

 一路高歌666 2018-07-29

英语中的宾语从句一般都紧跟在及物动词之后,但是,由于表达内容的不同需求,宾语从句有时候可能被其它句子成分隔开,这种宾语从句就叫分隔宾语从句(separate  objective  clause )。这种语言现象在英语中可以说俯拾即是。现在,我把分隔宾语从句的各种情形作一介绍,供大家学习时参考。


1、 被时间状语隔开:

I wondered what I should do after this, and decided some weeks later that I could not imagine myself spending the rest of my days dealing with machines.   我不知道从此以后我该怎么办,几周之后我拿定了主意,此后的日子再跟机器打交道简直是不可想象的。

I realized, in the few anxious, busy moments that followed, that this was it.  在随后的那些紧张、忙碌的时刻,我意识到这就是它。

So I noticed now that his face had lost some of its color .因此,我现在注意到了他脸上已失去了一些往日的色彩。

I know now that I should have a guard to watch the bank every night. 现在我才知道,我应该找个警卫晚上看守银行了。

I knew now what this war and all the fighting was about. 此刻,我明白了这场战争以及为此而进行的一切战斗的意义了。

I knew then that I would never find another man who will love me as much as my husband does. 那时我知道我再也找不到比我丈夫更爱我的人了。

The coming of this sailing boat to London proved once again that the Chinese could sail to distant countries in the world. 这只帆船来到伦敦,又一次证明了中国人能够航行到很远的国家。

The absence of treasure proved again and again that the thieves had been there before them. 财宝的失踪一次又一次地证明窃贼曾先于他们到过那儿。

Dad was in a rage, and I thought for an instant that the test had come.  爹大怒,我也马上想到了考验已经来到。

Everyone realizes today that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left.  现在,大家都意识到,如果海里的鱼捕得太多,很快就会一个不剩了。

I found out one time that doing a favor for someone could get you into a lot of trouble.  我曾发现,给别人帮忙会给自己招来许多麻烦。

Not so in England, where we never know from one day to the next what is store for us. 英国则不然,在那儿我们从来就预料不到第二天等待我们的是什么样的天气。

I’m going to ask tomorrow if I can finish out the week. Then I’ll resign. 明天我去问一下能不能把这一周做满,然后,我就辞职。

So I could tell, that day I first saw him, that he was asking with dignity, not pleading, for the loan of a fisherman’s small boat. 那天我第一次见到他时,他正向一个渔民租用一条小船。可以看出,他的态度不卑不亢,完全不象是在乞求。

Nobody knew then that the earth was a planet. 当时谁也不知道地球是个行星。

The blue eyes of Jean Grace brought him out of that world of self-pity and made him remember again all that he had lost. 吉恩·格雷斯的蓝眼睛让他走出了自怜的天地,让他再一次记起了他所失去的一切。

I told you before, the night that I visited you in your room, that I would do anything to help you. 我以前告诉过你,也就是我到你房间看望你的那个晚上,我会尽最多努力帮你。

2、 被方式状语隔开:

He said too that China’s fighters would know how to remember their friends, and someday, how to repay them .他也说中国的战士知道怎样记住他们的朋友,并且有朝一日怎样报答那些朋友。

    He realized, as had others before him, that since the ancient pieces were valuable, all the inshore places must have been searched and emptied of their treasure.  像他人一样,他也意识到由于这些海底古物很值钱,几乎所有的浅海都被人搜空了。

He replied as gently as he could that Jenny’s blood test had been repeated three times .  他尽可能温和地回答说,詹妮的血已经验过三次了。

So today doctors can find out by X-rays whether a patient has tuberculosis, for example, or cancer, in time to be able to cure it. 所以现在医生能够通过X光发现病人是否有肺结核或者癌症,以便能及时治愈。

Some would say they had never dreamed of anything, adding perhaps, that they never dream.  一些人会说他们什么也没梦见过,可能还会补充说,他们连梦都没做过。

A noted scientist, Ellsworth Huntington (1876---1947), concluded from other men’s work and his own among peoples in different climates that climate and temperature have a definite effect on the mental abilities. 一位著名的科学家埃尔沃思·亨廷顿,从他人和他自己对不同气候中的人所做的调查中得出结论,气候和气温对智力产生一定的影响。

I knew instinctively that he was not an RAF man.  我本能地感觉到他不是一名英国皇家空军。

By the time I realized with astonishment that  Dr. Berkson was enjoying his memories.  这时,我惊奇地意识到伯克森医生对往事津津乐道。

We had learned from experience that August 21 was the day when the hotel would begin to make money.  我们根据经验得知,821号就是旅馆开始赚钱的日子。

Others circled the world faster than Magellan after he had demonstrated to everybody’s satisfaction that it was round, yet Magellan’s accomplishment lost none of its magnificence. 这正如许多人绕行地球一圈也许比麦哲伦快,但却丝毫不能抹杀麦哲伦证明地球是圆的这个功绩一样。

Human beings show their superiority to the brutes by their capacity for boredom,though I have sometimes thought, in examining the apes at the zoo, that they, perhaps, have the rudiments of this tiresome emotion. 人类比野兽高级还表现在它们会产生厌倦情绪,尽管在动物园里我观察到猿也有相似情绪的迹象。

He saw by her face that her strength had gone. 从她的脸上可以看出,她已经没有力气了。

I therefore hope from the bottom of my heart that you distinguished IOC members will help them realize their long-cherished aspirations. 因此我衷心地希望尊敬的奥委会委员们能帮助他们实现这一期待已久的愿望。


 Now it is possible to find out much faster which planes are full and which planes still have seats on them . 现在能够查出哪些飞机已经满座了,哪些飞机还有空位,而且查询比过去迅速多了。

I discovered to my surprise that about half the things were true .我吃惊地发现,大约有一半都是真的。

The bank president knew quite well that Joe would return a few nights later, but he never did get a policeman.银行行长非常清楚,几个晚上之后乔会回来的,但他确实从未找过警察。

But we did know for sure we’d better get there in a hurry .可是我们确实知道,我们最好还是快点赶到那儿。

I could tell straight away that he was an Uxbridge man .我能马上判断出他是约克桥人。

Each of the three parts does different jobs, but no one knows for certain how the brain works .这三部分分工各不相同,但是没有人确切地知道大脑到底是怎样工作的。


We heard on the radio that a storm may be on its way .我们听收音机上说,一场暴风雨就要到来。

I saw on the faces of some of them that they’d grudged lending their readers and would always regret this .我从一些孩子的脸上看出,他们曾因不愿把书借给她而懊悔不已。

We must keep in mind that our customs and habits are different from theirs . 要记住,我们的风俗习惯和他们的不一样。

We know from ancient sources that her hair was a reddish color, wavy.我们从古代流传下来的资料中了解到,她的头发是浅红色、波浪形的。

Kevia announced on the official Backstreet Boys site that he’s leaving the Backstreet Boys to pursue other interests, saying: “After 13 years of what can only be described as a dream come true, I have decided that it is time to leave the Backstreet Boys. 凯文在后街男孩的官方网站上发表声明,为另谋发展决定退出该组合:“整整13年,这13年来,我的所有梦想都成真了。所以我想,现在是我该退出的时候了。”


I had to actually dig a few holes before Dad discovered what I was doing so I could prove to him that my idea was a good one .在父亲发现之前我必须挖出几个洞,以此来证明我的主意不错。

By believing in himself, pushing himself to his furthest limits, and proving to others that the human body could accomplish what had once seemed far beyond it, Roger Bannister led the way where no one had been before . 罗杰·班尼斯特信心十足,超越了自我,向世人证明人体能够完成前人所不敢企望的业绩,从而开始一个新的时代。

She explained to me that this situation was most unusual, but that did not make me a special-special child . 她对我说,这种情形非同寻常,可是那并没有让我成为一个很特殊的孩子。

A German speaker at the factory pointed out to the sales manager that the British name of the car meant “ animal waste” in German .工厂里一个说德语的人给销售经理指出:英语中使用的名称在德语中的意思是 “牲口的粪便”。

Don’t do to others what you don’t like to be done to you .己所不欲,勿施于人。

二、            被间接宾语隔开:

I just nodded, to show Jenny that I would be happy to do anything in the world for her .我只是点了点头,以向詹妮表明我乐意为她做任何事情。

And for the first time in my life, I shouted at grownups, telling them that I would give them the same if they bothered me .我一生中第一次对成年人大喊大叫,告诉他们如果他们的孩子再找我的麻烦,我还要揍他们。

That evening I told my mother what had happened, but she made no comment . 那天晚上我告诉了母亲所发生的事情,可是她什么也没说。

I asked each of the professionals I interviewed whether I had done the right thing in keeping silent when I overheard the mother calling her child a coward .我就问我采访的每一位专业人员,当我无意中听到那位母亲说她的小孩是胆小鬼时我却保持沉默,这种做法是否合适。

Another experienced teacher told the paper that such a formal exam is not only testing students knowledge background, but their psychological strength .另一位有经验的老师告诉记者,如此正规的考试不但考查学生的知识,而且还测试他们的心理承受能力。

Officials in charge of the enrollment work told Xinhua that on-line enrollment has improved efficiency and ensured the fairness of the enrollment work .负责录取的官员告诉记者说,网上录取既提高了工作效率,又保证了录取工作的公正性。

It shows other people that you are indeed paying attention and that you consider what they are telling you important .这就向他人表明了你确实在留意对方,并且认为对方讲的内容很重要。

三、            被宾语补足语隔开:

But please do everything you possibly can to make sure it doesn’t hurt her .可是请尽你所能以确保这件事不会伤害她。

If one day you have a chance to visit their village and see many people crying together, don’t take it for granted that they feel very sad .假如有朝一日你有机会参观他们的村子,并且看到许多人在一块儿哭,不要想当然地认为他们就非常悲伤。

四、            被形式宾语隔开:

I take it that you’re the commander of the U-boat out there in the Lough .我认为你就是那艘停泊在罗斯威利港的德国潜艇的指挥官。

五、            被插入语隔开:

An abusive parent may feel, for instance, that an infant is crying not as an expression of hunger or fear, but because the baby is “bad” or “out to get me” .比如说,一个粗暴的父母可能认为,幼儿的哭不是因为饥饿、恐惧,而是因为它“坏”或者“和我作对”。

I know, of course, that most vegetables, to be enjoyed in their full deliciousness, must be picked fresh and cooked at once . 我当然知道,要想真正的鲜美,大部分蔬菜都得现摘现做。

He had not known, of course, that she needed him . 当然他不知道她需要自己。

He said, flat out, that I had to straighten up, for my parents’ sake and my son .他干脆地说,为了我父母也为了我自己,我得振作起来。

It is important to remember, also, that we learn our own language by hearing people speak it, not by seeing what they write. 记住这一点也很重要,我们学自己的语言是通过听人们说的,而不是看人们写的。

六、            被称呼语隔开:

But I wanted to say, Joe, that none of it would have happened without the love and belief you gave me that summer in 1957.乔,我想说的是,假如没有1957年那个夏天你给我的爱和信心,这一切都不会发生。

七、            被多重成分隔开:

I told her quietly that I had finished the whole book .(间接宾语、方式状语) 我平静地告诉她,我已经看完了整本书。

When he was asked by his girlfriend one evening how he had suddenly got so much money to spend, Wilson explained that he had a very rich uncle who lived abroad and posted him money nearly each month .(方式状语、时间状语) 一天晚上,威尔逊的女朋友问他怎么突然有那么多钱的时候,他说他有个非常有钱的叔叔住在国外,几乎每个月都要给他寄钱。

If anyone had told me back when I was flipping the coin that I was going to be some Big Man on Campus, I would have laughed in his face .(间接宾语、时间状语)我掷硬币的时候要是有人告诉我,我将成为校园名人,我会当面笑话他的。

It was nearly Christmas when I heard her told Dad one night that a good job was available at the radio station .(间接宾语、时间状语)临近圣诞节的一天晚上,我听见她告诉父亲说,电台有一份好工作可以去做。

“We knew,” he continued, “that her father might intercept a letter, so we agreed that I would simply mail her a slip of paper with a date on it, the time she was to meet me at a certain place .”(主语、谓语)他继续说道:“我们知道她父亲可能会截取我的信,因此,我们商定,我只寄给她一张纸条,写上日期,以及她到某个地方见我的时间。”

I could see at once from his bright eyes and the smile on his face that the uniform was a disguise .(时间状语、方式状语)从他发光的眼睛和脸上的微笑可以立刻看出,他穿的那套制服是一种伪装。


I’ve found in books new friends, new societies, new words .我已经在书本中发现了新朋友、新社会和新的词汇。

Early European travelers to  China took back to their own countries the seeds of fruit trees that they had not seen before .早期到中国来的欧洲旅行者把他们以前没有见到过的果树的种子带回到自己的国家。

It was said that he found in music the peace which was missing in a world full of wars and killings .据说,他在音乐中找到了在一个充满战争与杀戮的世界上所失去的和平。

He wanted more and more to turn round and look at the figure .他越来越想转过身去看看那个身影。

In that moment, feeling Mother’s back racked with emotion, I understood for the first time her vulnerability 抚摸着妈妈由于动情而抽动着的后背,我才第一次懂了她的脆弱。.

He returned holding in both hands a wine basket in which a dark bottle lay .他回来时,两手提着酒篮,里边放着一个暗色的瓶子。

Now he drew in through his lips a thin breath of air .这时,他微启双唇,吸进一丝空气。

America will never again have as a nation the spirit of adventure as it did before the West was settled .作为一个民族,美国再也不会像西方被定居前那样富于冒险精神了。

When young Bissell set off for life, his mother believes he carried with him seeds that would led to his destruction .年轻的比斯尔走入生活的时候,他母亲认为他身上带有导致他毁灭的因素。

To the piano player she said hoarsely, “Can you imagine, Joseph, soup on Christmas Eve ?”她声音嘶哑地对钢琴演奏者说:“约瑟夫,你能想象得到圣诞除夕只喝碗汤吗?”

Yet the man who becomes really wealthy begins almost at once to complain of the staggering sum of money he is called on to pay every year in direct taxes .但是真正富了的人几乎马上就要抱怨每年上缴的数目惊人的税款。

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