
别人说Thank you时,除了You''''re Welcome还可以怎么回应?

 鹅卵石h2w9ixvz 2017-11-07

昨天看了《战狼2》,不知道你有木有注意到,当黑人向吴京表达感谢'Thank you'的时候,吴京说了一句“No thank you”.不知道你有没有中枪,很多人会不自觉的说出这句话,其实,这句话是典型的中式英语“不用谢”的直接翻译。也许中国人听听觉得没啥,好懂。但是老外可不这么说的,他们有一句“No,thank you”,是表示“不,谢了”。在具体的语境下。他们虽然转个弯也能懂,但是总会觉得有些奇怪,因为不符合他们的语言表达习惯。

关于“Thank you ”的回答有很多,我们得看看Native Speaker的回答:

The reply totally depends upon the situation in which you are being thanked. Some common replies are as follows:

1、You’re welcome.

used in reply to someone who has thanked you for helping find a place or a person.


2、No problem.

used as a polite way of answering someone who has thanked you for something, or said they are sorry for something


3、Not at all.

used as a polite reply when someone has thanked you for something


4、Don’t mention it.

used as a polite answer to someone who has just thanked you for something


5、It’s no bother.

used for saying that you are happy to help someone and it will not cause you any problems or difficulties


6、(It’s) My pleasure.

used when someone thanks you as a polite way of saying that you were happy to help them


7、It’s/that’s all right.

used when someone has thanked you or said sorry to you, to show that you do not mind

(和No problem一样都可以用来回应对方的“谢谢”和“对不起”,表示“没关系啊”)

8、It’s nothing/think nothing of it.

used as a polite reply when someone has thanked you for doing something for them.




Sure thing(同上)

No worries(相当于Not at all)

It's OK.(没事哒)



No problem,anytime.(没问题,随时效劳)

I'm glad of a bit help.(很高兴能帮到你)

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