
讲唐 | 第84讲 企业如何管理适用不定时工时制员工?

 贾律师 2017-05-22


第84讲 | 专业视角 实务分享


00:00 04:49



How to Effectively Manage Employees under the Non-Fixed Working Hours System 

 Overtime Management

The non-fixed working hours system (NFWHS) generally refers to a special working hours system implemented for employees whose work cannot be measured by standard working hours or who need to work flexibly due to production features, special need for work or scope of duty. Under the NFWHS, employees are no longer entitled to a pay for overtime work performed on work days or rest days, and whether they are entitled to a pay for work performed on statutory holidays depends on the local regulations. According to Article 13 of the revised Measures for the Payment of Wages by Enterprises in Shanghai Municipality, which has taken effect as of 1 August 2016, where a NFWHS is implemented for an employee with the prior approval of the competent human resources & social security administrative department, and the employer requires such employee to work on statutory holidays, the overtime pay shall be no less than 300% of the employee's daily or hourly wages. Employees under the NFWHS (especially executives) usually receive relatively high wages. The employer shall therefore strengthen overtime management over such employees. In particular, a written application shall be required for overtime work on statutory holidays, an express reason for the same shall be given, and no work may be commenced on statutory holidays unless a written approval is secured from the employer.

Attendance Management

As mentioned above, NFWHS is a kind of special working hours system that applies to employees whose work cannot be measured by standard working hours or who need to work flexibly. Enterprises generally shall not impose the same attendance requirements on the said employees as those under the standard working hours system. However, that doesn't mean there shall be no attendance check. In order to facilitate work management and communication, enterprises would better not let the employees who are under the NFWHS work at home. Instead, such employees shall be required to work in the office unless they have field assignments.

Itinerary Management

Employees under the NFWHS, such as senior executives and salesmen, may need to go out for visiting clients, discussing cooperation issues or promoting products. In practice, we found that some employees under the NFWHS took advantage of the opportunities to go out for personal affairs or go on travels or didn’t promptly contact the employer. In consequence, business opportunities were lost. Therefore, employees under the NFWHS shall be required to submit a written itinerary and report truthfully to the employer before they go out.








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