
Nature Microbiology:植物根系分泌物影响菌群结构

 宏基因组 2020-10-09



① Rhizosphere在生态中存在的意义

② 在rhizosphere中,植物与微生物co-evolution上亿年,二者存在interaction,并且形成某些pattern

③ rhizosphere effect指2个方面:① 植物有选择的富集土壤微生物;②植物根的生长活性

④ 目前关于rhizosphere与微生物的研究现状:植物的发育影响土壤微生物的组成和功能,很少有人研究植物分泌物的分子化学机理对rhizosphere microbiota的影响

2、plant exudates与microbiota

① plant exudates虽然种类很多,但大部分都是photosynthesis-derived carbon【11-40%】

② plant exudates的组成会受到植物自身与环境的影响

③ 已有的研究表明:plant exudates影响植物rhizosphere microbiota的组成:会吸引有益微生物,提高植物对环境的适应性

④ 已有的研究已经证实很多小的信号分子影响rhizosphere中植物与微生物的互作,但这些小分子只是exudates中的一小部分,而对于root exudate chemistry与microbial substrate preferences 之间的interaction还不清楚,作者希望研究这种interaction,找到rhizosphere中微生物群体的组成和演化的pattern

Result 1:分离培养了土壤中的细菌


土壤是一个微生物的bank,植物的微生物全部来源于此;rhizosphere对微生物的选择不是随机的,是有pattern的。为了研究燕麦root exudates与微生物间的关系,获得微生物是关键。


① 用多种培养基【暗示土壤中的细菌的生长需求不同】去分离soil【来源于燕麦的主产区】中的细菌【他们分离获得了Acidobacteria】

② 获得了289株细菌,其中39株测了基因组【16s可区分,覆盖全部phylum,实际环境中丰度高】



positive responderIncreased【19】Proteobacteria 和Actinobacteria
negative responderDecreased【8】Actinobacteria和Firmicutes


Result 2:不同Group细菌的基因组feature不同


1、2个group的菌generation time不一样

Positive responder的generation time比negative responder的长,在实验室中也证明了这一点。作者推测:生长速率慢的菌可能拥有更高的底物利用效率,这样的菌可能更适合在rhizosphere中生存

2、2各group的菌transporter和glycoside hydrolases有差异

Amino acids和organic acids transporter在positive responder中更富集;glycoside hydrolases在negative responder中更富集【作者推测:这是为了更容易吸收那些活性低的底物】

Result 3:燕麦不同生长阶段根系分泌物代谢物分析

在水培体系【可以更好地控制实验条件】中收集不同生长阶段的root exudates【主要是水溶性化合物】做分析

① Week 6与9的exudates metabolite profile相似,与week3和9相差明显【图a】

② 分析metabolite profile:Root exudates组成会随着植物生长时间发生变化【图b】

生长时间【图a】生长阶段定义Metabolite profile
Week 3Seedling stageSucrose and homoserine
Week 6 and 9Vegetative stageexudates整体上释放量最高,aromatic compounds
Week 12Senescence stageQuaternary ammonium salts and plant hormone

Result 4:Rhizosphere 细菌对root exudates的利用有偏好性

Result 5:Predicting microbial response to root growth based on exudate composition and isolate substrate preferences

① 用上述分析过基因组的那些菌构建model

Input菌基因组信息显示的exudate metabolite uptake preferences
规则build a principal component regression model
Outputmicrobial response to plant in rhizosphere

② 通过model得到的主要结论
细菌的relative abundance与exudates metabolite之间有strong relationship;exudates中有11个代谢物在model中表现突出,其中4个属于organic acids

③ 验证model
用4个Fig.2中的undefined的菌【知道菌的上下调关系,只是不显著】,这些菌的substrate uptake preferences作为predictors,经model分析后,有3个菌与实际样品中的表现一致,表明菌对代谢物的吸收特性可以作为predictor预测其在rhizosphere中表现

④ model的缺点
构建model时可以用的菌的数据有限,但是model预测的结果与Result 4很大程度一致


知识点 1:核糖体与 rRNA


【nature microbiology,letters,2016】
【关于growth rate与growth efficiency】
Exploiting rRNA operon copy number to investigate bacterial reproductive strategies

细菌基因组中rrn【ribosomal RNA operons 】拷贝数可以预测细菌的growth rate与growth efficiency 。



Eg. Functional traits of soil isolates in the context of the life in the rhizosphere.

【of soil isolate 修饰traits; in the context of the life 修饰isolates; in the rhizosphere修饰life】








① Given this co-evolution and the pivotal importance of plant–microbial interactions……【基于,鉴于】

② As slower-growing organisms can have higher substrate utilization efficiency, perhaps growth efficiency is
favoured over growth rate in the rhizosphere. 【As 的用法:as作副词,表示“同样地”;as作连词,引导状语从句;as作介词,“好像,当做”】

③ Plants secrete a cocktail of chemicals through their roots that vary in composition over plant developmental stages and nutritional status. 【介词,在这里相当于during】

④ Further global analysis of root exudate metabolite uptake by isolates
showed that the uptake of most root exudate metabolites was similar across isolates with a large percentage of major proteinogenic amino acids, nucleotides and sugars taken up by all isolates.【with作状语可以修饰谓语,可以修饰句子,作补充成分】

⑤ We then tested for significant differences in root exudate metabolite uptake across positive and negative responders to root growth.【= between】


参考文献23:Plant growth and phenolic compounds in the rhizosphere soil of wild oat (Avena fatua L.)【野生燕麦会产生酚类化合物,并释放至rhizosphere中】【frontiers in plant science,2013】

有这样一个自然现象:野生燕麦会影响crop的生长与产量,导致weed和crop之间的这种negative interaction可能是因为植物之间的allelopathy

什么是allelopathy呢?Allelopathy is defined as any positive or negative effects that one plant has over another through chemicals that escape into the environment through root exudation, leaching and volatilization, and through the decomposition of plant residues

已有报到发现:wild oat通过在rhizosphere中释放有毒物质【酚类化合物】抑制wheat的生长,实现allelopathy【但作用机制没有在这篇文章中提及】

参考文献42:Plant-Derived Sucrose Is a Key Element in the Symbiotic Association between Trichoderma virens【Tv】 and Maize Plants【sucrose影响plant-microbe interaction】【plant physiology,2009】

已知背景:① plant-derived Suc as a nutrient for fungal cells and also as part of the molecular dialogue between Trichoderma and root cells;② Inv是蔗糖水解酶,在很多致病真菌中存在,当真菌侵染植物时,lnv的表达上升;③ Trichoderma species are nonpathogenic, soil-borne (free-living) fungi that also colonize roots of numerous plants,它的好处主要表现为:protect crops against diseases and increase crop yield under field conditions

科学问题:the molecular mechanisms that govern the recognition and association between Trichoderma and their hosts are still largely unknown

主结论: plant-derived sucrose (Suc) is an important resource provided to Trichoderma cells and is also associated with the control of root

思路:利用酵母中的Inv,同源寻找Tv中的Inv→通过缺失Tv中的Inv,证明其确实可以编码有功能的Inv→Inv的缺失会抑制Tv的生长【在以Suc为碳源的培养基】→Inv的缺失会disturb【突变体表现为induce】 Tv定殖玉米的根→定殖于根的Tv通过降解植物来源的Suc促进植物叶片光合作用基因表达和光合速率


参考文献26:The role of flavonoids in root–rhizosphere signalling: opportunities and challenges for improving plant–microbe interactions 【Journal of experimental botany,2012】


① 黄酮类化合物【flavonoids】是苯丙素类代谢物,由很多代谢途径和成员组成【图1】

② flavonoids存在根中【图2】【但不确定是不是主要存在于根中】,是root exudates中的很大一部分

③ Flavonoids影响根瘤菌的结瘤,flavonoids作为化学引诱物吸引根瘤菌,enhance根瘤菌中nod基因的表达,促进结瘤过程

④ Flavonoids促进菌根真菌孢子萌发,菌丝分支和定殖植物的能力

⑤ Flavonoids可以抵抗根系病菌【真菌的研究较多】,以cell death的方式起到杀菌效果:化合物被氧化释放毒性活性离子导致cell death;降解膜上的ATP酶和线粒体呼吸电子传递体实现cell death

⑥ Flavonoids的其他功能:介导植物间的allelopathic,作为mimic影响rhizosphere中细菌的群体感应, and 螯合土壤营养元素

参考文献51:Tomato seed and root exudate sugars: composition, utilization by Pseudomonas biocontrol strains and role in rhizosphere colonization 【证明糖可以决定微生物的定殖,但微生物的定殖也可以不依赖糖,有2个重要结论】【Enviromental microbiology, 1999】

① glucose是tomato root exudates中主要的糖类,the ratios of these sugars were strongly dependent on the developmental stage

② 结论一:No correlation was observed between the colonizing ability of a strain
and its ability to use the major exudate sugars as the only carbon and energy source

③ 结论二:the ability to use exudate sugars does not play a major role in tomato

知识点6:参考文献14-拟南芥root exudates与root microbiota

Application of Natural Blends of Phytochemicals Derived from the Root Exudates of Arabidopsis to the Soil Reveal That Phenolic-related Compounds Predominantly Modulate the Soil Microbiome 【The journal of biological chemistry, 2013】

已知的背景:植物会通过release of phytochemicals 影响rhizosphere microbiome

科学问题:How these phytochemicals【root exudates】 could modulate the microbial composition of a soil inthe absence ofthe plant
实验方法:分离拟南芥root exudates,然后用其处理土壤【去除植物,种植过拟南芥】
拟南芥root exudates的组成:

The phenolics category includes organic acids, fatty acids, and aliphatic and aromatic amino acids.


① root exudates在不同的分类水平影响土壤微生物组成

② Exudates与微生物之间的作用方式:一种exudate可以culture不同的OTU;混合的exudate对某些OTU有相同的作用;一种exudate对不同的OTU表现的作用方式不同:stimulate or deterrent

③ phenolic-related compounds showed positive correlation with a higher number of unique OTUs compared with other groups of compounds (i.e. sugars, sugar alcohols, and amino acids)

Interestingly, the majority of compounds related to phenolics, sugars, sugar alcohols, and amino acids did not show correlation with the phyla Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes.


gaoch 05-01 热心肠日报
① 通过比较基因组学和代谢组学等方法,研究土壤微生物分离株和根系分泌物在植物-微生物互作中的作用;② 比较基因组学分析39个分离株,发现随植物根系生长而增加/减少的细菌之间,生长速度、基因组大小、多种基因的拷贝数显著不同;③ 代谢组学分析植物根系分泌物,发现根际细菌喜欢消耗芳香有机酸(烟碱,莽草酸,水杨酸,肉桂酸和吲哚-3-乙酸)成分,但两种细菌底物偏好性仍然存在差异;④ 植物通过根系分泌物调节根际菌群,促进自身生长。


  1. Zhalnina, K., et al. (2018). “Dynamic root exudate chemistry and microbial substrate preferences drive patterns in rhizosphere microbial community assembly.” Nat Microbiol 3(4): 470-480.

  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm./pubmed/29556109

  3. https://www./articles/s41564-018-0129-3

  4. http://dx./10.1038/s41564-018-0129-3

  5. https://www./papers/read/1041266812?kf=mobile.search


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