

 zskyteacher 2018-03-16




杨朝湘  06:01



杨朝湘  06:01


Case 1

杨朝湘  06:01


杨朝湘  06:02



杨朝湘  06:02


Case 2

杨朝湘  06:02


杨朝湘  06:02


A为T2WI,B为短TE MRS,C为长TE MRS;D为3个月后复查T2WI,E为复查短TE MRS,F为复查长TE MRS。

杨朝湘  06:02


Case 3

杨朝湘  06:02


杨朝湘  06:03



杨朝湘  06:03



杨朝湘  18:15



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杨朝湘  18:15


Case 1 MELAS综合征

杨朝湘  18:16


文中图注:Scattered foci of vasogenic edema corresponding to increased perfusion are identified in the acute phase of the disease in the right cerebral hemisphere.

杨朝湘  18:16


关于MELAS(Case 1)的caffey讲解:

杨朝湘  18:16


Several clinical syndromes arising from point mutations in mtDNA are encountered. The most noticeable are MELAS syndrome, MERRF syndrome, neurogenic weakness and ataxia with retinitis pigmentosa syndrome, and Leber hereditary optic neuropathy.
临床上有多个综合征是由mtDNA点突变引起。其中最值得注意的有MELAS综合征、MERR F综合征、神经源性虚弱和共济失调并色素性视网膜炎综合征及Leber遗传性视神经病。
MELAS syndrome often is caused by an A3243G point mutation in tRNA-leuUUR or the MTTL1 gene (80% of cases). The clinical presentation of MELAS syndrome resembles that of cerebral infarction; however, the “infarcts” are affected without the usual arterial stroke patterns. Age of onset is usually between 2 and 11 years. The basal ganglia and parietal and occipital lobes are most commonly involved. Cerebral MRI demonstrates areas of hyperintensity on T2-weighted images with volume loss presenting as a late development.
Proton MRS has been used to aid diagnosis of mitochondrial disorders, with the assumption that elevation of lactic acid is a primary feature. However, positive lactate at spectroscopy does not necessarily equal the presence of a mitochondrial disorder, and the absence of lactate on MRS does not rule out a defect in mitochondrial function. Proton MRS in patients with MELAS syndrome can demonstrate variable results as strokelike lesions emerge and evolve.
Proton MRS details energy failure with increased lactate and decreased creatine. Elevation of lactate in the acute and subacute stages typically is observed, with subsequent declines in NAA and creatine, consistent with neuroaxonal injury that may or may not be reversible. It has been reported that both increase of lactate peaks in MRS and state of hyperperfusion in continuous arterial spin labeling images are both indicative of active lesions. 

杨朝湘  18:17


杨朝湘  18:17


Case 2  Leigh综合征

杨朝湘  18:18


图注:The imaging reveals a pattern characteristic of “Leigh syndrome” with an abnormal hyperintense signal bilaterally within the caudate and globus pallidus. The MRS image acquired in the left basal ganglia at a period of clinical exacerbation caused by febrile illness demonstrates a dramatic elevation of lactate compared with her routinely observed levels as shown in axial T2-weighted (D), short echo MRS (E), and long echo MRS (F) images. The spectra acquired 3 months later demonstrates a significant reduction in lactate. A comparison of the imaging data is unremarkable between the examinations. The dramatic elevation of lactate revealed on MRS in Band C corresponds to worsening clinical symptoms (seizures and leg stiffening). The lactate levels observed in E and F are typical and consistent with this mitochondrial defect.

杨朝湘  18:19


关于Leigh Syndrome (Case 2)
Disorders arising from defects in nDNA are numerous; however, the most commonly encountered syndrome is Leigh syndrome. The genetic defect of Leigh syndrome can arise from several sources, including pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency, complex I deficiency, complex V deficiency with adenosine triphosphatase 6 mutation, and cytochrome oxidase deficiency with SURF1 mutation.
许多疾病源自nDNA缺陷,最常见的是Leigh综合征。Leigh综合征的基因缺陷有几个来源,包括丙酮酸脱氢酶复合体缺陷、复合体Ⅰ缺陷、复合体Ⅴ缺陷并三磷酸腺苷酶6突变,以及 细胞色素氧化酶缺陷并SURF1突变。
This group of disorders characteristically presents at 3 months to 2 years of age but may begin with symptoms of hypotonia in the newborn period or even in adulthood. Clinical signs include ophthalmoplegia, cerebellar signs, and spasticity, which are slowly progressive. Other features include psychomotor regression, extrapyramidal signs, blindness, nystagmus, respiratory compromise, or cranial nerve palsies. Onset of symptoms within the first years of life typically portends a rapid downhill course. A later onset of symptoms is generally associated with slower progression
Pathologically, this syndrome involves both gray and white matter of the brain and spinal cord. Common sites of anatomic involvement include the basal ganglia, specifically the globus pallidus and putamina, and the thalami, midbrain, pons, cerebellum, and medulla. Pathologic changes include spongiform degeneration, demyelination, and vascular compromise/proliferation.

杨朝湘  18:19


An abnormal low signal on T1-weighted images or a high signal on T2-weighted images in the basal ganglia, periaqueductal gray matter, and brainstem/cerebellum are characteristic of this group of disorders. Bilateral symmetric lesions in the basal ganglia (globus pallidus and putamen) characterized by a hypointense signal on T1-weighted images and a hyperintense signal on T2-weighted images is highly suggestive of this condition and should prompt further clinical investigation for signs of lactic acid in the serum or CSF. Late involvement may manifest as regions of an abnormal hyperintense signal on T2-weighted images in the centrum semiovale.
Proton MRS images obtained from the basal ganglia, occipital cortex, and brainstem show elevations in lactate, which are most pronounced in regions where abnormalities are seen with routine T2-weighted MRI. Proton MRS images in regions of abnormal MRI signal also reveal a decrease in the NAA/creatine ratio and an increase in the choline/creatine ratio, representing neuronal loss and breakdown of membrane phospholipids. Some evidence indicates that a reduction of lactate levels may correlate with response to therapy, such as dichloroacetate and coenzyme Q10.

杨朝湘  18:20


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Case 3  Hallervorden-Spatz综合征

杨朝湘  18:20


Case 3图注: pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration or neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation, traditionally referred to as Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome. An abnormal hypointense signal is demonstrated bilaterally in the globus pallidus.

杨朝湘  18:21


Pantothenate Kinase-Associated Neurodegeneration (Case 3)
Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration, also called neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA), is caused by mutations in the gene that encodes pantothenate kinase 2 (PANK2). PANK2 is necessary for the production of coenzyme A in mitochondria. Other similar mutations result in atypical presentations of the same syndrome. “Classic” NBIA has an early onset of disease in infancy, with rapid progression of gait impairment, development of choreoathetoid movements, rigidity, dysarthria, and cognitive decline. Dystonia is a prominent feature of this disorder. All of these clinical manifestations reflect the impact of the disease upon the basal ganglia and striatum. Atypical NBIA has a later presentation with slower progression

杨朝湘  18:21



杨朝湘  18:22


Mitochondrial Diseases (线粒体病)
Mitochondrial diseases generally refer to disorders of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, the only cellular metabolic pathway under control by both the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) and the nuclear genome (nDNA). Mitochondrial diseases demonstrate impaired respiratory chain function and reduced adenosine triphosphate production.
The mtDNA mutations can be divided into two categories: those that impair mitochondrial protein synthesis in toto and those that affect respiratory chain subunits. Disorders attributed to mtDNA mutations follow lax rules of mitochondrial genetics. However, disorders arising from nDNA mutations are governed by Mendelian genetics. The disorders attributed to mutations in nDNA are more abundant because most respiratory chain subunits are nucleus-encoded and the correct assembly and functioning of the entire respiratory chain require numerous steps.
The clinical phenotypes of nDNA-related mitochondrial disorders tend to be uniform, whereas both the spectrum and severity of clinical manifestations associated with mtDNA-related disorders are extremely variable. Marked genotype-phenotype variability is characteristic of mtDNA-related disorders. The clinical diversity observed in patients with mtDNA-related disorders can be partially explained by heteroplasmy, the coexistence of mutant and wild-type mtDNA within a cell. Only when the proportion of mutant genomes exceeds a particular level is the disease expressed (threshold effect).

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