡            bulb
灯罩            lamp cover
灯架            lamp holder
灯座            lamp socket 或 lamp base
灯组件          light module
尾灯            tail light
闪光灯          strobe light
航行灯          navigation light 缩写NAV light
防撞灯          anti-collision light
防撞(频闪)灯  anti-collision (strobe) light
着陆灯          landing light
信号灯          signal light
下滑灯          approach light
标志灯          logo light
滑行灯          taxi light
机身灯          fuselage light
转弯灯          turnoff light
机翼照明灯      wing illumination light
位置灯(导航)  position (NAV) light
轮舱灯              wheel well light
货舱灯          cargo compartment light
附件舱灯         accessory compartment light
空调舱灯          air conditioning compartment light
APU 勤务灯     APU service light
登机梯踏板灯        airstair tread light
电子设备舱灯     electronic equipment compartment light
航图灯           chart light
地图灯           map light
信息灯              MSG light
圆顶灯           dome light
主警诫灯         MASTER CAUTION light
飞行箱灯         flight kit light
指示器灯         indicator light
APU 维护灯         APU MAINT light
APU 超速灯         APU OVER SPEED light
面板泛光灯       panel flood light
组件跳开灯          PACK TRIP OFF light
CDU上偏置灯    CDU OFST light
跳开关面板灯      circuit breaker Panel light
冲压门全开灯      RAM DOOR FULL OPEN light
操纵台泛光灯     control stand flood light
仪表板照明灯     plate light
防滞不工作灯     ANTISKID INOP light
机长空速管灯     CAPT PITOT light 
燃油泵低压灯       LOW PRESSURE light for the fuel pump
风挡加温 ON 灯  for WINDOW HEAT ON light
马赫配平失效灯   MACH TRIM FAIL light
氧气面罩泛光灯   oxygen mask flood light
右迎角传感器灯   R ALPHA VANE light
右灭火瓶释放灯   R BOTTLE DISCHARGED light
升降舵空速管灯   ELV PITOT light
备用液压低压灯   LOW PRESSURE light for STBY HYD
飞行记录器关断灯 FLIGHT RECORDER OFF light
一发液压泵低压灯 LOW PRESSURE light for ENG 1 hydraulic pump
A 系统飞行操纵低压灯LOW PRESSURE light for FLT CONTROL A
1 号电动液压泵低压灯LOW PRESSURE light for ELEC 1 hydraulic pump
设备冷却排气/供气 OFF 灯  for the EQUIP COOLING EXHAUST /SUPPLYOFF light
遮光板泛光灯(自动飞行控制系统) glareshield  flood light (AFCS)
备用灯泡箱需要补充 Spare bulb kit needs replenishing
组件灯主警诫再现期间意外亮。PACK light comes on unexpectedly during master caution recall
左灭火瓶释放(L BOTTLE DISCHARGED)灯在灭火的发动机亮。 L BOTTLE DISCHARGED light on for the engine fire extinguishing
机翼防冰左活门打开灯    L VALVE OPEN light for WING ANTI-ICE
1)         电门移至 ON 位时,XX灯由明亮至暗亮的变化慢。XX light  changed  from bright to dim slowly when switch was moved to ON
夜灯             night light
窗灯       window light
阅读灯           reading light
地板灯     floor light
荧光灯     fluorescent   lamp
橱柜灯           closet light
入口灯           entry light
厨房顶灯         galley ceiling light
盥洗室灯         lavatory light
厨房工作灯       galley work light
凹进的顶灯       recessed ceiling light
应急照明灯     emergency light
乘务员工作灯   attendant work light
行李箱上的顶灯   bin mounted ceiling light
应急滑梯/翼上灯        emergency slide/overwing light
旅客座位上方呼叫灯   call light above passenger seat
旅客氧气接通灯      PASS OXY ON light
1)    PASS OXY ON light灯亮,所有面罩自动脱落,电门未移动,机舱压力正常。PASS OXY ON light was on, all masks dropped automatically, switch was not moved and cabin pressure was normal
2)    PASS OXY ON light灯亮,所有面罩不能自动脱落,移动旅客氧气电门后,面罩脱落。PASS OXY ON light was on, all masks failed to drop automatically, it dropped after PASS OXY switch was moved
1)         航后检查发现22排左侧壁灯不亮Do AF Check and find row 22 Left windows light does not work.
2)         右内着陆灯不亮。The R/H fixed landing light does not work.
3)         L1门ENTRY灯间歇性不工作,时亮时灭 The entry light of door L1 does not work intermittently.
4)         航后检查发现备用皮托管指示灯不亮。Do AF Check and find the ALT pilot indicator light does not work.
5)         前舱服务间的顶灯接触不好,时亮时暗。 The ceiling light in FORWARD GALLEY does not work intermittently.
6)         7排C座阅读灯坏 The reading light of Seat 7C does not work.
7)         航后检查发现前轮舱前壁灯不亮' Do AF Check and find the forward sidewall light in NLG wheel well does not work.
8)         后舱R2门侧洗手间灯故障。The light of R2 lavatory does not work.
9)         前舱服务间出口灯在DIM不断闪烁,The EXIT light in forward galley twinkles all time on DIM position.
10)      航后检查发现地板应急灯最后两个灯不亮。The last two floor emergency lights are not illuminated in AF check.
11)      AF 检查发现左侧转弯灯不亮。The L/H runaway turnoff light is not illuminated AF check.
12)      航后检查发现左右大翼照明灯均不亮。Neither the L/H nor R/H wing illumination lights are not illuminated in AF check.
13)      航后发现右侧翼根着陆灯不亮. The R/H inboard landing light does not illuminate in AF check.
14)      AF检查发现前轮舱照明灯不工作.The nose wheel well light does not work during AF check.
15)      顶灯调至'Night'档后,大部分不亮.Set the top lights to the 'Night' position and most of the lights are not on.
16)      更换左侧根部的着陆灯  Replace L/H inboard landing light
17)      更换右侧滑行灯 Replace R/H runway turnoff light

ATA34 导航

顶端              top
自检              bite
时钟                   clock
底端              bottom
天线              antenna
导航              navigation 缩写NAV
惯导              inertial reference
应答机            transponder
收发机            transceiver
主注意            master caution
数据库            database
地形数据库        terrain database
下滑道            glide slope
下滑道数据            GS data
下滑道指针        glideslope(G/S) pointers
航向道            localizer
航向道指针        localizer pointers
指点信标          marker beacon
维护代码          maintenance code
隔离活门          Isolation valve
中点移动          neutral shift
近地                   ground proximity
近地警告          ground proximity warning (GND PROX WARN)
近地警告系统自检  GPWS  BITE
近地警告系统不工作灯      GPWS INOP light
姿态指示仪        attitude indicator
惯导显示组件      ISDU
多方式接收机      Multi-mode receiver
测距仪询问机      DME interrogator
马赫空速警告       Mach airspeed warning
机舱高度警告系统  Cabin altitude warning system
无线电导航        radio navigation
无线电高度表      Radio altimeter
无线电磁指示器    Radio magnetic indicator
无线电高度接收机  radio altitude receiver
无线电高度发射天线radio altitude transmitter antenna
FMC 软件载入         FMC software load
检查介质信息 CHECK MEDIA message
数据库无效信息         DATA BASE INVALID message FMC
复位计数超限信息RESET COUNT EXCEEDED message
导航数据过期信息NAV DATA OUT OF DATE message
数据库和OFP 不匹配信息DB-OFP INCOMPATIBLE message
数据库超过FMC 存储容量信息DB EXCEEDS FMC MEMORY message
检查数据库载入器或界面信息CHECK DBL OR INTERFACE message
数据库超出飞行管理计算机存储范围信息DB EXCEEDS FMC MEMORY message
垂直速度数据    Vertical speed data
垂直速度指针    Vertical speed pointer
地形失效信息   TERR FAIL message
地形位置信息    TERR POS message
近地地形显示   Terrain display for ground proximity
地图/地形/气象雷达范围不一致信息MAP/TERR/WXR RANGE DISAGREE message
接通 CMD A方式    CMD A engaged
在所有位置接收和发射问题 Reception and transmission problem at all stations
CDU 位置基准页 POS REF display of CDU
CDU位置基准显示页上的 GPS-L/R 数据丢失。GPS-L/R data on POS REF display of CDU is missing
飞机在空中时显示地面方式。Ground mode shows with airplane in the air
当任一 A/P 接通 CMD 时,飞机出现俯仰波动(前后波动)。Airplane has pitch oscillation (porpoises) with any A/P engaged in CMD
机舱高度指示波动。CABIN ALT indication fluctuates
机舱爬升指示器不工作,指针不动。CABIN CLIMB indicator does not operate, pointer does not move
当空速管静压加温电门在 OFF 位时,探头加温器指示器灯不亮。Probe heater indicator lights do not come on when PITOT STATIC HEAT switches are OFF
空中TCAS 时好时坏 TCAS does not work intermittently in flight.
右GPS故障.  The R/H GPS has faults.
过站机组反映右CDU故障. The R/H CDU has fault by the reporting of the crew in TR.
航前检查发现B2158机身左侧静后孔附近有几处雷击点.Some thunder striking points near L/H static pressure port of aircraft B2158 have been found during PF check.
进近    Approach
1)    进近时飞机不能正确对准跑道。Airplane didn’t align with runway correctly when approaching
多通道进近时飞机不能正确拉平,在飞行方式信号牌上正常显示。Airplane did not flare correctly during multi-channel approaching, FLARE displayed normally on the flight mode annunciator
1)    无音频音调或过弱。Audio tone didn’t occur or was weak
2)    CDU 导航状态显示页上的数据显示失效。Data on NAV STATUS display of CDU showed FAIL 
3)    频率显示虚线。Frequency showed dashes
4)    当按压导航控制面板上的测试电门时,出现测试问题。Found problems when pushed the TEST switch on  the navigation control panel
指点标    Marker beacon
1)    过台时,无音频音调或过弱,指示正常。Audio tone did not occur or was weak when passing marker, indications were  normal
2)    在导航控制面板上按压测试电门时 FT 不显示 。FT did not display when you pushed the TEST switch on the navigation control panel
3)    过台时,显示器上指示无显示,无音频音调或过弱。Indication didn’t display  when  passing marker, audio tone did not occur or was weak
4)    过台时,显示器上指示无显示,音频音调正常。Indication did not display when  passing marker, audio tone was normal
气象雷达弱信息            WXR WEAK message
气象雷达姿态信息    WXR ATT message
气象雷达失效信息     WXR FAIL message
气象雷达显示信息    WXR DSPY message
气象雷达稳定信息     WXR STAB message
气象雷达范围不一致信息 WXR RANGE DISAGREE message
气象雷达    Weather radar
1)    显示空白。Display blank
2)    倾角控制问题。Tilt control problem
3)    增益控制问题。Gain control problem
4)    方式选择器问题。Mode selector problem
5)    CDS 上回波信号弱或颜色不正确。Returns weak or incorrect colors on CDS
6)    系统显示器测试期间无音响警告(预报风切变)。No aural warnings during system display test (predictive windshear)
7)    系统显示测试期间显示 1 /-1倾斜(预报风切变)。 1 /-1tilt angle displayed with system display test (predictive windshear)
8)    系统显示器测试期间风切变不显示(预报风切变) 。WINDSHEAR didn’t display during system display test (predictive windshear)
VOR    甚高频全向(无线电)信标
1)    无音频音调或过弱。Audio tone didn’t occur or was weak
2)    VOR 频率显示虚线。VOR frequency showed dashes.
3)    显示器上显示 1 号 VOR 故障旗。VOR1 flag showed on the display.
4)    1号方位指针不显示,1 号 VOR 故障旗不显示      Bearing pointer 1 did not display, VOR1 flag did not display.
5)    CDU 导航状况显示上数据显示失效。Data on NAV STATUS display of CDU showed FAIL.
6)    导航显示上偏差杆不显示。Deviation bar did not show on the navigation display
7)    导航显示器上,TO/FROM 指示不显示。 TO/FROM indication did not display on the navigation display
8)    无线电磁指示器上显示VOR 故障旗。VOR flag showed on the radio magnatic indicator.
交通避让和防撞系统         TCAS
1)    声音信号(语音)问题。Voice annunciation (aural) problem
2)    在导航显示上,冲突飞机符号直接停留在飞机符号前。Intruder symbol stayed directly in the front of the airplane symbol on the navigation display
3)    在导航显示上,不显示冲突飞机符号。Intruder symbols did not show on the navigation display
4)    飞机在地面时,显示冲突飞机符号。Intruder symbols show ed when the airplane was on the ground
5)    控制面板选择器电门在TA位时,导航显示上显示TCAS 关断。Navigation display showed TCAS OFF with the control panel selector switch at TA
6)    按压测试电门时,系统不进行测试。System test did not start when the TEST switch was pushed
7)    ATC 应答机选择器在TA/RA 时显示且选择器在 TA 时不显示。TCAS FAIL flag showed on navigation display with ATC transponder selector at TA/RA and did not display with ATC transponder  selector at TA
方式调定    Mode set
1)    飞机不保持调定的航向。Airplane did not keep the set heading
2)    在进行多通道进近时,飞机出现俯仰波动(前后波动)。Airplane had pitch oscillation (porpoises) during multi-channel approaching
3)    飞机不随V/S,LVL CHG(高度层改变)或 VNAV(垂直导航)俯仰方式调定而调定高度。Airplane did not go to set altitude with V/S,LVL CHG, or VNAV pitch mode selected.
4)    当HDG SEL(航向选择)方式调定时,飞机不飞向调定航向或不保持调定航向。Airplane did not go to the setted heading or keep the set heading with HDG SEL roll mode selected.
5)    当V/S(垂直速度)俯仰方式调定时,飞机不执行调定的垂直速度。Airplane did not go to the set vertical speed with V/S pitch mode selected
6)    飞机不保持与 ALT HLD(高度保持)俯仰方式调定的相同高度。Airplane did not keep the same altitude with ALT HLD pitch mode selected
7)    当MCP 速度(高度层改变)俯仰方式调定时,飞机不保持调定的空速。Airplane did not keep the set airspeed with MCP SPD (LVL CHG) pitch mode selected
8)    当VOR横滚方式调定时,飞机不保持调定的航道。Airplane did not keep the set course with VOR roll mode selected.
飞行指引仪    Flight director
1)    飞行指引移动不正确,不能引导飞机达到所调高度。FD did not move correctly to guide the airplane to the set altitude
2)    不工作,飞行方式信号牌上不显示飞行指引仪状态,自动驾驶未接通。FD didn’t work, FD status did not show on the flight mode annunciator, autopilot  was engaged.
3)    飞行指引仪接通时,飞行方式信号牌上不显示飞行指引仪状态           FD status did not show on the flight mode annunciator with F/D engaged.
4)    俯仰或横滚方式不接通或自动断开,飞行指令显示消失。Pitch or roll mode did not engaged or disengaged automatically, flight command  display went out of view .
5)    起飞时当按压 TO/GA 电门且飞行指引仪接通时, 飞行方式信号牌上无 TO/GA 俯仰方式显示。TO/GA pitch mode did not show on the flight mode annunciator  when TO/GA switch was pushed and F/D was engaged.

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