

 德天老师 2019-07-14


Unit 1重点短语

1. have sth in common                (与某物)有共同的特点

2. dress as                           打扮;装扮成

3. drive sb/sth from / out of sp           迫使(某人或某物)从某处离开

4. the Nobel Peace Prize                诺贝尔和平奖

5. concern oneself with /about sth        使自己关心某事

6.devote oneself to sth                 献身于……专心于……

7. encourage sb to do sth               鼓励某人做某事

8. wake up                          苏醒

9. wander off                        走失;走散;偏离

10. work out                         弄清;理解

11.be determined to do sth              决心做某事

12. look down on / upon                瞧不起

13. do research on                     研究

14. be busy in doing sth / with sth         忙于……

15. care for                          照顾;照看

16. be intended for                    ……准备

17. show consideration to sb.            体贴某人

18. deliver a baby                     接生

19. carry on (with) sth.                 继续

20. as well as                         

21. asas possible                    尽可能……

22. lead alife                       过着……生活

23.refer to                           查阅;提到;指的是

24. rather than                        而非;倒不如

25. free from                         没有……的;免除……

26. come across                       偶然遇见

27.by chance                         碰巧;凑巧

28.argue for                         ……而争辩

29. argue with sb about /over sth         与某人因某事而争辩

30. be considered as                   ……看作


1. However, the evening makes it all worthwhile.

2. She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.

3. This means going back to a place where we left the chimp family sleeping in a tree the night.

4. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin.

5. Further reading made me realize that it was hard work and determination as well as her good nature that had got her into medical school.

Unit 2   重点短语

1.work the land             耕种土地

2. for the past five decades          在过去的五十年间

3. search for /search sb           寻找/搜某人的身

4. thanks to              多亏/由于……

5. rid sb/sp. of sth.            使摆脱/消除

6. be satisfied with            满意

7. care about/for            在乎/喜欢,照料

8. would rather(not) do sth.        宁愿(不)做……

9 be equipped with           配备,装备……

10.with the hope of           怀着……希望

11.make a difference            产生影响/区别

12. cause damage to            造成对……损坏

13. as well as               既…………

14. build up               逐渐增强;建立开发

15. lead to                         导致

16.in addition                     除此而外

17. focus on                    集中于

18. keep  free of/from            使免受(影响,伤害)

19. be rich in                   富含

20. avoid doing sth.                 避免做……


1. Yuan Long ping considers himself a farmer.

2. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce…

3. Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.

4. Crops such as peas or soybeans put…, making it ready for crops such as wheat or corn that need rich and fertile soil.

Unit 3重点短语

1. up to now                          直到现在

2. break into                          闯入,破门而入

3. drive… from                        ……驱赶,驱逐

4. in between                          在两者之间

5. feel/be content with                   ……感到满足

6. badly off                            穷的,缺乏的

7. as if/though                          好像

8. pick out                             挑选出辨别出

9. cut off                              切断,断绝

10. star in                             担任主角,主演

11. make use of                         利用

12. overcome the difficulties               克服困难

13. be overcome by/with                  被(感情)政府,使无能为力

14. pretend to do sth                     假装做某事

15. match…with…                       …………相搭配

16. bring out                            显露发挥

17. in particular                          特殊地,特别地

18. be particular about/over sth             ……挑剔

19. be astonished at sth                    对某事感到惊讶

20. to one’s astonishment                  令人感到惊讶的是

21. convince sb of sth                     使某人相信某事


1. You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk.

2. How did the little tramp make a sad situation entertaining?

3. Here is an example from one of his most famous films, The Gold Rush.

Unit 4 重点短语

1. represent …as/ to be …           ……描述成,宣称

2. be curious about                 ……感到好奇

3. be curious to do sth.              很想做…… 渴望做……

4. out of curiosity                  出于好奇心

5. make approaches to sb            想法接近某人

6. the approach to                  通往……的路,做……的方法

7. defend against/ from              保卫……以免受……

8. take … as one’s major= major in    主修……

9. sb/sth be likely to do             某人/某事很可能……

10. It is likely/probable/possible that…  很可能,有希望

11. in general = generally speaking =generally

12. function as                      ……的作用,具有……的功能

13. at ease                          舒适,快活,自由自在

14. put/set sb at (one’s )ease           使某人舒适,不拘束

15. take one’s ease                   休息,放松一下

16. with ease = easily                 熟练地,轻而易举地

17. lose face                        丢脸

18. turn one’s back to                 背对,背弃

19. communicate with                 ……交流

20. kiss sb on the cheek                亲吻某人的脸颊

21. be impressed with                 ……印象深刻

22. turn one’s head away               把头扭向一边

23. look away from people             把目光从某人身上移开

24. be respectful to                    ……表示尊重

25. be wrong about sb                 误解某人

26. in most cases                      在大多数情况下

27. someone of a higher rank            地位高的人

28. be used for                       被用来

29. make a statement on …             发表关于……的声明


1. Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.

2. The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Columbia…

3. After half an hour waiting for their flight to arrive, I saw several young people enter the waiting

4. Tony approached Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.

Unit 5  重点短语

1. be famous for ……出名

2. sb be familiar with sth     某人熟悉某物

sth be familiar with sb 某物对某人来讲很熟悉

3. make a dream come true 使梦想成真

4. in a parade 成队游行

5. no wonder 难怪

6. in the old-fashioned way 以古老的方式

7. be modeled after/on/upon     ……为榜样

8. the minority group 少数民族

9. the most advanced technology     最先进的技术

10. get close to 接近……

11. come to life 恢复生机

12. in advance 提前

13. within easy reach of… ……很近

14. take a trip to… ……旅行

15. take a ride on… 乘坐……

16. a variety of = various 多种多样的


1. Whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you!

2. If you want to have fun and more than fun, come to Disneyland!

3. The amazing, up-to-date information together with many opportunities for hands-on learning makes the world come to life in a completely new way for visitors.

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