
Emergency ABCDE

 昵称55639316 2018-08-02

The ABCDE approach


Underlying principles


The approach to all deteriorating or critically ill patients is the same. The underlying principles are:


Use the Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure (ABCDE) approach to assess and treat the patient.

Do a complete initial assessment and re-assess regularly.


Treat life-threatening problems before moving to the next part of assessment.


Assess the effects of treatment.


Recognise when you will need extra help. Call for appropriate help early.


Use all members of the team. This enables interventions (e.g. assessment, attaching monitors, intravenous access), to be undertaken simultaneously.

充分调动你的团队成员。如 接好心电监护仪,建议静脉通道,外周静脉,骨髓通路,各人员同时进行,同时进行。。。。

Communicate effectively - use the Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR) or Reason, Story, Vital signs, Plan (RSVP) approach.


The aim of the initial treatment is to keep the patient alive, and achieve some clinical improvement. This will buy time for further treatment and making a diagnosis.


Remember – it can take a few minutes for treatments to work, so wait a short while before reassessing the patient after an intervention.


First steps


Ensure personal safety. Wear apron and gloves as appropriate.


First look at the patient in general to see if the patient appears unwell.


If the patient is awake, ask “How are you?”. If the patient appears unconscious or has collapsed, shake him and ask “Are you alright?” If he responds normally he has a patent airway, is breathing and has brain perfusion. If he speaks only in short sentences, he may have breathing problems. Failure of the patient to respond is a clear marker of critical illness.

如患者神志清楚,向患者询问,你哪里不舒服。如果患者意识丧失,摇晃他并大声呼喊 你怎么了,你怎么了。如果患者能清醒的回答,提示患者 气道OK,呼吸OK ,,脑灌注OK。如果患者只能说出简短的语句,可能提示 存在呼吸问题。患者对外界刺激无任何反应, 危险信号,,,,患者随时可能死亡。

This first rapid ‘Look, Listen and Feel” of the patient should take about 30 s and will often indicate a patient is critically ill and there is a need for urgent help. Ask a colleague to ensure appropriate help is coming.


If the patient is unconscious, unresponsive, and is not breathing normally (occasional gasps are not normal) start CPR according to the resuscitation guidelines. If you are confident and trained to do so, feel for a pulse to determine if the patient has a respiratory arrest. If there are any doubts about the presence of a pulse start CPR.


Monitor the vital signs early. Attach a pulse oximeter, ECG monitor and a non-invasive blood pressure monitor to all critically ill patients, as soon as possible.


Insert an intravenous cannula as soon as possible. Take bloods for investigation when inserting the intravenous cannula.


Airway (A)


Airway obstruction is an emergency. Get expert help immediately. Untreated, airway obstruction causes hypoxia and risks damage to the brain, kidneys and heart, cardiac arrest, and death. 


Look for the signs of airway obstruction:


Airway obstruction causes paradoxical chest and abdominal movements (‘see-saw’ respirations) and the use of the accessory muscles of respiration. Central cyanosis is a late sign of airway obstruction. In complete airway obstruction, there are no breath sounds at the mouth or nose. In partial obstruction, air entry is diminished and often noisy.


In the critically ill patient, depressed consciousness often leads to airway obstruction.

危重患者,,,,,,意识障碍后 舌后坠及气道大量分泌物继发气道梗阻。。。

Treat airway obstruction as a medical emergency:


In most cases, only simple methods of airway clearance are required (e.g. airway opening manoeuvres, airways suction, insertion of an oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal airway). Tracheal intubation may be required when these fail.


Give oxygen at high concentration:


Provide high-concentration oxygen using a mask with oxygen reservoir. Ensure that the oxygen flow is sufficient (usually 15 L min-1) to prevent collapse of the reservoir during inspiration. If the patient’s trachea is intubated, give high concentration oxygen with a self-inflating bag.


In acute respiratory failure, aim to maintain an oxygen saturation of 94–98%. In patients at risk of hypercapnic respiratory failure (see below) aim for an oxygen saturation of 88–92%.

急性呼衰,保持指末氧94–98%,II型呼衰,保持指末氧 88–92%.

Breathing (B)


During the immediate assessment of breathing, it is vital to diagnose and treat immediately life-threatening conditions (e.g. acute severe asthma, pulmonary oedema, tension pneumo thorax, and massive haemothorax).


Look, listen and feel for the general signs of respiratory distress: sweating, central cyanosis, use of the accessory muscles of respiration, and abdominal breathing.

Count the respiratory rate. The normal rate is 12–20 breaths min-1. A high (> 25 min-1) or increasing respiratory rate is a marker of illness and a warning that the patient may deteriorate suddenly.

看、听,感应呼吸窘迫的体征,如 出汗,,中央性紫绀,动用呼吸辅助肌肉,腹式呼吸。


Assess the depth of each breath, the pattern (rhythm) of respiration and whether chest expansion is equal on both sides.


Note any chest deformity (this may increase the risk of deterioration in the ability to breathe normally); look for a raised jugular venous pulse (JVP) (e.g. in acute severe asthma or a tension pneumothorax); note the presence and patency of any chest drains; remember that abdominal distension may limit diaphragmatic movement, thereby worsening respiratory distress.


Record the inspired oxygen concentration (%) and the SpO2reading of the pulse oximeter. The pulse oximeter does not detect hypercapnia. If the patient is receiving supplemental oxygen, the SpO2 may be normal in the presence of a very high PaCO2.

记录吸入氧浓度,指末氧读数,指末氧无法反应高碳酸血症,给氧后氧正常,但二氧化碳分压可以 非常高。

Listen to the patient’s breath sounds a short distance from his face: rattling airway noises indicate the presence of airway secretions, usually caused by the inability of the patient to cough sufficiently or to take a deep breath. Stridor or wheeze suggests partial, but significant, airway obstruction.

凑近患者脸部仔细听,,,,,气道卡嗒音提示  分泌物多,提示患者自主咳嗽能力差,无法进行深呼吸,喘鸣或喘息提示部分,,,,或完全气道梗阻。。。。

Percuss the chest: hyper-resonance may suggest a pneumothorax; dullness usually indicates consolidation or pleural fluid.


Auscultate the chest: bronchial breathing indicates lung consolidation with patent airways; absent or reduced sounds suggest a pneumothorax or pleural fluid or lung consolidation caused by complete obstruction.

胸部听诊,支气管呼吸音提示 肺实变但气道通畅,,,,呼吸音减弱或消失提示气胸或胸水,,或肺不张。

Check the position of the trachea in the suprasternal notch: deviation to one side indicates mediastinal shift (e.g. pneumothorax, lung fibrosis or pleural fluid).

Feel the chest wall to detect surgical emphysema or crepitus (suggesting a pneumothorax until proven otherwise).


The specific treatment of respiratory disorders depends upon the cause. Nevertheless, all critically ill patients should be given oxygen. In a subgroup of patients with COPD, high concentrations of oxygen may depress breathing (i.e. they are at risk of hypercapnic respiratory failure - often referred to as type 2 respiratory failure). 

处理呼吸障碍取决于致病因素,所有呼吸危重患者应给氧。COPD II型呼衰患者避免高浓度给氧。

Nevertheless, these patients will also sustain end-organ damage or cardiac arrest if their blood oxygen tensions are allowed to decrease. In this group, aim for a lower than normal PaO2 and oxygen saturation. 


Give oxygen via a Venturi 28% mask (4 L min-1) or a 24% Venturi mask (4 L min-1) initially and reassess. Aim for target SpO2 range of 88–92% in most COPD patients, but evaluate the target for each patient based on the patient’s arterial blood gas measurements during previous exacerbations (if available). Some patients with chronic lung disease carry an oxygen alert card (that documents their target saturation) and their own appropriate Venturi mask.



If the patient’s depth or rate of breathing is judged to be inadequate, or absent, use bag-mask or pocket mask ventilation to improve oxygenation and ventilation, whilst calling immediately for expert help. In cooperative patients who do not have airway obstruction consider the use of non-invasive ventilation (NIV). In patients with an acute exacerbation of COPD, the use of NIV is often helpful and prevents the need for tracheal intubation and invasive ventilation.


Circulation (C)

循环 循环 循环 循环 循环 循环 循环 循环 

In almost all medical and surgical emergencies, consider hypovolaemia to be the primary cause of shock, until proven otherwise.


Unless there are obvious signs of a cardiac cause, give intravenous fluid to any patient with cool peripheries and a fast heart rate. In surgical patients, rapidly exclude haemorrhage (overt or hidden). Remember that breathing problems, such as a tension pneumothorax, can also compromise a patient’s circulatory state. This should have been treated earlier on in the assessment. 


Look at the colour of the hands and digits: are they blue, pink, pale or mottled?


Assess the limb temperature by feeling the patient’s hands: are they cool or warm?


Measure the capillary refill time (CRT). Apply cutaneous pressure for 5 s on a fingertip held at heart level (or just above) with enough pressure to cause blanching. 


Time how long it takes for the skin to return to the colour of the surrounding skin after releasing the pressure. The normal value for CRT is usually < 2="" s.="" a="" prolonged="" crt="" suggests="" poor="" peripheral="" perfusion.="" other="" factors="" (e.g.="" cold="" surroundings,="" poor="" lighting,="" old="" age)="" can="" prolong="">


Assess the state of the veins: they may be underfilled or collapsed when hypovolaemia is present.


Count the patient’s pulse rate (or preferably heart rate by listening to the heart with a stethoscope).


Palpate peripheral and central pulses, assessing for presence, rate, quality, regularity and equality. Barely palpable central pulses suggest a poor cardiac output, whilst a bounding pulse may indicate sepsis.


Measure the patient’s blood pressure. Even in shock, the blood pressure may be normal, because compensatory mechanisms increase peripheral resistance in response to reduced cardiac output. A low diastolic blood pressure suggests arterial vasodilation (as in anaphylaxis or sepsis). A narrowed pulse pressure (difference between systolic and diastolic pressures; normally 35–45 mmHg) suggests arterial vasoconstriction (cardiogenic shock or hypovolaemia) and may occur with rapid tachyarrhythmia.

血压测量。即使处于休克状态,血压可能仍正常,因为机体代偿机制在心输出量下降时可以增加外周血管阻力以保持正常血压。低舒张压提示动脉扩张,如过敏性休克、或脓毒症,即液体向第三间隙丢失。脉压减小,正常为35–45 mmH 提示动脉收缩,存在于心源性休克或低血容量状态,或快速型心律失常

Auscultate the heart. Is there a murmur or pericardial rub? Are the heart sounds difficult to hear? Does the audible heart rate correspond to the pulse rate?


Look for other signs of a poor cardiac output, such as reduced conscious level and, if the patient has a urinary catheter, oliguria (urine volume < 0.5="" ml="">


Look thoroughly for external haemorrhage from wounds or drains or evidence of concealed haemorrhage (e.g. thoracic, intra-peritoneal, retroperitoneal or into gut). Intra-thoracic, intra-abdominal or pelvic blood loss may be significant, even if drains are empty.


The specific treatment of cardiovascular collapse depends on the cause, but should be directed at fluid replacement, haemorrhage control and restoration of tissue perfusion. Seek the signs of conditions that are immediately life threatening (e.g. cardiac tamponade, massive or continuing haemorrhage, septicaemic shock), and treat them urgently.


Insert one or more large (14 or 16 G) intravenous cannulae. Use short, wide-bore cannulae, because they enable the highest flow.

建立一路或更多路的 14或16G 粗针头的静脉通路。输液管路尽可能短而粗,使能够以最快的输液速度输注入人体。


Take blood from the cannula for routine haematological, biochemical, coagulation and microbiological investigations, and cross-matching, before infusing intravenous fluid.

在输入液体前从静脉穿刺针留取血标本 行常规血常规、生化,凝血,微生物学、及交叉配血等检查。

Give a bolus of 500 mL of warmed crystalloid solution (e.g. Hartmann's solution or 0.9% sodium chloride) over less than 15 min if the patient is hypotensive. Use smaller volumes (e.g. 250 mL) for patients with known cardiac failure or trauma and use closer monitoring (listen to the chest for crackles after each bolus).


Reassess the heart rate and BP regularly (every 5 min), aiming for the patient’s normal BP or, if this is unknown, a target > 100 mmHg systolic.


If the patient does not improve, repeat the fluid challenge. Seek expert help if there is a lack of response to repeated fluid boluses.

如患者循环状态无改善,可重复输注上述液体量,反复输注后患者无反应,应寻求专业帮助 ,如请ICU等医生会诊。

If symptoms and signs of cardiac failure (dyspnoea, increased heart rate, raised JVP, a third heart sound and pulmonary crackles on auscultation) occur, decrease the fluid infusion rate or stop the fluids altogether. Seek alternative means of improving tissue perfusion (e.g. inotropes or vasopressors).

如果存在心衰的症状体征,如呼吸困难、心率加快,静外静脉充盈或怒张,第三心音或肺部湿性啰音,减慢输液速度或停止输液。加用强心药 如多巴酚丁胺、或血压收缩剂 ,如去甲肾以改善组织灌注。

If the patient has primary chest pain and a suspected ACS, record a 12-lead ECG early.


Immediate general treatment for ACS includes:


Aspirin 300 mg, orally, crushed or chewed, as soon as possible.

立即嚼服、或碾碎后口服300mg 阿司匹林,怀疑心梗,联合口服氯吡格雷 或替格瑞洛,可参考相关ACS的指南。

Nitroglycerine, as sublingual glyceryl trinitrate (tablet or spray).


Oxygen: only give oxygen if the patient’s SpO2 is less than 94% breathing air alone.


Morphine (or diamorphine) titrated intravenously to avoid sedation and respiratory depression.


Disability (D)


Common causes of unconsciousness include profound hypoxia, hypercapnia, cerebral hypoperfusion, or the recent administration of sedatives or analgesic drugs.


Review and treat the ABCs: exclude or treat hypoxia and hypotension.


Check the patient’s drug chart for reversible drug-induced causes of depressed consciousness. Give an antagonist where appropriate (e.g. naloxone for opioid toxicity).


Examine the pupils (size, equality and reaction to light).


Make a rapid initial assessment of the patient’s conscious level using the AVPU method: Alert, responds to Vocal stimuli, responds to Painful stimuli or Unresponsive to all stimuli. Alternatively, use the Glasgow Coma Scale score. A painful stimuli can be given by applying supra-orbital pressure (at the supraorbital notch).


Measure the blood glucose to exclude hypoglycaemia using a rapid finger-prick bedside testing method. In a peri-arrest patient use a venous or arterial blood sample for glucose measurement as finger prick sample glucose measurements can be unreliable in sick patients. Follow local protocols for management of hypoglycaemia. 


For example, if the blood sugar is less than 4.0 mmol L-1 in an unconscious patient, give an initial dose of 50 mL of 10% glucose solution intravenously. If necessary, give further doses of intravenous 10% glucose every minute until the patient has fully regained consciousness, or a total of 250 mL of 10% glucose has been given. 

意识障碍的患者,如果血糖低于4mmol/L,初始可予50ml 10% GS 静脉推注,接着再持续推注10%GS,直到患者意识恢复,或总量达到250ml,不推高糖可能是因为在未建立中心静脉前外周高糖刺激性比较大,老外很讲人文关怀。

Repeat blood glucose measurements to monitor the effects of treatment. If there is no improvement consider further doses of 10% glucose. Specific national guidance exists for the management of hypoglycaemia in adults with diabetes mellitus.


Nurse unconscious patients in the lateral position if their airway is not protected.


Exposure (E)


To examine the patient properly full exposure of the body may be necessary. Respect the patient’s dignity and minimise heat loss.


Additional information 


Take a full clinical history from the patient, any relatives or friends, and other staff.


Review the patient’s notes and charts:


Study both absolute and trended values of vital signs.


Check that important routine medications are prescribed and being given.


Review the results of laboratory or radiological investigations.


Consider which level of care is required by the patient (e.g. ward, HDU, ICU).


Make complete entries in the patient’s notes of your findings, assessment and treatment. Where necessary, hand over the patient to your colleagues.


Record the patient’s response to therapy.


Consider definitive treatment of the patient’s underlying condition.



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