

 留在家里 2017-10-23


FAQs: Water for Pharmaceutical and AnalyticalPurposes

1. Why are there no microbial requirements included inthe monographs for Purified Water and Water for Injection? 为什么在纯化水和注射水各论中没有微生物要求?

Because of the various uses of these waters, microbialrequirements are not included in these monographs since this would unnecessarilyburden some users with meaningless and/or inconsequential or inappropriaterequirements, e.g. water used for many laboratory analyses. Microbialguidelines are provided under the informational chapter Water forPharmaceutical Purposes <1231> where it states that the user shouldestablish in-house specifications or fitness for use microbial levels abovewhich the water is unsuitable for use.


2. What is the purpose of microbial Alert and ActionLevels for Purified Water and Water for Injection?  纯化水和注射水的微生物警戒限和行动限目的是什么?

Alert and Action Levels are process control terms andshould be established at levels indicative of the water system trending outsideof its normal microbial control range. These levels should be established atlevels no higher than, and preferably lower than, those listed in Water forPharmaceutical Purposes <1231> based on the normal microbialperformance trends in your water system. The purpose of Alert and Action Levelsis to trigger additional, non-routine, rather than routine microbial controlmeasures. These additional control measures should prevent objectionable levelsand types of microorganisms from being present in the water, based on for thewater’s use.


3. For off-line testing of water samples for WaterConductivity <645> and Total Organic Carbon <643>, how long can Istore samples before testing? 对于水电导率<645>与总有机碳<643>的离线检测,样品在检测前可以存放多久?

USP is silent on a specific answer to this question.It is understood that some manufacturers have their analyses performed byexternal laboratories – which may take several days or longer. For this reason,there is no time limit.


In general, you can wait as long as you want – at yourrisk. But it is advised to test as soon as practical for the following reasons;1) when stored, the water purity only degrades over time. Since PurifiedWater, Water for Injection or the sterile waters are of such highpurity, the passage of time does not do anything except potentially degrade thesample due to environmental, ambient, or container factors; and 2) water istypically not produced in batches, but rather it is usually purified, produced,and consumed continuously. The water may have had direct product impact orcontact before any lab analysis is executed. Delays in testing only increasethe amount of potential product impact – in the event of a failed test.




4. For off-line testing of water samples for GeneralChapters Water Conductivity <645> and Total Organic Carbon <643>,how should I store the samples? 在水电导率<645>和总有机碳<643>章节中,检测离线水样时,如何保存水样?

For lab analyses, samples should be stored incontainers that do not adversely impact the test results. This is to preventfalse positives and unnecessary investigations. For example, storage of waterin a glass container for a few hours is usually good, but storage for a longertime will result in a modest increase in the sample conductivity. This is dueto the leaching of sodium silicate from the glass, raising the pH and the waterconductivity, and threatening to fail Water Conductivity <645>. Ingeneral, clean plastic containers are a better choice for long term storage ofsamples for Water Conductivity <645> testing. For Total OrganicCarbon <643>, there is a similar rationale - many types ofnon-shedding plastics or glass suffice. In general, storage at ambient orrefrigerated temperatures is best for these chemical tests, while refrigeratedstorage is advised for samples used in microbial testing. Cleanliness of anycontainer is most critical. Due to the very high purity of these waters,fingerprints, soaps, and other residues must be avoided. False positives canresult.


5. Can I do Water Conductivity <645> and TotalOrganic Carbon <643> testing on-line? 电导率<645>和总有机碳<643>可以在线检测吗?

These two chapters specifically state that these testscan be performed off-line or on-line. There are benefits and challenges foreach approach, and they are described in more detail in these chapters and in Waterfor Pharmaceutical Purposes <1231>. In general, on-line testingavoids the risk of contamination of off-line samples by humans, containers, orthe environment, and it provides immediate analysis and direct opportunitiesfor real-time control, decision and intervention. For example, you cancontinuously test and accept the water (for these chemical attributes).Conversely, you can prevent the distribution of the water in the event of afailed test in real time. However, for a facility with multiple types of watersand loops, a centralized lab analysis system may offer a more economicalchoice. In either case, the water sample must be representative of the waterused in production.


6. What is the total organic carbon (TOC) limit forPurified Water and Water for Injection? 纯化水和注射水的总有机碳(TOC)限度是多少?

There is a 'target limit response' of 500 µgof Carbon/L. The true limit is the response of the TOC measurement system to a500 µg Carbon/L (prepared from sucrose) solution, Rs, corrected for theresponse to reagent water, Rw. This limit is equal to Rs – Rw. The actualnumber will vary based upon your reference standard solution, your equipment,background carbon, etc. USP Reference Standards are required for use.


7. How often do I perform the system suitability testin Total Organic Carbon General Chapter <643>?有机碳总<643>检测时系统适应性试验要求频次是多少?

USP General Chapter <643> intentionallysays nothing about how often the system suitability test (SST) should be run.The reasoning is that this frequency depends on the stability of the TotalOrganic Carbon (TOC) instrument response and other factors associated with thewater quality and risk. If the TOC of a quality water system is very low, say<20 ppb, then many opt to reduce the frequency of testing due to less risk.The stability of different TOC measurement technologies may vary over extendedperiods of time. The instrument manufacturer can advise the user on this matterand user experience can also be valuable in determining a suitable frequency.

 Another factoris the risk of a non-conforming system suitability test result since the Rs-Rwresult used in this calculation is the limit response for the instrument, thecrucial pass/fail value for the TOC test. If a non-conforming systemsuitability test is obtained, it implicates the inaccuracy of all TOC testresults since the previous successful system suitability test.

For this reason, many users choose to perform thesystem suitability test more frequently than the stability of the TOCinstrument response might suggest, just to minimize the impact of a possiblynon-conforming result. This is why a typically low TOC water system is at lessrisk, even with a failed SST. If the SST fails, some remediation is necessaryto re-adjust the instrument, replace a lamp, or some other means of instrumentimprovement. But even a 50% error will have little impact on the past TOCreadings (since the readings, even with this error, are so low relative to theLimit). On a high TOC water system, the failure of the SST is possibly morecritical. This is up to the risk the user is willing to assume, knowing thehistoric stability of their instrument and other factors. Therefore, the TotalOrganic Carbon <643> is silent on the frequency of performing thesystem suitability test because it is up to the user to decide what isappropriate.


8. How long can I store and reuse reference standardsolutions prepared for the Total Organic Carbon <643> system suitabilitytest? TOC系统的标准适用性试验所用的标准溶液的存放和重复使用时间有多长?

Where USP is silent on storage conditions and thestability of prepared Total Organic Carbon (TOC) reference standard solutions,the solutions should be 1) prepared fresh or 2) used within the expiry ifprocured from 3rd party supplier or 3) used within a timeframe determined bystability studies. In all cases, USP Reference Material is specified. Severalfactors can influence the stability of the reference standard solutions. Theseinclude temperature, light, oxygen, microbial decomposition, and adsorption tothe container surface. The developments of turbidity, additional color, orperformance variability relative to freshly prepared solutions are indicatorsof instability. Most of the suppliers of solutions specify expiry dates. But asa practical matter, concentrated reference standard solutions of Sucrose last3-6 months, and analogous solutions of 1, 4 Benzoquinone (pBQ) last about 2months, assuming they are stored at appropriate temperatures in appropriatecontainers and protected from light (for pBQ). It is recommended to userefrigeration since this slows down solution degradation, and reduces microbialgrowth, particularly in the sucrose solution.


9. What is the main reason for KCl addition in theWater Conductivity <645> test for pH measurement? 在电导率试验 <645>中加入KCl测量pH值的主要原因是什么?

In Stage 3, a neutral electrolyte (KCl) is added toincrease the ionic strength and accurately measure the pH of the solution. Ifthe ionic strength of the solution is not increased, the pH measurement will behighly unstable and inaccurate. So KCl is added to make a valid pH measurementas a part of the Water Conductivity <645> - Stage 3 test. Theincrease in the ionic strength is needed so that there is minimal concentrationgradient across the pH electrode diaphragm/junction. A large concentrationgradient results in a lack of equilibrium and unstable pH response.


10. Can I start at Stage 2 for Water Conductivity<645>, or do I need to start at Stage 1?检测电导率<645>时,是否可以从第二阶段测试开始还是需要从第一阶段开始?

There is no need to perform stages 1 and 2 in order.You can go directly to Stage 2 if offline testing in preferred - you do nothave to fail stage 1 first.


11. Is the requirement for conductivity cell constantof ±2% of the nominal value? 电导池常数是否需要在名义值的+/-2%范围内?

The cell constant accuracy must be ±2% of thecertified value, not the nominal value.


12. What is a 'suitable container' foroff-line determination of conductivity? 离线检测电导率时“合适的容器”指什么?

In general, any material that does not impact theconductivity in any appreciable way is suitable. Many plastic containersincluding PTFE, HDPE, LDPE and some polycarbonates are appropriate. Glasscontainers for immediate testing are appropriate. Regardless of the material,they have to be clean and free of any cleaning reagents such as soaps. Soapsare very conductive.


13. There are no tests for pH, nitrates, or heavymetals? Is this correct? 各论没有pH值、硝酸盐和重金属项目?这个正确吗?

Yes, this is correct. There has never been a test fornitrates for USP waters. The heavy metals test on USP waters was deleted in1996. The pH test was deleted in 1998. [Note - There is a pH measurement (not atest) as a part of Stage 3 test for Water Conductivity <645>, butthis is still a conductivity limit test]. Note that you cannot fail the formerpH specifications of water (pH 5.0 – 7.0) if you pass the conductivityspecifications. You also cannot fail the heavy metals test or the nitrate testif you pass conductivity and your water system starts with water compliant withthe requirements for one of the drinking waters specified in the monographs(for the US, EU, Japan, or WHO). In some cases, these tests may be required byother pharmacopoeia.

是的,这是正确的。USP水中从未检测硝酸盐,重金属检测是1996年删除的,pH检测是在1998年删除的。【注:在水电导率<645>的第3阶段测试中有一部分是pH值测量(不是测试),但它仍然是一个电导率限度测试。请注意,如果你在通过电导率测试】。注意,如果你的电导率结果合格,就肯定会符合之前的pH标准(pH 5.0 – 7.0)。如果你的电导率合格,并且你的原水符合各论中饮用水的要求之一(USEU、日本或WHO),你也不可能重金属或硝酸盐不合格。在有些情形下,其它药典可能会要求这些测试。

14. May I release water for use by performingmicrobial testing on water from a sample port? 我可以通过完成测试水样的微生物来放行水吗?

You may do so, but only under certain circumstances.The microbial quality of the water within the system, as reflected by waterfrom that sample port, may be better than the quality that is delivered to thepoint of use (POU) during manufacturing use. This is because of microbialcontamination of the system water that can occur as it is transferred from thesystem outlets to the POU. It is the quality of water DELIVERED from the systemto the POU that affects products and other uses.


If you have good water use practices such that themicrobial count from a sample port is essentially the same as at a POU whendelivered by the manufacturing use practice, then the risk of the sample portmicrobial counts falsely reflecting the quality of the delivered water is low.


Generally, water release for use should be based on aPOU sample reflecting manufacturing’s water use practices and not on sampleport data.


15. Is the outlet on the water distribution system,sometimes called a point of use outlet, considered to be the point of use? 是否认为水循环系统的总出口,有时称为使用点出口,是使用点?

No. The destination of that water where it will beused for product formulation or cleaning or where it enters a manufacturingprocess is the true point of use. The quality of water at the true point ofuse, as delivered by manufacturing (or by a sampling process identical to themanufacturing water delivery process) must be known at all points of usereceiving water from the system. The water quality at the true point of use iswhere the water must be “fit for use”, i.e. pass your water specifications.


16. If I do not have a water microbial specificationbut only an Alert and Action Level, is there a microbial level considered to beunfit for use? 如果我没有给水制订微生物标准,仅只有警戒限和行动限,那么是否有某个微生物限度是不适合使用的?

Yes. Action Levels in USP <1231> (100cfu/mL forPurified Water and 10cfu/100mL for Water for Injection) are generallyconsidered to represent a level above which the water is unfit for use. That iswhy an OOS investigation must be undertaken if those Action Levels areexceeded.


So whether you declare microbial specifications ornot, they are assumed to be those “compendia action level” values contained inGeneral Chapter <1231>. To avoid ever exceeding a water microbialspecification, trend-based Alert and Action Levels should be used to monitorand control the water system so it always produces water that is fit for use.


17. What are the most common issues encountered in theWFI production systems produced under GMP. What should we look for? GMP要求下注射用水制备系统最常见问题是什么?我们应该找些什么?

  1. One common problem is where there is a cold WFI sub-loop off of a     heated system with a large shell and tube heat exchangers used for cooling     in that sub-loop. When the sub-loop is hot water sanitized, not enough     contact time is allowed for the cooling heat exchangers (and their trapped     chilled water) to get them thoroughly hot and sanitized. When incompletely     sanitized, any surviving biofilm will immediately reinoculate the cold     sub-loop after resumed cold operation and be present as detectable micro     counts.


  1. Other common problems with cold WFI systems are dead legs, sometimes     temporary ones that are created by open hard-piped connections to     equipment that is not in use and not drawing water. The hot water during     sanitization doesn’t mix well with the trapped water in that dead leg, so     the dead leg never gets sanitized. If there was any contamination that got     into that side leg during previous use, it will grow unabated in the     unsanitized dead leg and continuously contaminate the loop water.


  1. Another common problem is overwhelming the distillation purification     process with a high level of endotoxin in the water going to the still     (100+ EU/mL). This can happen with poor maintenance of pretreatment unit     ops such as carbon beds, and also when coincident with high endotoxin     levels in the city water when they switch over to straight chlorine from     chloramine for a part of a year.


18. Do you get nuclease generation from biofilm and ismore released during sanitization?生物膜会产生核酸酶吗?在消毒期间会产生更多核酸酶吗?

It would not be surprising if substantial biofilm wereallowed to be present from infrequently used chemical sanitants. However, ifhot water is used for sanitization, it would denature the nuclease enzymes, sothis phenomenon might not occur with hot water sanitized systems.


19. In the new USP 1231 the recommended temperature inhot sanitizing has changed. The previous recommendation of at least 80°C hasbeen lowered to 65-80°C. Now temperatures far in excess of 80°C are explicitlydeemed inadvisable. Is this correct? 新版USP<1231>修改了推荐的热消毒温度。之前的建议是至少80ºC,现在降低至60-80ºC。现在明确不建议温度远超过80ºC,这是正确的吗?

Yes. A temperature of 80˚C is very “forgiving” ofcooler locations which can still be sanitized even with a 10-15˚C temperatureloss as it penetrates throughout the system by convection and conduction, so itis very effective. Cooler temperatures (down to 65˚C) can also be used but is“unforgiving” of yet cooler locations such as outlet valves off of the mainloop.  So such cooler locations must be flushed with this slightly coolerhot water in order to assure that all surfaces reach sanitizing temperaturesgreater than 60˚C. Unless systems are specifically designed for this, temperatureshotter than 80˚C can impact the longevity of system materials (e.g. gaskets anddiaphragms). A temperature of 80˚C is well hot enough to kill the most heatresistant biofilm organisms that will colonize a water system (D value of about5 milliseconds).


20. When sampling water ports should we hook upprocess hoses?  Is this a requirement or a recommendation? 我们如果在水口取样,是否要装软管形成循环?这是要求还是建议?

  1. If the sampling is for QC “release” of the water for manufacturing     use, then the outlet used by manufacturing must be sampled in EXACTLY the     same fashion as it is used by manufacturing – same outlet sanitization (if     any), same manufacturing hose (no matter how grungy or poorly maintained),     same pre-flushing (if any), same everything. The purpose of the sample     data is to duplicate the same quality of water that manufacturing is     using, so you have to duplicate in sample collection how the water is     drawn from the system for use. Those procedures of water use can     significantly contaminate pristine water within a water system when it     exits, so that “nasty” water is delivered to a manufacturing operation. If     you sample the water differently (better) than it is used by     manufacturing, you will get lower (better) micro counts that are not     representative of the water quality that is actually be used. Sampling     like manufacturing water use for QC release is required by FDA to be     identical. If it is not, this could earn you an FDA483 observation or     worse.


  1. If the water is being sampled for process control (PC) for the purpose     of water system monitoring and systemic microbial control, it might be     done through sampling ports that are not used by manufacturing. Since we     know that the outlets themselves can contribute to the bioburden of the     collected water, extreme efforts can be used to assure that the     outlet does not add to the microbial content of the water     as it exits the system (using extreme outlet sanitization, very vigorous     and thorough flushing, sterile hoses, etc.). For PC, you are interested in     the quality of the water within the system behind the valve and do not     want contamination in a sampling port to bias the interpretation of the     data.


  1. However, water collected from sampling ports (rather than     manufacturing use outlets) usually cannot be used for final release (QC)     of water since it is not collected in the manner it is actually used.     Manufacturing does not generally use water drawn from sampling ports.


21. What is your risk in increasing endotoxin levelsdue to the different sanitization methods? 不同的消毒方式在增加内毒素水平方面有何风险?

  1. Endotoxin levels are typically a concern only for WFI systems. Most     WFI systems are sanitized by elevated temperatures (hot water is better     than steam since no special engineering is needed for hot water   sanitization and it is plenty adequate), though more may employ ozone in     the coming years as ambient non-distillation purification technologies     become more widespread with EP’s relaxation of the methods of preparing     WFI in their WFI monograph. Since thermal or ozone sanitization of WFI     systems is typically no less frequent than weekly, that is not enough time     for biofilm (with its endotoxin) to develop in the system and be released     by periodic sanitization.  If the systems are much less frequently     sanitized, there is a chance that developing biofilm could release     detectable endotoxin when killed by periodic sanitization.


  1. If chemical sanitizers other than ozone are used (this would be very     atypical for a WFI system or an endotoxin-controlled Purified Water     system), the sanitizer would have to be rinsed out, which would also rinse     out any released endotoxin.




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