

 RK588 2017-11-08

Taste of one's own medicine 来自美国俚语听了再说 00:54 (↑ 音频播放器已经支持暂停、快进、后退功能了)

We all know that medicine is what doctors give you to help you feel better. 我们都知道是医生开给你帮助你感觉好些

Taste of Someone's Own Medicine. 尝某人自己的药。

So, are Anna and Jonathan now giving drugs to people?  嗯,安娜和乔纳森是在给别人药吗?

Josh did it to me again!  乔什又对我做了那事!

I invited him for a night of karaoke. He promised to go, but then didn't show up! 我邀请他参加一个卡拉OK之夜。 他答应去,但后来没有露面!

You should give him a taste of his own medicine. 你应该给他尝尝他自己的药的味道。

Next time he invites you to karaoke, say yes, but don't go. 下次他邀请你去唱卡拉OK,说“是”,但不要去。

I can't do that.  I love karaoke. I have to go!   我不能那样做。我喜欢卡拉OK,  我得

Giving someone a taste of their own medicine means doing something to another person because he or she did it to you.  It is meant to send a message to the other person.  让别人尝一尝自己的药意思是以其人之道还治其人之身。目的是对那个人发出警示。

So it is usually a bad thing -- like promising to go to karaoke, but not going.  所以这通常是一件坏事,比如答应去卡拉OK,但不去。

Taste of Someone's Own Medicine:  以其人之道,  还治其人之身

Josh loves scaring the others, so they decided to give him a taste of his own medicine.  乔什喜欢吓唬别人,所以大家想让他自食恶果一下。

Arnold and his sister Rose give two bullying classmates a taste of their own medicine when Arnold decides he doesn't have to be a wimp anymore.  在阿诺德下决心不再做个懦夫之后,他和妹妹罗丝对两个经常欺负他们的同学以其人之道还治其人之身。

The criminals will get a taste of their own medicine. 那些罪犯将要尝尝他们给别人吃过的苦头了。近期美国俚语: 



【美国俚语】你这是让我难堪啊 !





【美国俚语】小心! 那是一条不归路

【美国俚语】每次求你做点事儿, 你总是掉链子

【美国俚语】算了, 随它去吧

哎,别忙走,  转发一下呗。


* 部分素材或图片取自互联网,纯为学习, 无商业意图。

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