

 学习雪雪 2018-01-07




Looting the punters 来自经济学人双语精读 05:12

Video games

Looting the punters


Could video games fall foul of anti-gambling laws?

A DECADE ago the idea of paying real money for virtual items was strange and exotic. These days many video-game publishers build their business models around it. Some of the world’s biggest games, such as “League of Legends”, cost nothing to buy. Instead they rely for their revenue on players buying things for use in the game, such as new characters to play with or costumes to put them in.

A new twist on that model has been attracting the attention of regulators in recent weeks. “Loot boxes” are yet another type of “in-game” item that gamers buy with currency. Unlike the usual sort of purchase, however, players do not know in advance what they are buying, for the contents of a loot box are generated randomly. Sometimes they might be desirable, and therefore valuable; prized items include new gestures or “emotes” for a character, or a pearl handle for an automatic weapon. If less alluring, well, players can pay a bit more money to have another go.


    这篇文章是对loot box的观点分析,可以看作是雅思观点类作文的升级版,作者分别讲述了不同人群对loot box的不同观点与立场,在正反观点交锋中,作者穿插补充了其他信息,使人们对loot box更为了解。

    文章1-2段是文章的第一部分,主要是引出loot box这一主题,这部分也可以看作观点类写作的“背景”部分。我们说,要想真正了解一件事物,一定要先了解它的历史第一段便由过去讲到了现在,过去,人们认为花钱买虚拟物品的想法很奇怪;而现在,这却成了游戏公司的主要收入来源。从过去到现在的这么一条时间线,让我们更好的了解了游戏产业的发展变化。

    第二段开头写到:”A new twist on that model...”,我们知道,游戏产业又(new)发生了变化(twist)。在看这个变化之前我们先回顾一下:过去,人们不在游戏上消费;后来,人们开始在游戏上买人物角色或服装;直到最近,出现了一种新的消费模式——Loot boxes,即“战利品箱”,游戏玩家不仅可以在游戏中买角色、服装,还能买loot boxes. 随后,作者介绍了loot boxes的特点,即有很强的随机性。


Video games


Looting the punters


Could video games fall foul of anti-gambling laws?

    文章的headline: Video games 是“电子游戏”的意思。它和electronic games的区别是,electronic games泛指电子游戏,而video games指电子游戏中拥有良好视觉体验的一个种类,比如11月腾讯纳入旗下的《绝地求生》(PUBG),也就是民间俗称的“吃鸡”游戏就是video games.


    本文的题目looting the punters值得细细品味,loot的意思是to steal from shops and houses 洗劫,劫掠,我们前几天讲过的sack也有这个意思。Punter有两个意思,一是“赌博者”,二是“顾客”,其实,这两个意思在这里都是指游戏玩家。游戏玩家本是游戏公司的顾客(punter),但在游戏开发者开发出loot boxes(这里的loot是名词,表示掠夺的东西,即“战利品”)这一类似赌博的盈利产品后,他们自然而然的成了赌徒(punter)。Punter在这里的双关义,起到了一定的讽刺效果。


    同时,我们说到,本文是观点类文章,题目中的punter也能传递出作者的观点,即loot boxes的本质是赌博;同时,loot也能表明游戏公司开发loot boxes的目的:赚取大量利润。


She came home from the mall with bags of loot.





    我们再来看引言:Could video games fall foul of anti-gambling laws?



    这句话中有个固定表达:fall foul of,后面一般加法律、当局,意思是“违反(法律),惹怒(当局)”,比如,teenagers who run foul of the law 触犯法律的青少年,再比如:

He had fallen foul of the FBI.



    以上两个例子分别代表fall foul of的两个含义,把例句背过就可以掌握这个词的用法了。

    除了fall foul of,我们还可以用哪些词语或搭配来表达“违反”的意思?最常见的大概是break the law, disobey了,此外,我们还可以说contravene, transgress, defy, flout, 

trample on等,这些也是外刊中较为常见的表达。


    anti-gambling laws的意思不用查词典就可以猜出来,指“反赌博法”。前缀”anti-”跟“反”有关,比如antinuclear 反核武器的,Anti-Japanese War 抗日战争,它的反义前缀是”pro-”,表示“支持”,比如,pro-American 亲美的。

    所以,anti-gambling laws的意思是,反赌博法。


A DECADE ago the idea of paying real money for virtual items was strange and exotic. These days many video-game publishers build their business models around it. Some of the world’s biggest games, such as “League of Legends”, cost nothing to buy. Instead they rely for their revenue on players buying things for use in the game, such as new characters to play with or costumes to put them in.


我们先来看过去到现在的一个变化:A DECADE ago the idea of paying real money for virtual items was strange and exotic. These days many video-game publishers build their business models around it.

    我们先从整体角度看这句话,注意两个时间关键词:A decade ago和these days,一个指过去,一个指现在,这两个关键词放在一起就形成了转折,因此,我们可以“只读其一而知其二”,通过读第一句话,就可以判断第二句的内容。阅读中通过抓取关键词,一边阅读一边预测,可以很好的提高阅读质量与速度。


  • A DECADE ago the idea of paying real money for virtual items was strange and exotic.


    这句话的主干为:the idea of... was strange and exotic



The idea that players pay real money for virtual items was strange and exotic.




  • These days many video-game publishers build their business models around it.


    These days则把视线又过去牵到现在。Video-game publishers指的是“电子游戏发行商”,也就是游戏公司,正如manufacturer指“制造商”,oil producer指“产油国”。


    Build A on/around B是一个固定搭配,表示“把A建立在B的基础之上”,文中build their business models around it是说,这些游戏发行商把商业模式建立在it之上。

    这里还有一个难点,就是it指什么?通过结合上一句话我们不难发现,it指的就是paying real money for virtual items 即玩家花真金白银购买虚拟商品。





随后,作者以“英雄联盟”为例,进行分析:Some of the world’s biggest games, such as “League of Legends”, cost nothing to buy. Instead they rely for their revenue on players buying things for use in the game, such as new characters to play with or costumes to put them in.

    这部分并不难,要理解这部分,关键在于能否理解”they rely for their revenue on players buying things for use in the game”这句话,而这句话的关键之处又在于for,理解了介词for,这部分便能捋顺了。




  • Instead they rely (for their revenue) on players (buying things for use in the game)


    回到文章中,这里的for their revenue可以理解为“为了得到收入”。剩下的部分以谓语动词rely on为中心:they rely for their revenue on players 为了得到收入,他们依赖于玩家(或者用更简练的方式去表达:他们的收入依赖于玩家)。

    buying things for use in the game作players的后置定语,我们可以改成定语从句的形式:players who buy things for use in the game.

    For use in the game修饰things,指能在游戏中使用的东西。




  • 接下来作者举了两个例子:such as new characters to play with or costumes to put them in


    Character 角色,在这也可以翻译成“英雄”,如图:

    Costume [ˈkɔstju:m, -ˈtju:m] 是“服装”的意思,但这种服装不是我们日常穿的服装,而是指为了特定目的或场合穿的服装,比如我们毕业穿的“学士服”就可以说academic costume,我们看的“古装戏”就是costume piece/play/drama.





A new twist on that model has been attracting the attention of regulators in recent weeks. “Loot boxes” are yet another type of “in-game” item that gamers buy with currency. Unlike the usual sort of purchase, however, players do not know in advance what they are buying, for the contents of a loot box are generated randomly. Sometimes they might be desirable, and therefore valuable; prized items include new gestures or “emotes” for a character, or a pearl handle for an automatic weapon. If less alluring, well, players can pay a bit more money to have another go.

第二段在第一段的基础上,把时间再次向前推进。除了character和costume,最近,游戏消费又出现了新的变化(a new twist)——“Loot boxes”. 但这一变化却引起了监管部门的注意。随后,作者将这一新模式与“旧”模式(即character和costume消费)进行对比,从而体现出其随机性(generated randomly)的特点,这一特点也是不同阵营人士观点交锋的核心所在,这也为下文埋下了伏笔。

我们先来看这一新模式的出现:A new twist on that model has been attracting the attention of regulators in recent weeks. “Loot boxes” are yet another type of “in-game” item that gamers buy with currency.

    A new twist和第一段的a decade ago、these days相照应,时间上层层推进。


  • A new twist on that model has been attracting the attention of regulators in recent weeks.


    twist表示“改变”,相当于change, turn. 不过于后两者相比,twist更有一种扣人心弦的紧张或出人意料的惊讶,可以翻译成“转折”。比如在2016年轰动一时的朴槿惠闺蜜门事件中,《经济学人》这么描述这一事件:

The revelation is the latest twist in a political drama that embroiled Ms Park’s conservative government and gripped the nation.





This is yet another twist in the extraordinary political drama unfolding in Greece over the last few days.


    unfold的意思是to open or spread out 展开。


  • “Loot boxes” are yet another type of “in-game” item that gamers buy with currency.


    这句话中,yet another可能让人有所疑惑,yet在这里指什么?

    其实,yet another是一个习惯用法,并没有什么特殊的含义,完全可以理解为another. 如果非要纠结yet的作用,我们可以认为yet在这里加强语气,起到一种强调的作用。如同希腊的例句中:This is yet another twist...


    “in-game” item指游戏内部的物品。游戏发行商赚钱有三种方式,一种是下载游戏花钱;另一种是游戏免费,里面的物品也免费,但根据在线时间收费;第三种是游戏免费的,不过需要付费在里面买东西。现在很多游戏发行商采取的是第三种盈利模式。“In-game” item指的就是游戏内部的物品。


    another type of “in-game” item是相对于第一段的new characters和costumes来说的,对于英雄和皮肤来说,“loot boxes”是另外一种游戏内部的商品。


随后,作者把new twist和character、costume进行对比,以体现其特点:Unlike the usual sort of purchase, however, players do not know in advance what they are buying, for the contents of a loot box are generated randomly.

    Unlike the usual sort of purchase中,the usual sort of purchase指的就是the purchase of new characters or costumes.


    in advance指“事先,提前”,比如小时候爸妈吵架的时候,经常听妈妈说:真后悔嫁给你之前没有提前打听一下。我们可以说:How I regret that I failed to pry into your life in advance of the marriage.


    for the contents of a loot box are generated randomly中,for表示“因为”,这部分是说,因为“战利品箱”里的东西是随机产生的。“战利品箱”是现在大型游戏里比较普遍的消费品,比如网易的“荒野行动”(Netease’s answer to PUBG by Tencent 网易版的绝地逢生,answer在这里是熟词僻义,我们在《外刊语言表达(十五)中讲过》)中有“普通军需”和“高级军需”,下面有一行字:购买后有机会获得……。这就说明,这里面的物品(contents)也是随机产生的(generated randomly).


打开宝箱后,无非有两种情况,一种是有价值的东西,文章用的是deisrable和valuable, prized;另一种是没有价值的东西,文章用的是less alluring. 我们先来看第一种情况:Sometimes they might be desirable, and therefore valuable; prized items include new gestures or “emotes” for a character, or a pearl handle for an automatic weapon.


1. 形容一件事物珍贵,我们可以用valuable, prized来表示;

2. emote指 夸张的表情。我们平时用微信给对方发送的表情叫emoticon.

3. pearl是“珍珠”的意思,比如A Pearl River Delta 珠江三角洲。


如果玩家没有那么幸运呢?If less alluring, well, players can pay a bit more money to have another go.

    alluring是attractive的高级版,表示“有吸引力的”,比如,The life in Beijing is alluring for me. 北京的生活吸引着我。



    Have a go (at)是一个习惯搭配,表示“尝试,试一下”,也可以说give another shot,假如你的室友面试失败了,你可以鼓励他:Have another go.



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